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18.4 regularly crashes during single player game


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The game is essentially unplayable for me on Windows 10 64-bit because it randomly crashes.


I think my specs are up to it considering I have a core i9 9900k with 32GB ram and a RTX 2080 Ti


I have attached some crash files.


My settings are on Ultra but I have tried with High too and it behaves the same.


Motion blur is disabled.


Everything else is vanilla.


error.log output_log__2020-06-21__13-07-30.txt crash.dmp


Attaching another crash I got. Not sure if they're the same (Wasn't sure from looking at the logs) but it happened in the same manner so.


error.log output_log__2020-06-19__22-43-43.txt crash.dmp



I just realized I put this in the wrong forum. I intended to put it in Bug Reports. Damn.

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Most likely causes.


1. You manually configured your paging file. You have Win 10, it should be set to auto.

There was a myth about "saving" SSD's by not having your pagefile on it. Those are myths. Your SSD will last longer with a lower failure rate than an HDD will. Assuming you're reading and writing less than 20-30 Terabytes of data every day.


2. You didn't exclude it from security software. This is covered in detail in the Sticky FAQ.


3. Windows updated your chipset drivers. Make sure you have the latest from either Intel, or the manufacturer of the motherboard.


4. RAM is going bad, or you're using a program like Asus' RAM Cache.


5. PSU is going bad. Don't assume it's fine because it's new or overpowered. Test it.  This game has found more faulty PSU's that most benchmark software will.

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52 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

Most likely causes.


1. You manually configured your paging file. You have Win 10, it should be set to auto.

There was a myth about "saving" SSD's by not having your pagefile on it. Those are myths. Your SSD will last longer with a lower failure rate than an HDD will. Assuming you're reading and writing less than 20-30 Terabytes of data every day.


2. You didn't exclude it from security software. This is covered in detail in the Sticky FAQ.


3. Windows updated your chipset drivers. Make sure you have the latest from either Intel, or the manufacturer of the motherboard.


4. RAM is going bad, or you're using a program like Asus' RAM Cache.


5. PSU is going bad. Don't assume it's fine because it's new or overpowered. Test it.  This game has found more faulty PSU's that most benchmark software will.


1. I had. I have changed this now and I apparently have close to 10GB of swap. Still crashing. Why would I need swap if I have more than enough memory?

2. I don't have any security software.

3. I made sure.


I am fairly certain 4 and 5 aren't applicable either considering the game works under Linux on the same computer.


It's interesting that I just now had two crashes where the game didn't even spit out any logs.

error.log output_log__2020-06-21__14-23-45.txt crash.dmp

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7 hours ago, dxtr said:

2. I don't have any security software.

Yes you do. You have Windows Defender. It's almost as bad as Norton at killing games. This is covered in the Sticky FAP.

Your error is still showing an access violation when attempting to read data.


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