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[Request/Help] Making a character class mod


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I'm currently in the thralls of making a character class mod that uses the reward system from quests to allow people to build a class. The idea is this:


You start off with a Generic Class item


Craft a Specific Class Quest Paper using it (we'll go with Soldier - Pistol ver for this example)


Use the Soldier Pistol Quest Paper to start the Soldier Pistol Quest 01.


The quest should be simply "Go to the Trader."


At the trader, you're rewarded your pick of items just like if you completed a normal quest. Each Soldier Pistol Quest should start the next, ending with your character fully geared. That's phase 1.


Phase 2: Setup the 5 quests and their rewards to give the player their gear. Soldier Pistol Quest 01 will offer a range of weapons, Soldier Pistol Quest 02 will offer various ammo, Quest 03 will offer food and/or water, Quest 04 will offer clothes, and Quest 05 will be filled with Misc. items based on what class you picked. In this case, things like repair kits.


My issue is that I can't seem to get the trader to bring up the rewards for me. I'm using the "White River Citizen 1 - Journey to Settlement" as a basis and sorta Frankensteining other quests into the file to try to make something happen, but no dice so far. If anyone could point me in the right direction or just do it outright, I'd be most grateful.



This was inspired by Valmod Tallon's Spawn Helper





This is what I have so far:





















Any help would be appreciated.

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Yeah, I don't see how the dialogue XML will help. I've looked into other quest mods and they don't touch on it at all. They don't reference the vanilla XML or anything either, they make their own entries and such. Granted, none of the ones I'm checking let you PICK your rewards like the vanilla quests do, either, so that's probably the difference. But I don't know any quests mods that do that. Can someone point me in the right direction?

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I'll take another gander at it, but I'm honestly stomped atm. I can't make anything from scratch, I use other mods' resources as a basis and I don't see anything or anyone touching dialogues to make that happen. That being said, I still don't know of any other mod that attempts to, but I'll keep looking. I'm starting to think other modders don't do it for are a reason.

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I think if the dialogues give the on screen choice at the traders is what Guppy is referring to


<statement id="currentjobs" text="Do any of these tasks sound like something you can do?">
		<quest_entry id="test_sleepers" type="add" listindex="0" />
		<quest_entry id="test_fetch" type="add" listindex="1" />
		<quest_entry id="test_fetchsleep" type="add" listindex="2" />
		<quest_entry id="test_hiddensleep" type="add" listindex="3" />
		<response_entry id="nevermind" />


If I had time I would have ago but I have some real life stuff going on atm ... perhaps look at what the big mods are doing with xml and classes in Ravenhurst or Darkness Falls.

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