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Invisable zombie why?


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I've been running into this a lot today. After logging in for first time on new server, I started getting hit by nothing. No sounds, couldn't hit anything, but I was getting walloped. Then I went through a POI and invisible zombies started attacking me. I could block them in doors by placing a frame. They ignored the frame and started attacking the wall. I tried using a spear to poke the doorway, but couldn't hit anything again.

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I think i figured out the answer, this happened to me 3 times today,  2 of the times i started to explore,  in one of the times i was outside in a garage and getting hit,  so when i left the garage a bird was hugging the roof, it might have been damaging me thru the roof.  maybe his spit was splashing thru the walls, not sure.  the other time same thing,  a bird above the ceiling right above me.  they are either hitting thru or glitching thru.

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22 minutes ago, RompinDonkey said:

Had a couple of members of my server report this issue on our Discord. One was able to grab a screenshot of the console. Where is the best place to reed this back as a bug report?



Invisible Zeds.JPG

Big red links above the page tell you where. But forget about posting screenshots, post logfiles instead. Instructions are in the sticky thread in the bug forum

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Had similar case with my Clear quest at a POI.  Tried everything I could think of to attack the invisible entity.  Thought maybe I could move far enough away for it to reset and it did, but this is all I got when I went to where it was supposed to be....



(adding two logs files from my session last night)



output_log__2020-07-02__16-48-27.txt output_log__2020-07-02__19-12-10.txt

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I've also run into this issue, and like Bacon Creepy, the first time there was a vulture trying to attack me. However the problem continued after the vulture was dead, and occurred later times with no vultures present. Furthermore, one time that I encountered one of these bugs, I was in a gated graveyard that a vulture would have had no issue getting to me in, and it was instead trying to break down the iron gate. The entities don't seem to respond to gunfire or melee attacks, but if you block them with a spike trap they will break it down and apparently cease to exist. Don't know if explosives work because I don't really use them.

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I figured it would end up being the crawlers. I can say that placing a trap in the path will kill it. Don't have a turret to try, but I suspect it will kill it too. Best way to do this is when you get hit, back strait up a few meters and drop spikes in front of you. This should have the invisi-zombie move strait to you and hit the trap. I've done this a few times already and it worked every time.

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We confirmed that the cause of this issue is the entityclasses.xml being used from B154 with B157 clients.


If you didn't wipe everything and start a new save after yesterday's update, do so now. Don't forget to wipe your GeneratedWorlds folder as well.

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I'm sorry for having to ask this, but what exactly does this mean?  I'm fairly new to 7 days to die and I play multiplayer on a rented server.  Does that mean that we have to delete everything and start over on our server or is this something we only need to do on the client side?


If you could provide just a bit more details, that would save me from the additional searching I would need to do to understand what you're saying.  I'm sorry I need this spoonfed.

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Yes, it means that if you had your server running before the update yesterday, you need to wipe everything and start fresh. You should also be wiping local client saves and cached data after each update. Options for clearing the client data is available in the game launcher.

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So, here comes the obvious question...realistically, how often should we expect to have to do this?  We've already invested a number of hours between us (after having started over from A18).  Do you think this will be the last occurance, or do you think this will need to be done with some frequency?  Again, there's a bit of time investment that gets lost (and not always the fun kind) when starting over from scratch.  Thanks for your quick reply.

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1 hour ago, Señor Brainiac said:

So, here comes the obvious question...realistically, how often should we expect to have to do this?  We've already invested a number of hours between us (after having started over from A18).  Do you think this will be the last occurance, or do you think this will need to be done with some frequency?  Again, there's a bit of time investment that gets lost (and not always the fun kind) when starting over from scratch.  Thanks for your quick reply.

When you're playing an experimental build, it's expected that you will have to wipe and start a new save with each update. It's also expected that you will need to wipe and start a new save with each new Stable release.

This is simply the nature of participating in the Alpha process. At least with Stable builds, the wipes are typically farther apart.


Once the game reaches Beta development, crossing builds is less likely to break things, but you still always have to play with the expectation that it will happen until after the game is finished and releases.

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