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Developer Plans for melee?


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I have looked around and I have not found if they developers have said what their future plans for melee is. I play a ton back in alpha 16. Over all I feel the game has greatly improved. Just melee causes me to hate me life now. I cannot play the game for much more then 30 minutes now with just getting annoyed. Have around 700hours total.


Melee just feels completely base RNG and immersion breaking. Ignore all the issues with hit boxes zombies, other people have beat that to death... Zombies seem to hit you from 3meters away (how... their arms are about 1m long...) and can hit you when facing the opposite direction. Animations do not seem to line up with what is really happening. Zombie looks stunned but still hits you.


I would love for the developers to play Vermintide 2. That has the best melee combat I have played for a you vs horde game. It feels so gratifying to complete a legend mission only getting getting hit 1 to 2 times despite have killed 100s of enemies. The ability to block, dodge, and push melee make so much more fun and not life hating when the enemies have more reach and magically can always hit with certain ranges.

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Yeah melee is better than ever, but the hitboxes and such what you said needs polishing. I feel like I'm playing KOTOR or something with random rolls for miss/hit while the animation clearly hits and misses one time and hit in the same aiming/distance lol.


More like morrowind...


Which is interesting because the fun pimps used to be elderscrolls modders. Hence why they put undead cliff racers in the game, complete with the blight mechanic.

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More like morrowind...


Which is interesting because the fun pimps used to be elderscrolls modders. Hence why they put undead cliff racers in the game, complete with the blight mechanic.


LOL. God I love Morrowind but damn, that melee combat until you level it up lol. Thanks for the ptsd trigger on cliff racers! Lmao. Vultures aren't that bad yet :p close, though haha

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I guess to clarify a bit from the main post. I would like melee to have more a player skill factor. Currently player skill seems to have little to do how well you fair in melee. Seems to me melee combat is based on player level and gear, stats base game play over skill. Not saying that alpha 16 melee was perfect, but if you were good enough you were able to not get hit, even without just backwards running.

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The thing is that backpedaling faster than the zombies made melee maybe too easy (at least in the opinion of some of the developers). A lot of players fought horde night in the streets without problems. Now this still seems possible, but I suspect you have to select your gear much more carefully (either agile and light armoured or heavy weapons+armor plus lots of coffee/beer/...), take pauses on safe spots ...


So it got more dangerous but it still seems quite possible. Just take a look at some of madmoles videos before A18 came out, he did fight outside of the base a few times in heavy armor. And getting hit is a lot less serious now if you are prepared. In A16 your ticket to invulnerability was to never get hit, in A18 it might be to accept getting hit occasionally but making sure it doesn't matter (i.e. never let yourself be surrounded)



I agree many o the non-animated hits are jarring. The hit while they are down looks to me like an improvement to the way they fight (they needed to long to stand up to be a danger) that just doesn't have corresponding animations. Maybe they'll add animations eventually or change it again.

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