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Unique weapons and Z's/ FO4 crossing 7DTD


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One of the many things that I liked from Fall Out 4 was the unique/ legendary items that dropped from unique enemies that you can find as you wandered through the waste land. The other day when I was playing 7 days to die I cleared Butcher Pete's poi and right after cleared the farmer poi that had the unique boar Grace. Then I thought about what and who Butch Pete was and created a simple drawing of what I thought he might look like.


Personally I would love to fight some unique enemies that are associated with Poi's and only Poi's. They wouldn't show up outside of their respective place. Obviously with The Fun Pimps team putting out new HD zombies I am sure they already have enough to do along with Bandits but I would hope that this would be far down the road content. Right above the picture I put an idea of how the unique weapon, which would be Pete's cleaver, could work along a kind of background story to it. Also should make note that Pete would be a unique zombie.


All in all I feel that it would add a lot of interesting paths to the game. For example the Traders could give you this quest saying something like "This unique zombie has been creating a problem. Kill it and I will reward you". Adding to skill tree builds, for example Pete's cleaver would count as a blade working for the agility tree. Finally this could allow the option to add weapons with out messing up the skill tree. I personally really wanted a Katana added to knifes ability but that won't happen now though skill trees but a unique zombie say a Japanese Soldier at the bottom of Red Mesa could drop a Katana.


Maybe this could be a thing or not but I would love to have it in game. I know it's probably now on the road map for TFP or maybe they already had a plan with special infected that I am unaware of this is just my thoughts and ideas.


Pete's Cleaver: A nasty looking object. Looking at it it is covered in blood and the blade is so worn and splintered you find it hard Pete was still using it up to this day. Thankfully most of his recent victims have been zombies. Picking it up it feels cold and you feel the pretense of hundreds of antagonizing souls that were victims to the cleaver. The weapon despite its looks is still deadly and cuts though most things with easy.

Bonus Stats: This weapon counts as a blade. Extra Bleeding, Armor Penetration (Or something like that).


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It's a great idea, but I think the complications this would introduce outweighs the benefits.

TFP have been working hard to balance and slow down game progression.  Adding a legendary weapon that could circumvent this "grind/progression" would undermine everything they're trying to achieve.  For example, in Fallout 4, the legendary weapon "Overseer's Guardian" is easy to obtain early level and can carry you through the entire game.  In the same manner, a legendary weapon in 7DTD would allow players to skip the weapon tiers and completely eliminate an aspect of the game.


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If they are to introduce unique weapons (meh, mmo inc) I hope they at least get creative with the attributes and add side-effects as well. E.g. "for unknown reasons, this cleaver causes zombies in proximity to enrage", or "you feel an inexplicable hunger while wielding this devastating fossilized baguette", or "this Depeche Mode vinyl makeshift axe seems to attract screamers more often", etc. 


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1 minute ago, RestInPieces said:

If they are to introduce unique weapons (meh, mmo inc) I hope they at least get creative with the attributes and add side-effects as well. E.g. "for unknown reasons, this cleaver causes zombies in proximity to enrage", or "you feel an inexplicable hunger while wielding this devastating fossilized baguette", or "this Depeche Mode vinyl makeshift axe seems to attract screamers more often", etc. 


Yes. I really really hope for all legendary weapons to have at least one advantage and one disadvantage.


But according to Madmole (or Roland?) the legendaries will not be hand-crafted weapons like a fossilized baguette. Rather the system will probably be similar to diablo or borderlands with a "<random bonus adjective> <random normal weapon> of <random malus>". IF a malus is even in the cards.



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2 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Yes. I really really hope for all legendary weapons to have at least one advantage and one disadvantage.


But according to Madmole (or Roland?) the legendaries will not be hand-crafted weapons like a fossilized baguette. Rather the system will probably be similar to diablo or borderlands with a "<random bonus adjective> <random normal weapon> of <random malus>". IF a malus is even in the cards.

Eh, as much as I would like to wield a fossilized baguette and smack zombies with it, admittedly it's not worth to make brand new models for them (or wait an extra alpha for them).

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1 hour ago, RestInPieces said:

Eh, as much as I would like to wield a fossilized baguette and smack zombies with it, admittedly it's not worth to make brand new models for them (or wait an extra alpha for them).

Yes, but even without a big development effort the alternative implementation could have been hand-crafted weapons like "Buffalo Bills hunting rifle". Not likely because lots of ideas would have trademark issues, but possible. Mainly interesting because you could add some lore around them


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