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Game crashing every minute

Dreamer :D

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Hi my friend and i have same pc-s when ever we go together and loot when he host or i it crashes his game and when we play on official servers its different it takes a bit more than a minute for him to crash he tried verifying integrity of game files and it always shows 11 corrupted files but it never downloads them he reinstalled game played on my account same thing happens to him i played on his account all fine to me , computers are low spec but they can handle game just fine we have same components everything its same . I just want to enjoy some time with my friend if anyone has any suggestions it would be appreciated. :D

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A lot of things could be causing this issue, none of which is the game's fault.


- Clean up the bloatware and virus/spyware on the computer... try to make it run optimally.

- Check to see if the internet / network is 100% stable (just because it works fine while surfing the net doesn't mean it's stable).

- no computer is created equal... just because you two have the same computer, doesn't mean they perform the same way. That's why benchmark scores are always averaged and not exact.

- do a stress test to make sure the computer itself is stable... could be a dirty ram stick or something causing crashes (and preventing the files from downloading correctly).

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one of our testers has a friend who was having similar problems... after expelling a lot of time to track it.... it was as simple as nVidia newest drivers causing the problem of video card overheating and causing the computer to shut down... i have the latest drivers with no issue but his friend was having issues and he has an rtx 2060.


may want to give re-rolling to previous drivers as a test.

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one of our testers has a friend who was having similar problems... after expelling a lot of time to track it.... it was as simple as nVidia newest drivers causing the problem of video card overheating and causing the computer to shut down... i have the latest drivers with no issue but his friend was having issues and he has an rtx 2060.


may want to give re-rolling to previous drivers as a test.

Very interesting, especially since there's Youtuber techs out there recommending Nvidia driver updates due to 3 security vulnerabilities. Good thing I don't care about the vulnerabilities. :p


Thanks a lot we tried everything but game still crashes its ok we will replace pc its probably some fault with hardware

Are you sure you want to jump straight to spending a lot of money? This could be just a simple issue to fix.

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