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Someone needs help making an in-game memorial for deceased irl friend


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While reading the steam forums, I came across the following post.


A18.4 Finding the Last In Game Location of Our IRL Deceased Player
I'm playing on a server (which I'm hosting on my PC) with a group of friends. A few weeks ago, one of the players died in an unfortunate real world car crash.
We've been trying to find his minibike in game to cover in concrete as a memorial, but said player made long forays into the world without telling anyone where he was going. As such, manually finding his minibike is not going well. I could start flying around the game world in a grid search which could take hours and depending on how cooperative the engine is being, and his minibike could easily be missed. Honestly we don't care about the stuff he collected, we just want to set up a memorial beyond a couple of signs in the base.
I have tried all of the commands I can find which had the potential to output either his last location or that of his minibike (through the 'help' list and the wiki) in the command console without success - the game still recognises that another user has been in the server, but at best it has told me his user ID is "1" and won't tell me a location. His entry still exists in the player list menu, but the only info in it is his username. If anyone knows of a way to show the coordinates of all vehicles on the server, or list the locations of logged out players, it'd be really helpful. As mentioned, none of the easily viewed commands output anything useful, so (if providing console commands) please limit to unlisted commands only. I am willing to investigate the game files if his last location is in there, but I don't know where to even start looking.
I have no idea how to help him, but i if anyone else does, please let me know and i will link it to him.
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"LE" is list entity, not sure if it will show his minibike location or not, but my server admin used that command to find my motorcycle when it "fell" through the world.


Then it would be a matter of going into god mode and using the teleport command to get to it, I would think.


I"m not sure how to do it, but if you watch the dev series for A19, Lathan teleports around alot, maybe you can see how he's typing the stuff in.

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Hi Darthjake,

Thanks for the suggestion, but I already tried LE and all it did was tell me it had 141 objects loaded. Is there an additional command or qualifier that makes this output the location of loaded entities?


Mashurface (the titular "someone")

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6 minutes ago, Mashurface said:

Someone on Steam was able to extract the player's last location from their .ttp file and convert it into coordinates. I had a look around and managed to find his minibike. Thank you for trying to help, much appreciated!

No problem :)

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