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I love this game


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You know we see a lot of people going back and forth about what they want to see changed and whether said changes were a good or bad thing. You may see people complaining and fighting amongst ourselves but I don't. I see a group of people that love a game so much that they spend their time on the forums discussing ways to improve the game. I see a lot of you on many different posts sharing your ideas about the topic. We may not agree on the issue that is being discussed but I love hearing your opinions on different things. My wife and I love this game and it is by far our favorite game to play together. We plan our weekends out so that we can get everything done we need to early so we will have ample time for some zombie slaying action. I just want to take a moment and tell the devs that they are doing an amazing job and I can't wait to see what they bring us next.

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I have to agree. The new blocks and textures, the painting and all the POI upgrades in general look amazing and really make exploring much more fun than it used to be. Mods added a lot to the game, the item customization, new weapons..there's just so much I could go on for days.


The game is looking and feeling great, having a blast with it!

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+1 OP.


While there's definitely some balancing issues to be ironed out in A18, and some pretty chunky performance issues in the builds at the moment, my own personal opinion is that A18 has taken the game to new heights, and I say that as someone who really struggled to get much into A17.

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