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Fireman build - A Challenge


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I want to start a playthrough where I focus on using a fireaxe as a weapon, try and hunt down the Fireman's almanac books (funny enough, I want to start this because Rekt (closest trader to my B5 start) has 3! of the set in his inventory (1, 4, and 6) and I thought it'd be fun!


So I wanted advice on what would be good perks to take, combat advice (using a Q2 Iron club I found atm, waiting on an axe)


Armor, i'm aiming to use Military with a fireman's helm (I mean, its a themed challenge, I just wish they'd add the Fireman's Overcoat, that stuff's a beast)


Gun backup - Ak or whatever I can find ammo for


(Molotovs) Napalm, lots and lots of Napalm ~Evolution~

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You'll be, hmm, depending on your outlook, disappointed or delighted, at the power of the Fireaxe. The Steel axe is on par or better than most unspecced melee weapons, and doesn't fall too much behind even with the specced ones. Assuming you're not doing it on Insane, but even then the reach is good, so swinging down from your nerd pole is easy... :)


The Miner69er increases tool damage, (haven't confirmed, but based on tooltip) so I suppose you might want to go heavy STR.. that would make your firearm of choice the shotty. Which would be a blessing for the vultures you can be bothered to miss for 5th time ... :)

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Curious to how this goes. Since you have to get ALL the magazines for this I think the only feasible way to make it work unfortunately is to dump points into the trade skill to unlock better Secret Stash options and then find all the traders (gonna need a motorcycle) so you can hit them all every time their inventory refreshes. Once you get all 7 you can drink a fergettin elixer and respec completely into the appropriate skills.

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Depending on difficulty, light/military armor might not be enough for extended melee combat in the later gamestages, especially since two crucial melee perks are under fortitude as well: damage resistance and health regeneration. Without these, you'll be stunlocked often and go through healing items (which is under yet another ability) really quickly.


As far as mobility goes: with points in the corresponding skill and a few customized fittings, heavy armor feels mobile enough to me.

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I'll be doing the challenge on Nomad, I ran around like some demented chicken for the first couple days doing nothing but buried supplies quests so I have the first 3 books (1,4 and 6) Rekt had.


Still haven't spec'd any skill points but from what I'm reading, STR seems to be the way to go, Shotty for spec'd gun (thats not too bad, i'll be flush with coal if I spend any time in the burnt biome, since the major source of wood there is all burned, plus mining)


Heavy armor...well, I could swing that, I will need Pain tolerance anyways (My main focus would be getting axes to perform on par with a spec'd weapon if possible first)

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