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How to reduce size of ore veins underground?


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I like to make mining a little more difficult by reducing size of ore veins.

I have not found any settings that seem to be related, so I hope someone would be so nice to point out what I need to do to reduce size of veins?


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Open the biomes.xml file.


Search for entries such the one below.  Change the prob values to something less.


				<layer depth="1" blockname="terrSnow"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrDirt"/>
				<layer depth="*" blockname="terrStone">
					<resource blockname="terrOreIron" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/>
					<resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/>
				<layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/>


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On 5/21/2020 at 11:14 PM, Numberz said:

Open the biomes.xml file.


Search for entries such the one below.  Change the prob values to something less.


				<layer depth="1" blockname="terrSnow"/> <layer depth="3" blockname="terrDirt"/>
				<layer depth="*" blockname="terrStone">
					<resource blockname="terrOreIron" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/>
					<resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/>
				<layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/>


Thanks for your reply, I think this only change probability of finding a vein, not the size of the vein, or am I wrong?

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15 hours ago, Numberz said:

No, it increases and decreases the density of the ore in the vein.  Higher values gives more of the that block / ore.


It is populated once, at map generation.

Ok interesting, thanks for clarifying that, then that is solved, prob = density.

Then Im curious to what that control number of veins and size of veins, or is the only variable prob?

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10 hours ago, xxx73 said:

Ok interesting, thanks for clarifying that, then that is solved, prob = density.

Then Im curious to what that control number of veins and size of veins, or is the only variable prob?

Sorry, don’t know.  I think they are generated by algorithm and not exposed to xml.

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  • 3 months later...

I have with help from others found the following methods to increase/reduce mining efficiency:


1. Change harvesting bonus on tools in items.xml.

        <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="perc_add" value="0.4" tier="1,80" tags="oreWoodHarvest"/> <!-- DF Titanium Tool Harvest Bonus -->
        <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" value="0" tags="salvageHarvest"/>
        <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" value="0" tags="cropHarvest"/>
        <passive_effect name="HarvestCount" operation="base_set" value="0" tags="wildCropsHarvest"/>


2. Change the density/appearance of chosen ore in a area as pointed out by @Numberz

In biomes.xml change probability as shown below.

<resource blockname="terrOreIron" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/


3. Reduce how many "veins" is created in an area.

In biomes.xml there is many sub biomes in each biome, to change chance of a sub biome being created change this setting:

<subbiome prob="0.95">

4. Change how much ore one block give.

In blocks.xml each of the ore have settings like this. Just change them to get different amount.

<block name="terrOreIron">
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceScrapIron" count="105" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/>
	<drop event="Harvest" name="resourceRockSmall" count="14" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/>
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