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Custom POI collapses when loaded into map


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The title pretty much says it all.  I created a custom POI using the in-game editor and everything looked good.  I was even able to play test it without any problems.  But every time I tried to load it into a map, the building just collapses.  I've tried making sure the area was big enough to place the poi, clearing and leveling the area ( it's all above ground ), loading the poi and then clearing it and loading it in again.  Nothing seems to work.  The damn thing just collapses into a pile of junk a debris.  I know I must be doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what that might be.  Any help would be appreciated.


Steps I use to load custom POI into the world:

Enable debug menu

press Z to mark southwest corner of POI

press K and load custom POI into prefab

Confirm position (B_B or whatever it's called)

Save prefab position


Not long after the poi is loaded, within less than a minute, the entire thing crumbles to the ground.

Perhaps there is a forum thread somewhere that I am unable to find?  Any assistance at all would be great.


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For starters do you have a download link of the prefab so others can troubleshoot further?


You can alsonlosd the prefab yourself in the editor and do a playtest from there.  Perhaps there are structural integrity issues with it.

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28 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

For starters do you have a download link of the prefab so others can troubleshoot further?


You can alsonlosd the prefab yourself in the editor and do a playtest from there.  Perhaps there are structural integrity issues with it.

I play tested it in the editor and it worked fine; purple box full of goodies, trader, the whole deal.  I've even done things to try to break it the way it does when I load it into a "real" map.  Everything worked pretty much as it was supposed to.  Have you heard of anyone else having this problem before?


I was going to post it on Nexus, but since all it does is fall to pieces, there's not much sense in that right now.  But I'm sure I can post a link somewhere, if you have any suggestions.


Here's all the files associated with the custom prefab.



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i remember a lot of people were having trouble with a layer of air under prefabs that they manually placed, but i don't recall what the steps were to counter that, sounds like what is happening to you though. this video has been helpful to others, see if you're missing a step, maybe.


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1 hour ago, sinda said:

i remember a lot of people were having trouble with a layer of air under prefabs that they manually placed, but i don't recall what the steps were to counter that, sounds like what is happening to you though. this video has been helpful to others, see if you're missing a step, maybe.


Thanks for the tip.  I'll check it out and see if that's the case.

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That video did the trick!  It wasn't a layer of air but the stability.  I had to recalculate the stability.  Apparently when it loaded in, it was made out of wet noodles.  Anyway, it fixed my problem.  I'm wondering if this is something I'll have to do when loading any prefab into an existing map.

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