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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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3 hours ago, sandpaper600 said:

Hey, bdubyah, Is your vehicle mod compatible with vehicle madness?

It should work along side it without issue AFAIK. Obviously you won't find my vehicles out in the world like VM ones though. I do still plan on making a patch for mine so that is a possibility, just gotta find the time. Lol.

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44 minutes ago, mkgio said:

I have a question about vertibird, where can I find it? I can't find one.

Currently a trader is the only way for air vehicles. I'm still mulling ideas to figure out how to get them out in the world like the other vehicles.

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Alrighty, update is out for Wasteland. Do note I have moved it from GItLab to Azure due to some of the files being too big. Links have been updated.



Game Version: 21.1
Wasteland Version:

-Mod Dependencies: 
SCore v.
NPCmod v.
FullautoLauncher v.1.2.2
RandomMainmenuBackground v1.0.2


-Added: Metal Bat weapon(T3 metal version of the normal bat, to add options besides the steel club. Slightly weaker than the steel club, but uses a bit less stamina and attacks slightly faster)
-Changed: Adjusted car wreck harvests to drop a bit more often(wrecks and repairable version both boosted)
-Changed: Wrist watch moved to normal workbench, Mip-Boy moved to Precision Workbench
-Changed: Adjusted Eco value on a few items so they aren't so crazy(beaker, soldering station, etc)
-Changed: Fish Spear damage lowered slightly, changed to forged iron for repair
-Changed: Vehicle Repair Impact Driver now repairs with Motor Tool Parts, same as normal impact driver
-Changed: Reduced chances of looting a Vehicle Repair Impact Driver slightly
-Changed: Removed Strong Mutated zombie's spawning game event as it seems to error on servers
-Fixed: Night Stalker Vol 4 didn't open entire backpack as it should
-Fixed: Various icon and loc issues
-Fixed: Some perks still said they unlocked certain item crafting
-Fixed: Tweaked a few zombie textures as they were too bright
-Fixed: The Break power attack damage was too high
-Fixed: Changed all spear weapons over to spear holdtype from shovel and fixed attack ranges
-Fixed: Raging Nerd unlock levels showed incorrect requirements
-Fixed: Legendary Deathclaw gauntlet repair item was wrong
-Fixed: 10mm Revolver's bullet textures were wrong
-Fixed: Jen's old POI had some missing terrain and misplaced barb wire
-Fixed: Soldier Bank POI still had crawler sleepers that spawned zombies instead of soldiers
-Fixed: Wasteland-specific book series were incorrectly resetting when using a Fergit'n Elixir


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After starting the game the screen turns black!
All menus work!
How to play?

On 23.10.2023 at 11:35, bdubyah said:

Alrighty, update is out for Wasteland. Do note I have moved it from GItLab to Azure due to some of the files being too big. Links have been updated.



Версия игры: 21.1
Версия Wasteland:

-Зависимости от модов: 
Оценка v.
NPCmod v.
Полный автоматический запуск v.1.2.2
RandomMainmenuBackground v.0.2


-Добавлено: оружие Металлическая летучая мышь (металлическая версия обычной летучей мыши T3, для добавления опций помимо стальной дубинки. Немного слабее стальной дубинки, но использует немного меньше выносливости и атакует немного быстрее)
-Изменено: увеличен сбор урожая от автокатастроф, чтобы он выпадал немного чаще (увеличены как затонувшие, так и ремонтопригодные версии)
-Изменено: наручные часы перенесены на обычный верстак, Mip-Boy - на прецизионный верстак
-Изменено: скорректировано экологическое значение нескольких предметов, чтобы они не были такими сумасшедшими (стакан, паяльная станция и т.д.)
-Изменено: урон от рыбьего копья немного снижен, заменен на кованое железо для ремонта
-Изменено: Ударный драйвер для ремонта транспортных средств теперь ремонтируется с помощью деталей для мотоинструмента, как и обычный ударный драйвер
-Изменено: немного уменьшены шансы разграбления водителя удара по ремонту автомобиля
-Изменено: удалено игровое событие появления сильного мутировавшего зомби, поскольку, похоже, оно приводит к ошибке на серверах
-Исправлено: в Night Stalker Vol 4 не открывался весь рюкзак должным образом
-Исправлено: проблемы с различными значками и локализацией
-Исправлено: некоторые привилегии по-прежнему говорили, что они открывают создание определенных предметов
-Исправлено: изменены несколько текстур зомби, поскольку они были слишком яркими
-Исправлено: урон от атаки силой разрыва был слишком высок
-Исправлено: заменено все оружие с копьем на тип владения копьем с shovel и исправлена дальность атаки
-Исправлено: уровни разблокировки Raging Nerd показывали неправильные требования
-Исправлено: не подходил предмет для восстановления легендарной перчатки Deathclaw
-Исправлено: текстуры пуль 10-миллиметрового револьвера были неправильными
-Исправлено: в старом POI Джен отсутствовал рельеф местности и неуместно вставленная проволока
-Исправлено: в POI банка солдат по-прежнему были шпалы-краулеры, которые порождали зомби вместо солдат
-Исправлено: при использовании эликсира Фергита неправильно сбрасывались настройки серии книг, посвященных пустошам


How to download? I couldn't find any links on this site!
Skinte please!

13 minutes ago, User2010w said:

After starting the game the screen turns black!
All menus work!
How to play?

How to download? I couldn't find any links on this site!
Give me please!

When you start the launcher, the Anti-cheat (EAC) line is unchecked.
If you turn it on, the game does not start at all, it says the anti-cheat system is not installed!

Edited by User2010w (see edit history)
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14 hours ago, User2010w said:

Thanks everyone for your help!

Haha. Sorry I have a job and a life that take up a lot of my time. I don't get paid to just sit here and monitor this thread. The screen turning black is normal. Learn to read and finish the quest you start with to continue.


And it's not hard to figure out how to download it from Azure:


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11 hours ago, Eduho said:

El Páramo, fantástico mod, estaría bien tener una traducción al español 🙂

I've had a few people want to make localization for other languages. Feel free to make your own and release it as a small addon for my mod. I could only do it with Google translate and from what I've seen that isn't the best. Glad you like the mod. :)

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Hace 11 horas, Bdubyah dijo:

He tenido algunas personas que quieren hacer localización para otros idiomas. Siéntete libre de hacer el tuyo propio y lanzarlo como un pequeño complemento para mi mod. Solo pude hacerlo con el traductor de Google y, por lo que he visto, no es el mejor. Me alegro de que te guste el mod. :)

Así que lo haré. Gracias


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On 28.10.2023 at 08:03, bdubyah said:

Хаха. Извините, у меня есть работа и жизнь, которые отнимают много моего времени. Мне платят не за то, чтобы я просто сидел здесь и следил за этой темой. Экран становится черным - это нормально. Научитесь читать и завершите задание, с которого вы начали, чтобы продолжить.


И нетрудно понять, как загрузить их из Azure:


I figured out the download!

But the game is in Russian and the task is in English and it is not possible to copy from the game! If it hadn’t been deathly dark, I would have realized right away! And so I changed the drivers on the video card for 2 days! Why was it so difficult to do??

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2 hours ago, User2010w said:

I figured out the download!

But the game is in Russian and the task is in English and it is not possible to copy from the game! If it hadn’t been deathly dark, I would have realized right away! And so I changed the drivers on the video card for 2 days! Why was it so difficult to do??

When in doubt, go to Nexus.
Sounds like your having more issues than just these mods.

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On 10/28/2023 at 1:03 AM, bdubyah said:

Haha. Sorry I have a job and a life that take up a lot of my time. I don't get paid to just sit here and monitor this thread. The screen turning black is normal. Learn to read and finish the quest you start with to continue.


They did wait a full 4 hours before giving up.  That's something, I guess?   /s

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17 minutes ago, Matzo said:

Hey could anyone tell me am I suppose to have a quest after allocating all the starting points?

No, I got rid of the monotonous starter quest. Allocate your SPIFSAL points and you get your 4 skill points and off you go. 


14 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


They did wait a full 4 hours before giving up.  That's something, I guess?   /s

Eh, Khaine has dealt with him before. That's just how he is I guess. Oh well. I'd rather people like that not even play my mods. Makes my job easier. Lol. 

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Hello, we have been loving the Wasteland pack! We have started to run into a weird issue though... Whenever we activate a T4 quest, the entire world bugs out with invisible zombies, disappearing terrain, and basically everywhere except the POI is not traversable (fall through the world).  It has happened 3 times now in a short period of time, and with 3 different POIs.  Any ideas what could be going on there?


We are playing on a dedicated server with 64GB RAM (doesnt appear to use more than 10-12).  

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5 hours ago, SpottedPineapple said:

Hello, we have been loving the Wasteland pack! We have started to run into a weird issue though... Whenever we activate a T4 quest, the entire world bugs out with invisible zombies, disappearing terrain, and basically everywhere except the POI is not traversable (fall through the world).  It has happened 3 times now in a short period of time, and with 3 different POIs.  Any ideas what could be going on there?


We are playing on a dedicated server with 64GB RAM (doesnt appear to use more than 10-12).  

Can you get me the logs so I can look them over? If on a server, the server's log and a client log that was on when the issue happened would help.

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server_log - Pastebin.com



client_log - Pastebin.com


Seems to happen on every T4 quest now... If I abandon the quest, restart server / client, the POI is still screwed (floating on empty ground / tons of missing blocks) but the rest of the world seems to work ok.  Also worth noting sometimes for one of the players the zombies are invisible as well while this error is happening, but not always for both of us..

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2 hours ago, SpottedPineapple said:


server_log - Pastebin.com



client_log - Pastebin.com


Seems to happen on every T4 quest now... If I abandon the quest, restart server / client, the POI is still screwed (floating on empty ground / tons of missing blocks) but the rest of the world seems to work ok.  Also worth noting sometimes for one of the players the zombies are invisible as well while this error is happening, but not always for both of us..

Server seems fine, but you have errors coming from 000-ModManager on that client. So try removing that mod. Also, RandomMainmenuBackground isn't loading and throws an error, but I don't think it's causing any of the issues. But I would also update it as well, as it seems you aren't using the latest version, should be 1.0.2 I believe.

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On 10/31/2023 at 1:51 AM, Wrought said:

The duration math on painkillers and vitamins seems to be off.  I get half of the stated duration on the pills and I have Iron Gut maxed so it should be 50% more than the stated duration.  Fortibites seem to be working correctly.

Yeah, I think maybe that's remnants from a vanilla change from A20->A21 that I missed. Either way, all drug type items should fall under the Chemist perk now and not Iron Gut as vanilla even describes it to be for food, though the ranks do mention consumables. I'll probably tweak the descriptions to make it clear.

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Sprinklers don't appear to be working properly.  Before I place the sprinkler, the farm plots close by show has_water value is false.  When I place the sprinkler, the has_water value changes to true, but Water Source coordinates are 0,0,0 and the Water Block value is air Water instead of terrBedrock Water like the water pipes value.  I can only place seeds right next to the water pipe, but I can do that without a sprinkler, so the sprinkler isn't doing anything.

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