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I want updates and i want em now ;_;


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Devs gotta start learning how to port! Maybe give PC a break and focus on the NEGLECTED console community. Port the next update and sell it as a dlc to generate revenue on console idgaf ill pay too support this game ;_; or fix the bugs at least 😭. TAKE MA MUNEY 

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"Full console ports cost into the millions of dollars, not to mention the restrictions the platform holders have on not breaking saved games which would be inevitable given our current framework and the technical challenges associated with porting a resource intensive game like 7 Days to consoles.

With Sony and Microsoft, no matter how small, any update has to go through a rigorous testing/submission process.

As you can see, this is not an easy problem to solve. We are exploring all options that would eventually deliver a new version of 7 Days to consoles but this would likely happen after the PC version has gone gold and could end up being an entirely new product or on the next console."    - R Huenink

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