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Willie Wonka Factory


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Now would be a great time to start. There are two great options for you to choose from as far as creating. Pille's program and the in game Prefab editor. Watch some youtube videos if you're not comfortable playing around with the editors and figuring things out on your own. And never be afraid to ask anyone here for help. I'm a little rusty and am just getting back into this after about six years, but I'll offer up any advice I can.

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6 hours ago, Ekk0 said:

Now would be a great time to start. There are two great options for you to choose from as far as creating. Pille's program and the in game Prefab editor. Watch some youtube videos if you're not comfortable playing around with the editors and figuring things out on your own. And never be afraid to ask anyone here for help. I'm a little rusty and am just getting back into this after about six years, but I'll offer up any advice I can.

Thanks I really appreciate it. My steam is whytecho47 hit me up

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/7/2020 at 12:59 AM, Whytecho47 said:

So I was thinking,....if you’re introducing candy to the game can we get a Willie wanka factory poi? Maybe some Umpa Lumpa zombies too. 

Yes! This would be fun! A candy factory would also imply other types of factories for food though and I'm a million percent into that!

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