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So, I recently discovered this game on the PS4 and I love it! I think it would be even better on the console however if you could do split screen with the online multiplayer, then my husband and I could play at the same time instead of fighting over whose turn it is! Any way this is a future possibility?

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Hi, Kaboose1389


For future reference, the "Console Forums" are at the bottom underneath the "PC Forums" which is where you posted your thread in. With that said, I also play on console myself so figured I'd help you out since you're new to the forums. Anyway hope to see you around more often, have a great day and stay safe out there, cheers!

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The current console hardware just can't handle that. Split screen is really pushing the upper limit of it's capabilities, and there isn't enough spare RAM or CPU processing to handle an additional remote player. I cover this to some extent in the Sticky thread over in the Console Multiplayer section.

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