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Is pvp horrible in A18?


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Joined a server with modded experience gain. Items set to respawn daily. Managed to make a huge cement base. Gathered lots of materials. Good so far people can't enter the base anymore.


And then I started dying. A lot. 175 hp, 20 armor , the 10% damage perk reduction. Still dead . The guns in A18 kill players in milliseconds so whoever shoots first kills first (thank armor penetration I guess). Which would be fine considering I can craft turrets to defend my base..

Turrets require steel.

Steel requires anvil.

No Anvil or schematics found in 12 houses with lucky looter 4 at 100% loot abundance.

Anvil requires level 10 intelligence (wha-?)


Steel tools do not require steel but steel parts. :)

Level 5 Junk turrets die from two hits. Miss half the shots against zombies and characters.

You can control only 1 junk turret from a close distance and it can be both destroyed in 2 hits or stolen.

Farming plots can also be stolen.


Infallible logic!


*angry incoherent noises*


Correct me if I'm wrong but the game is absolutely positively not ready for public pvp release. The fun pimps should advise against the imbalanced and absolutely masochistic element of their pvp game with big words next time someone tries to join a pvp server:


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Lol well unfortunately, the game was never intended to be PvP, it's merely a side affect some players naturally made of it. Tbh, I see no real way to balance solo/co-op pve and pvp in a manner which is actually fun for both sides with this game. It'd have to be heavily modified, which would mean pvp-only settings or just server owners modding their servers balanced for pvp.

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Lol well unfortunately, the game was never intended to be PvP, it's merely a side affect some players naturally made of it. Tbh, I see no real way to balance solo/co-op pve and pvp in a manner which is actually fun for both sides with this game. It'd have to be heavily modified, which would mean pvp-only settings or just server owners modding their servers balanced for pvp.


And I agree! But I think there should be a big warning sign when trying to enter a pvp game . I also think in the vanilla settings the game allows character killings. If it does it should not.

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I've always said that unmoderated PVP version will never work with a PVE-centric perk and progression system.

This is not the design focus because there are dozens upon dozens of PVP games out there. There simply is no need to have another.


Just setting up a server as PVP and walking away will not have the same result as doing the same with a game that was written and balanced for PVP.


Modded XP gain is only the tip of the ice berg. How armor scales, how fast one can harvest and rebuild from a wipe... there is a lot of modding work to do until you can use 7D as a "set up and forget" PVP server.

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