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A18: Anyone farming yet?


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Well, those were wasted points to get to farming. With all the materials required a plot is a single square, big enough for one plant? Where farming was OP in a17, it's way under powered here imho, especially when it takes so many precious points away from other skills.

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Well, those were wasted points to get to farming. With all the materials required a plot is a single square, big enough for one plant? Where farming was OP in a17, it's way under powered here imho, especially when it takes so many precious points away from other skills.


I think 1 point into "living..." is not at all wasted as you get double the produce out of one seed. The rest of the perk is completely unnecessary as you can find seeds instead or find the recipes to make seeds. It just takes time now to grow your garden piece by piece.


In previous alphas you were starving a little in the beginning, then you made a large farm and invested all produce in making seeds until you had enough. Then, from one second to the next food went from scarce to irrelevant nuisance. Don't tell me you think this was a good progression.

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I think 1 point into "living..." is not at all wasted as you get double the produce out of one seed. The rest of the perk is completely unnecessary as you can find seeds instead or find the recipes to make seeds. It just takes time now to grow your garden piece by piece.


In previous alphas you were starving a little in the beginning, then you made a large farm and invested all produce in making seeds until you had enough. Then, from one second to the next food went from scarce to irrelevant nuisance. Don't tell me you think this was a good progression.


As I said in my post, in a17 farming was OP. In a18 it is way under powered. And you are correct, investing points in farming yields very little gain compared to investing in other skills. Unfortunately I already invested my points in farming, so those points are gone.


If plots were larger (ie 2x2, or 4 squares, or 3x3 for 9 squares, or larger) it would make more sense and be feasible. As it is the investment in resources is fine, but the size of the plot for the investment in resources and points is not, especially in a single player game where you have to be a jack of all trades. Imho, all they have to do to fix farming is make plot size bigger.

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Beware with Farming Plot. If you place them side by side, they join to make a "super Plot". While this sounds nice, you cannot mix seed types in them.


I have 8 farm plot blocks placed in a 2x4 configuration and had no problem planting different crops. Maybe try digging yours up and placing them elsewhere? Could just be a weird glitch.

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Sounds like playing a completely different game from what I have been. Canned food is pretty plentiful but not enough to cover my characters needs thus far. I've only killed one deer and a wolf so far for meat, and have had to use much of that to supplement. I've only found 7 eggs in as many days. I hadn't really thought about farming at all because I didn't want to spec into it far enough to make seeds. But knowing now that you don't need fresh seeds with every harvest I guess I'll start some plots, but I haven't found many seeds to use either.


Food drains absurdly fast. I can leave my base in the morning with a full bar and be down by 40% by noon. And I'm not even traveling much, I don't think I've gone further than 600m for a quest yet.


What game are you playing? I can be out fighting and looting for a game day and i've never seen my food go below 100, not even on day 1, and I am always out doing things. Do you just not loot enough poi's or something? I tend to find so much canned food I often waste some eating it when I don't really need to as I just don't got the inv space for it. I play on warrior difficulty, but all other settings are defaults.

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As I said in my post, in a17 farming was OP. In a18 it is way under powered. And you are correct, investing points in farming yields very little gain compared to investing in other skills. Unfortunately I already invested my points in farming, so those points are gone.


If plots were larger (ie 2x2, or 4 squares, or 3x3 for 9 squares, or larger) it would make more sense and be feasible. As it is the investment in resources is fine, but the size of the plot for the investment in resources and points is not, especially in a single player game where you have to be a jack of all trades. Imho, all they have to do to fix farming is make plot size bigger.


I just get 1 point in living off the land for double yeild on farm/wild plants, and then I find the seed recipes. Thats the beauty of A18, pretty much every craftable has a schematic/book for it. I see very little point to investing in the crafting skills much in A18, as I can just find books, about the only one I take early is advanced enginnering 1, and miner 69'er. for forges (and 20% faster crafting with them) and miner 69'er for block damage and ability to make iron tools right away.


In a single player game if your out looting poi's you should not be having any food or water issues period. Trader also has a vending machine that restocks daily that you can buy some food out of as well. Only issue would crop up once you loot everything around you, but thats why I stockpile meat. my current game I am on day 9 and have over 300 raw meat sitting in a chest, never had to cook a single piece of it yet as canned food i find kept me going. Protip: take trader quests before going to loot a poi. It'll reset the poi, so if its one you looted before it'll be spawned with new loot. I ONLY generally loot poi's when I have a trader quest for them. Unless said trader has no decent quests, then I'll go and and just loot whatever. If you use the trader quests, you can pretty much infinetly loot the town around you.

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