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How is Loot value in the in-game Prefab editor calculated?


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Is there anyone that can explain how the in-game Prefab editor's "Loot" value works?


Someone suggested that the value is increased by 1 for each lootable item added to a prefab. But I've got a Prefab I've designed with a Loot value of 80 and there are way fewer than 80 lootable items inside it. I ran into another Prefab someone created (large theme park) that had a Loot value of nearly 1400. It seems most prefabs are around 50 Loot value.


When I tried creating a blank prefab with nothing but a wood block and a lootable chest item I'm finding that some lootable items aren't adding anything to loot value, and others only seem to be adding 1. Neither of which explains how I've created a Prefab with a loot value of 80.


Has anyone worked through to create a master list of these values to better understand how the game is calculating this?

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