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A19 RGW Map Boundaries?

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Hello folks, wondering if anyone can help me with a query.


I made the largest randomly generated world possible on A19, and got it into my head to go find the edges. I seem to have come up against an ocean. Seriously, I can't see the other side, there are no roads leading across it, and I've been driving along the coast for two in game days now. Do I have an unusually large body of water, or do the RGW maps have more than just radiation at the edges? Aside from Navezgane I've never gone looking for the edges, so I had just assumed they were the same.


The terrain has gone a bit strange on the coast, too. It's desert, but with sheer cliffs next to the water and an almost terraced look. I'll try and think to take some screenshots next time I load up the game.

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Thanks! Nitrogen looks useful, but I'm pretty far into this run so I'll give it a go next time. I haven't found much wrong with the map so far, aside from snow covered trees spawning in the desert, which is a bit surreal. I like the idea of custom map sizes though, could make things interesting!

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NitroGen has a lot of interesting options.

I particularly like the inclusion lately of elevated highways. They need some work still, but they are very interesting. You never realize how major of a landmark those would be.

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