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trouble starting / loading a game

mr octo

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well, first of all I want to tell you that I am from Argentina and my English is not very good so I am using the google translator, once explained this I will tell you my problem,



After a while (less than a year) I downloaded this game again because I wanted to play it again, it turns out that now I have trouble playing it, first I convinced a friend to buy it to make a game between 2 and play, but it turns out that when I want to make a game "only friends" or "public" when it is creating the world it tells me an error of something about memory, ok I try to create a game of "not listed" and it does not tell me any error at the time of creating / loading, the problem is that the game in an average of 5 attempts the game closes only 2 or 3 times, I am really frustrated because I really wanted to play again, so I need help, it's the first time I do A post here so if I lack some information or I put something wrong I apologize then I will leave the files that the game generated with each time it was closed.










the specifications of my pc


radeon rx 460 (4gb)


8 gb ram


intel core i3 4170




(since the last time I played it, the only hardware I added to my PC was an SSD)






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Seems like you're running out of memory.

Check that your swapfile is set correctly, and has room on your hard disk to grow. (check free hard disk space).

Try generating a smaller world (4K) and see if that works.

If you can upgrade to 16G of Ram that would help, but you need to make sure your disk has free space first.

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I have 930 GB of free spaces, can it be that the game is no longer with 8GB of RAM?


I will try to generate a smaller world, but I think I had tried and the result was the same


By the way, what would the swap file be?

8GB RAM is the minimum recommended. If you're planning on playing on larger maps, or having higher video settings, you will want to have 16GB, or a minimum of at least 12GB.

You're running an 8k map, so that's really going to tax your system resources. If you have other programs using RAM as well, you're going to run out fast.


Dropping your resolution to 1280 x 720 will help as well.


If you haven't played with your swap, don't mess with it. The most common mistake people make is to mess around with Swap settings. That's not something that will benefit your performance unless you're running Vista or earlier with a really crappy amount of RAM.

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ok thanks I will try those recommendations that you tell me, try to generate a 4k world and stay on the loading screen of "generate towns" or something like that, I was also seeing the behavior of the consumption of ram memory while the game was running, I don't know it would serve as something that happens to the images maybe for a better analysis



PD: from the output of alpha 17 until now (17.4) may the game have changed so much that 8 GB of ram is no longer enough? because I reiterated before this did not happen to me, this is the first time

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In a16 the minimum required was 6GB, and the recommended minimum was 8-12GB. In a17 that's been pumped up a step, and 8GB is the minimum required now. The game loads the map into RAM, so the larger your map is, the more RAM it's going to take. RAM is also used from processing textures, structural integrity, and so forth.


You can see some testing I did back in a16 with RAM consumption here.

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In a16 the minimum required was 6GB, and the recommended minimum was 8-12GB. In a17 that's been pumped up a step, and 8GB is the minimum required now. The game loads the map into RAM, so the larger your map is, the more RAM it's going to take. RAM is also used from processing textures, structural integrity, and so forth.


You can see some testing I did back in a16 with RAM consumption here.



ok thanks, then I will try to make smaller maps I will also see if I can make some program closures that I have that are consuming me extra ram, and I will see if I can play this game again, you think that later when the game is more worked the consumption from ram get off?

I don't think a game like this consumes so much ram

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From what madmole said about a18, it should use considerably less RAM. This is Alpha, and the client hasn't been optimized much at all. Plus it's a Voxel game, and they rely heavily on CPU and RAM. Other games like Ark only rely on a fast GPU.



ohh very well thank you very much for that information, I hope that if you use less ram to the point that you can play it without problems, I also tried to make a smaller map and the result was the same even with the graphics to a minimum, the game was closed only, It is also rare because if the problem was insufficient memory of ram, this should not imply that the game never goes on ?, I ask why there were a couple of times that if I entered and could play

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