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CLAIMED Area - Sharing Doors/Storage


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Hey All,
I've added the guy to the "ally" and "party" list, he accepted and all. But still, he was not able to open my "locked" doors and storage. Of course, I could "unlock" the doors for his use, but then, any player could invade my home. Is there a way for allies to freely use the doors and storage I own, without using passcodes?
I heard there is a friend-list where you can add someone, isn't that the same as to add as "ally"?

Thanks in Advance

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It would be a neat addition to the game to have an "unlocked for allies" and "unlocked for party members" setting.


On 7/29/2020 at 9:19 AM, Evil_Onion said:

I heard there is a friend-list where you can add someone, isn't that the same as to add as "ally"?

Likely this refers to the Steam friends list, not any in-game list.

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