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II Blittz II

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Howdy everyone, I haven't been on here in like over a month and just wanted to say hello, and see how y'all are doing. I haven't played 7 Days To Die on console in awhile, but I do plan on getting back into it again very soon. With that being said, I recently watched the Alpha 19 Dev stream on YouTube the other day and I have to say, things are really starting to look bright for 7 Days To Die on console in the future. However, I just wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone in the community and see how y'all are doing? Anyway, I hope everyone and their families are staying safe during these unprecedented times...cheers!

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Hey Blittz! I too have been away for quite some time. I'm from the console crowd however I just recently bought a laptop & can now play the superior PC version.

I gotta say I'm loving it, feels like a whole new game & I'm so glad to be back.

Love this game!!

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