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Hard crash upon entering church at Perishton


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I had the game crash twice on SP when entering the large Perishton church via the basement( where the library section is with a loose board floor.  Shortly after entering the screen goes black emits a constant buzzing, I assume this is the music and sfx stuck upon the crash.  No keyboard response, a power button shutdown was necessary.  This happened on two different saves so I have gotten it to repeat.  The second time was today(8/27) so I will attach the logs for that session.


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It seems like the world header file and backup file were both corrupted (at the very start of the log), did you happen to lose power or something, or is this when you force shut your computer down? That is a very non-normal lockup, I would checkfor driver updates and do hardware checks to make sure nothing is dying. Post your dxdiag if you're not savvy at that.


You may also look into lowering your graphics a bit, and maybe dynamic resolution (scale mode).

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2 hours ago, Jugginator said:

It seems like the world header file and backup file were both corrupted (at the very start of the log), did you happen to lose power or something, or is this when you force shut your computer down? That is a very non-normal lockup, I would checkfor driver updates and do hardware checks to make sure nothing is dying. Post your dxdiag if you're not savvy at that.


You may also look into lowering your graphics a bit, and maybe dynamic resolution (scale mode).

Can confirm, world is corrupted in a fashion that pretty much only happens as a result of improper shutdown.


With that hardware you're pretty close to the bottom end of the minimum required setup. That screen resolution is probably fine, but I agree that they need to adjust settings a bit. All extra features like Bloom, Motion blur, SSAO, ect should be turned off. You need to have every option with the word "Reflection" in it to be disabled, and shadows should be off as well. You barely have the hardware for basic features, you can't run with any advanced features.

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8 hours ago, Neo said:

Ok so it might be a hardware issue, could this be due to the new graphical updates, I will lower the settings as you suggest, Thanks

Generally, the game has been running better than 18, but you're right there are new graphics/shaders/etc. Do check your drivers, as well. Feel free to come back with more questions if you need em :)

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