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Auger Sounds - Brutal!


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I know it wouldn't make sense to NOT have sounds when the auger is hitting a block of something, but man when it's nearly deafening after mining for more than 5 minutes with how loud it is. Any suggestions on changes or maybe making it a lot quieter to us but not change the way it attracts zombies?

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i've been trying (unsuccessfully) to modify the sounds for the auger.  So far I haven't found the setting for when it actually hits something.  I can change the base sounds to something else but not the damage sounds.  If anyone knows where this is in the XML it would be awesome if you would share. 


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The auger is nigh unusable atm. If it weren't for how fast you can harvest with it, I would have given it up immediately at the start of b169.
And I'm clearly not the only one. I made a thread over on reddit and people are even more upset over there.

Auger and the Chainsaw are just so damn obnoxious that it hurts. I try to harvest like 40-60k iron at a time and I have to put my game on mute while my friend patrols above for all the screamers that spawn.
I shouldn't have to mute your game to make it playable.



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