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I am at a loss for loading this game. I'm able to play the unstable version but it's unplayable for me via glitches and bugs and a mountain of issues. That being said 163 was great and I loved every second I play A19. Due to this I figured I'd just downgrade to the last version available which according to Steam would be A9.3. The issue here arises when I'm attempting to launch it. It says it is unable to launch and shows missing executable.

I have:

-restarted computer
-restarted steam
-cleared download cache on steam
-verified integrity of files
-uninstalled and reinstalled the game
-uninstalled and reinstalled steam

Nothing I do seems to work and after playing A19 - 18.4 just seems like a massive smack in the face. Is there anything I can do to get this working? Is it the game or steam? What's going on lol.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

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17 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

This is covered in the FAQ.



I do apologize as I missed that particular section. I looked through the topics and didn't see it listed and when running browser through steam it tends to get upset when I scroll too much on forums.

I've also used my big boy brain and realized I was being simple minded and that for some reason although Steam shows A9.3 and A8.3 after A18.4 (for some reason) that these are the oldest versions of the game available. I suppose four days of caffeine drinking and only playing 7 days to die (no sleep) results in some pretty dumb moments for me.

That being said I suppose I'm stuck to the very plain and boring looking 18.4 until release since the experimental version is unplayable since the recent update. Unless there is a way to go back to my beloved 163? I'll search the forums later if you don't want to respond, I understand. I had a dumb dumb moment lol. Sorry for wasting your time.

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16 hours ago, AlexanderPwn said:

I figured I'd just downgrade to the last version available which according to Steam would be A9.3. The issue here arises when I'm attempting to launch it. It says it is unable to launch and shows missing executable.

I think Alpha 9.3 was from about 4 years and 10 alpha's ago. You may be able to get it to start by directly starting the .exe, but I don't think starting it from Steam will work.

If you're looking for the latest stable release it would be A18.4.

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