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POI disappearing?


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I've tried to mod in a prefab into my game. When I get close to it, the prefab all but disappears. Far away I can see it but once I get to about 100m or so, most of it disappears. Any clue as to why? I pressed F1 to see if any error messages popped up and there were none. Can anyone help?

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these guys/gals might be able to help if you help by providing far more info...

such as:
* showing the xml where you added the prefab or how you are spawning it into the world
* screen shots and or short video showing this issue
* complete output log so they can see if something is loading to prevent it

good luck :)
QA Tester-unholyjoe

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Hi lorri,


Sorry to hear your still having problems.  Did you try re downloading the prefabs files from a known good source like I mentioned previously?  What you are describing sounds like something wrong with the .tts file itself.

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