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A lot of small things


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Hello fellow zombies exterminators,


For me the game is way past alpha. Its stable and offers a ton of stuff to do an enjoy. Thats why I would love to see some small stuff adressed I encouter everytime I play. If you know a way to do those things in the game let me know. Here is my list of small stuff please add yours too:


- make stacks splitable. Transfering 500 wood into the forge is a pain atm.

- make so you can pick up more stuff like doors, ladders, traps etc. its a pain having to destoy your door just because it doesn't open the way you want.

- Add an Icon to books an receipes that tell you if you already now them

- Something so you can compare baseline stats of equipments without having to take the mods out.

- Highlight the cube you are aiming at with your repair/upgrade tool with an indication of the upgrade you can do and ressources needed

- Add trucks/school bus in the game for more transport capabilities

- Make a signal wiring tool and a power wiring tool so you can actually turn all your defenses on at the same time

- Make different loot drops more reliable. Some loot drops have a hughe impact on the game like pocket upgrades, honney from trees, recycling doorknops, beaker etc.

- some form of static indication. Perhaps start to play a noise wen your construction gets to the limit of what it can hold.

- Some form of indication what zombie AI you are facing. Are you facing a high tech zombie with gps and nav system or are you facing a mindless wreckingball. Like some kind of red glow once they are enraged wrecking machines instead of player killing machines

- Make shift + click load stuff into forges etc.

- Make "R" take everyhing from the output slots in workbenches

- Craftbench times are in real time not in game time. This can be confusing. Add an option to switch it or display both maybe?

- Make picking up vehicles empty there inventory into yours and if enough space pick them up

- Some form of visual indication if stuff is loaded into your vehicle, Make a bag apear on top of your bicycle, the tube of your motorcycle overflow, some boxes aprear in your 4x4

- I don't get wet cement. Placing iron frames and transform them into cement gives a hughe amount of xp but placing wet cement doesn't at all. Perhaps make wood frames for building cement block instead of the wet cement

- Harmonize the shapes you can do with different stuff. You can build forms with wet cement and upgrade it but you can not do them with iron frames...


thats it for now :) , if i come across other stuff I will add it


- please make so you can see the stats of items before you craft them

- Please make so you have an indication of the quality of the starts of an item. Perhaps something like ad a "+" if its bether than average, "++" if its the best you can get, "-" if its lower than average, "--" the lowest you can get.

- Please indicate which level of skill you need to unlock the crafting of items

- Please indicate not only the amount of stuff you picked up but also the amount of that item you have in your inventory

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10 hours ago, Aliblabla said:


- make so you can pick up more stuff like doors, ladders, traps etc. its a pain having to destoy your door just because it doesn't open the way you want.

- Add an Icon to books an receipes that tell you if you already now them


You can see which way the door opens before you place it.  It always swings in towards the square you place it on.  You can also see the orientation of ladders and traps before you place them.  That being said...having something like a 10 second timer that allows you to pick it up would not be a bad idea for misplaced things.


Also, there is already an icon change if you know a book or schematic already.  The book in the corner appears open if you already know it.

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33 minutes ago, RyanX said:

You can see which way the door opens before you place it.  It always swings in towards the square you place it on.  You can also see the orientation of ladders and traps before you place them.  That being said...having something like a 10 second timer that allows you to pick it up would not be a bad idea for misplaced things.


Also, there is already an icon change if you know a book or schematic already.  The book in the corner appears open if you already know it.

It would be a great thing either way. You're telling me I can pick up a gyrocopter and carry that thing around but not a door? Come on mayne, lol. I get your point but I'd prefer that we're basically able to pick up and move nearly everything. I actually somewhat argue against being able to pick up vehicles although I'm certain it was done due to getting stuck and what have you. 

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On 7/18/2020 at 3:18 AM, Aliblabla said:

- make stacks splitable. Transfering 500 wood into the forge is a pain atm.

Right Click Drag and the stack splits in half... you just picked up half the stack.


Also when you have a stack on your mouse cursor -  you can right click and place a single one, not the whole stack.


Hope this helps.

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