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Adding day and time to the Trader window


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I have been inspired by the overhaul mod: Darkness falls. That you have the time and day removed from the hud and map. And you could only check it out at the trader. I have tried adding this to the trader in the windows.xml to try it out. I can see the icon for the clock, but the time and day won't show. If I write any text without code into the text="example", it will show, but the mapdaytimetitle code doesn't seem to work. Help pls! :)


	<panel name="header" pos="210,-10" height="43" depth="1">
		<sprite depth="2" name="dayTimeIcon" size="38,38" pos="0,-1" sprite="ui_game_symbol_clock" color="[iconColor]" foregroundlayer="true"/>
		<label style="header.name" pos="-5,-5" text="{mapdaytimetitle}: [DECEA3]{mapdaytime}[-]" justify="center"/>

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This is how I did it.


	<window name="windowTraderTime"  width="228" height="78" controller="MapStats" panel="Left" cursor_area="false" >

	<panel name="header" pos="210,-10" height="43" depth="1" backgroundspritename="ui_game_panel_header">
		<sprite depth="2" name="dayTimeIcon" size="38,38" pos="0,-1" sprite="ui_game_symbol_clock" color="*" foregroundlayer="true"/>
		<label style="header.name" pos="-5,-5" text="DAY AND TIME" justify="center"/>

	<panel name="content" pos="210,-50" width="100%" height="40" depth="1" on_scroll="true" disableautobackground="false">
		<label depth="2" name="dayTimeLabel" pos="40,-5" width="172" height="40" text="{mapdaytimetitle}: [DECEA3]{mapdaytime}[-]" font_size="40" effect="outline" />

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