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New vehicles


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I would like to see a few vehicles added into the game that you can get from day one. I know you can get a bicycle day one, but I mean these vehicles you'd be able to make without a skill point, which would make so that you don't have to tech into that skill tree so quickly if you didn't want to. Also you'd be able to find these vehicles throughout the world.

A skate board - The skateboard would help you conserve some stamina in the early game and it would go to much faster than running faster than running. It could be made out of 2 forged iron, some plastic parts and some wood. The skate would have no storage space. You could possibly find skateboards in servo boxes, random cardboard boxes or skater zombie loot bags.

Golf Carts - Golf have the advantage of instead of managing stamina you have to manage your gasoline amount. Also a fun part of the game is to play with friends so having a pretty slow but 2 seater vehicle early on in the game would greatly help people who like to play with friends and even those who like to play alone. The golf cart wouldn't have much storage and the gas tank would be fairly small. It would also not be able to go too much faster than running. You could be a able to make it out of for iron pipes, 30 plastic parts, an engine and like 20 leather. These could be found with a small percentage chance in garages or in the world randomly. Also maybe there is one that always spawns at the stadium. These spawned golf carts would have the chance to be broken.

Ride on Lawn Mower - These slow early game lawn mowers would be found in the world randomly and maybe in garages as well. It would only really be useful for cutting grass and othe plants from around the area you want to build. Maybe you can make it a better vehicle by adding modifications to it to make it go faster but vanilla I think should be as slow as walking and have no shift speed to go faster. Maybe you have to unlock the minibike to be able to craft the lawn mower though. Also the lawn mower would be as loud as the auger or chainsaw so using it a lot would create a bit of heat in the area you are using it.


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A skate board I really don't see as feasible. Have you ever tried to ride one over grass, sand, gravel, or badly cracked pavement? Don't know if I've seen a skate board go faster than anyone running, they never seemed that way to me. Probably not feasible, due to the assets needed, and extra code needed to animate and make it work in general. Too much effort for too little gain for the programmers in my book.


The golf cart would be fun, if nothing else, but they really aren't common even in the real world, when you think about it. Probably more trouble than it's worth due to that, but would fully support having a modlet for one. There might already be one, search the forums.


The riding lawnmower I would get behind to be added properly to the game. Lots of people have them, most are easy to fix and/or cobjob to run, and can be realistically be modified to go faster. You're right on the nose with the noise and heat part too. I would love it if it could have a mod to add a wagon to carry stuff, but that's too much coding and asset acquisition to bother with asking for. Simpler is better for anything to be requested. Wonder if someone could create a modlet for riding lawnmowers at the very least. *hint, hint to the modders out there* 

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I now you're asking for vanilla vehicles...but...

I've never used it, but there's also: "Guppycur's Shopping Cart" located here: https://gitlab.com/guppycur/guppymods It might be close to a "quickly/easily built" mode of travel before being able to build the minibike/etc.


His modlets page is here https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/9144-guppycurs-modlets/?tab=comments#comment-9144

and here's a youtube video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGPcoiDpIQ4

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On 5/14/2020 at 6:14 PM, hiemfire said:

No rabbit gear? Just stuck in tortoise? :(  (Ride on mowers in their high gear are allot faster than walking)

Eh, I think that was to consider the balance of adding it, but even in high gear most riders I know I could keep up with at a trot, a bit under actual running. Many of the hydro-static ones seem slower than the older actual geared ones to me as well.

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