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Fps drops since b173


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Hey there


Since the last update my and my gfs game is just unplayable. We don't have very good PCs, but it worked very well till now. 


Now my fps drops from 50 to 2 every few minutes. Mostly when I fight the screen is frozen. 

Everytime I turn around the game stucks. But just till b173. 


Any ideas what I can do? I tried lowest graphic settings, did the resolution lower, distance viewing lower... 


Playing with a nitrogen map on a nitrado server. 


All three players have the same issues

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I don't really understand, what you want to say to me. 

I tried to start with EAC and without. The map is new and all players of the server have the same issues. I don't know, how the logs are helping for the fps drops. 

But I think, that no one can really help here. Everytime I just got the link to an Information thread, others with simular problems got no answers. I guess the help section isn't really helpful. 


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Without detailed information from you, all I can do is parrot the same advice already existing in the pinned threads, and other sources you have supposedly read already.


That link is the thread that tells you exactly what we need to help, and how to post it.

If you are unable to follow instructions, you aren't going to get very far.

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Thank you for this helpful post. 


I had no problems before the update, so I guessed, that it is a Generell problem of the update and thought, that someone else have the same problem and a solution for it. 


Yes, I could post some logs of something, but it is not a client based problem, because all players of the server have the same problems. 

The Server is still the same like before the update. Tried it with two different worlds. 


But thanks, close this thread, it isn't helpful. I will try it furthermore on my own, or asking on reddit. 


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14 hours ago, Unlex said:

I guess the help section isn't really helpful. 

This is demonstrably false. There are members who check in here every day and try to help players with problems.

They have a fairly good success rate with members who provide the requested info.

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