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Game stops after 10 min to 1 hour.


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Hello there..

So now it is my turn to have some issues with this game..

This is the first time ever that i encounter this "bug/crash"


We are renting a server and a playing on a random map, the size is 8000x8000 the medium one.

It could seem that the unify engine is causing the problem idk.


I can play for 10 min to 1 hour and then it just closed the game down...

Graphic is up to date.

Drivers is up to date

Steam validating files is done like 20 times.

Reinstall the game 3 times

deleted all that had anything to do with the game.

Change the map on ther server 2 times.


I have inclueded my specs and the 2 logs.

Feel free to ask if i miss something.



output_log__2020-06-05__12-08-43.txt error.log


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Test your ram to make sure there's no sneaky errors:  memtest86



D3D11: Failed to create RenderTexture (128 x 128 fmt 9 aa 1), error 0x887a0005
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/GfxDevice/d3d11/RenderTextureD3D11.cpp Line: 207)

Another DirectX11 related crash. These are starting to become too popular to be just a coincidence.


Similar topic for reference:  Game Crashing topic


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1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

Can you post a link to a published Speccy report?

Top post... isn't that a speccy report?


My best guess is that Windows 10 updates are doing something stupid again and only affecting certain ppl. Just like that one update that would randomly delete files for no reason and only for some ppl.

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11 hours ago, Supersonic said:



First off, you have Norton.  Like one of the worst AV solutions to have if you like to play games.  Ensure the client is fully excluded from all scans. Instructions should be linked in the support FAQ.

Same goes for Hemidal, though I don't have it listed in the FAQ.


Power scheme is on Balanced. Should be set to Maximum or Ultimate performance for that CPU when you're playing 7 Days.


Completely remove Razer Chroma and Razer Synapse.  For a company that makes "gaming" equipment, their software causes more problems than it helps. You can re-install it later if you absolutely must have your bling, but be aware that it may be a deterrent to your gaming.


Also completely disable the X-Box recording/streaming software and the GameBar. Unless you're actually using them, these are known to cause issues and tank performance.



Download and re-install your GPU driver. Be certain to choose advanced installation, and tick the box for "Perform a clean installation". You can also do without most of the bloatware it wants to install as well.


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Well i will try that.

So now i have run through the steps.and i will give it a go for the next few days.


Btw.the Amd gpu does not have a advance option,amd have remove it. so i just deletet all drivers and got the new drivers via windows update..


I will keep you all postet,thx for the help so fare.

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45 minutes ago, Supersonic said:

Btw.the Amd gpu does not have a advance option,amd have remove it. so i just deletet all drivers and got the new drivers via windows update..

Nooo.... never use Windows updates for drivers. Their junk drivers are useless for anything other than the most basic things. You have to install proper drivers from AMD directly.

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8 hours ago, Fox said:

Nooo.... never use Windows updates for drivers. Their junk drivers are useless for anything other than the most basic things. You have to install proper drivers from AMD directly.

Just confirming this.  Windows drivers do not support Direct3D Accelleration. This is a feature used by the majority of games developed. Even something on the Angelica I engine requires this feature to be enabled in the GPU driver.

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So fare so good:-))))

Np at all,did a clean install for the amd gpu,for the 2 time.and this time without the bloatware.


And i just follow what you guys said in here...


And i have played for 2-4 hours with np.


Just wierd that this problem even occurred right now,have been playing for the last 2 years with np at all.

But never the less it works....


 A huge thx for all the help...

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I just rebuilt my windows and can say that their updates have screwed me more times than not

Took me forever to get a proper realtek control panel and nvidia uwp drivers are a joke

Ive completly disabled any and all windows update server communications and things seem to be okay now

They really need to leave us gamers to our own decisions when it comes to drivers and software

speaking on DirectX... when was the last time MS released a full download for DirectX ... like 2010 ... what a joke

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1 hour ago, bigstep70 said:

I just rebuilt my windows and can say that their updates have screwed me more times than not

Took me forever to get a proper realtek control panel and nvidia uwp drivers are a joke

Ive completly disabled any and all windows update server communications and things seem to be okay now

They really need to leave us gamers to our own decisions when it comes to drivers and software

speaking on DirectX... when was the last time MS released a full download for DirectX ... like 2010 ... what a joke

This is why I still use Windows 7. It's just better cuz you have a bit more control and far less spyware / bloatware forced onto you (especially if you have a modded version).


Win10 is fine for media consumption and whatnot, but if you happen to have a dedicated gaming rig like I do, Win7 is where it's still at in my opinion. And unfortunately, I'm being forced away from it when I do my next big Ryzen / RTX upgrade soon which really upsets me.

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