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(1.0/A21) bdubyah's modlets


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Believe me, you aren't the first one to ask that. Lol. But I am not interested in maintaining 2 versions of the mod. I'm not sure what the issue is for most people. I usually get something about it being too limiting but to me it just requires more thought and planning. 


I spent way too much time building it to tear it back out. It will likely be tweaked over time but the core of it will stay how it is. Only changes I'd ever make now would be if I decided to go full LBD but I think there are enough other mods that do that. 


The way the points are handled will change in the next update, whenever that is, to be a bit more streamlined. It will still work the same though. It isn't that hard to make a few changes to allow yourself more points in the beginning though. 

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Ehhh, maybe. But would likely need some tweaks to work. If it just adds some perks at least. If it adds a new attribute or anything at the top it will NRE.


Maybe try renaming those mod's folder to something else so that they load after Wasteland. That *might* fix it.

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Oh, and I am working on getting an update together as 20.6 changed a few things that will break this mod. Will try to get it out tonight, but might be tomorrow night as I'm in the middle of several new things with the mod at the moment, and have to make sure I don't leave anything half done in the update.

This update will require a new game as there are a few core changes to how the SPIFSAL points are handled, among other tweaks. Also would be a good idea to do a complete uninstall/reinstall as a few files have been renamed.

Edited by bdubyah (see edit history)
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Thanks @all for the answer and plkease forgive me that I ask. You say there is a possibility to change a few things to get more perk points. Is it for you ok that I change something and play with this Modversion for me alone? First I will ask you and for me it is important that you agree. And can you perhaps explain where I must do this changes to get full perk Points for teh attributes? Best regards.

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The Wasteland


Updated to 2.99, for A20.6

Needs a new game!


Built on:
SCore v20.6.229.1021
NPCmod v20.6.01.01
Full Auto Launcher v1.1.2
Random Mainmenu Background v1.0.1


Download at: Git  or Nexus

-Added: Legendary junk turret(loot only)
-Added: Bell now bong
-Changed: Added some new code supplied by Alter to slightly rework how SPIFSAL points are handled. They now are like their own points you can spend only on attributes in the skill menu. No more reading the books, you just buy them in the menu similar to vanilla. Your remaining points are displayed in the top right of the Skills menu.
-Changed: Old SPIFSAL books are now a super rare loot item that will add a level to whatever attribute it is for
-Changed: Vanilla pipe pistol is now Pipe Revolver(just a simple name change to separate it from my pipe pistol, and it looks more like a revolver anyway)
-Changed: Bumped power armor physical protection up some
-Fixed: Missing RCW recipe
-Fixed: Some odd textures on the Service Rifle
-Fixed: Hopefully sorted Awareness perk and radar mods so they should work properly now (thanks to Alter for the new method)
-Fixed: Couple small loc errors
-Fixed: Missing laser recycler mod recipe
-Fixed: Legendary power armor arm piece bugging out when switching from third to first person(ie: using vehicles)


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@bdubyah: A great thank for updating to A20.6 and to change something on the Skillsystem. Now I think it is exactly this what I am surching for. The idear to search for the books and they are rare is perfect. No the players have a long time motivation. I have a question:  The SPIFSAL Points are they limited at the start of the game like the Version before? Or is it possible to buy points like vannilla when we get experiance? And the books are a nice present too? Or are the Points limited and the books are the only way to get more attribute points? Best regards

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6 minutes ago, Ru Melin said:

@bdubyah: A great thank for updating to A20.6 and to change something on the Skillsystem. Now I think it is exactly this what I am surching for. The idear to search for the books and they are rare is perfect. No the players have a long time motivation. I have a question:  The SPIFSAL Points are they limited at the start of the game like the Version before? Or is it possible to buy points like vannilla when we get experiance? And the books are a nice present too? Or are the Points limited and the books are the only way to get more attribute points? Best regards

Points are still limited. Attributes can be increased once by the book or statue for its attribute. Drugs and other items can temporarily increase them also.

If you want to edit how many points you start with, look at the very top of buffs.xml. Should be easy to see what to change.

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Hy again, I decide to play with a lot of Mods and Wasteland too. Now I get some red notices about the llot.html from wasteland.

There comes the message lootcontainer Birdnest and Junk and something other. Is there a chance that I can change self something in the loot.html from wasteland, because I don´t know which other mod it can be. Which line I must change? Best greetings

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1 minute ago, Ru Melin said:

Error Lootcontainer birdNest unknown

Error cntBackpack unknown


if you can help me here where the right position here is in the loot.html it will be helpfull.

You will need to post your output log, not just the error messages.  The log will have information on which file has the error, and usually what line of the code the error is on.

The default location for output logs should be C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\logs

7DtD sorts and loads files in numeric and alphabetic order.

So a mod named 0-SCore would load before 1-Addon, and BadZombie would load after BadMonster... 

The game is looking for those items, but they have not loaded in at the time the game is looking for them.

Just a guess at the moment, but it might be an issue with the order that your mods are loading.


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Wow, thanks a lot from you all I can learn a lot. Here is a part of the log:

2022-08-19T19:47:09 520.600 INF [EOS] Registering server
2022-08-19T19:47:09 520.613 WRN [EOS] [LogEOSSessions - Warning] Session will be created, but user lacks permission to advertise presence.
2022-08-19T19:47:09 520.637 INF Broadcast Manager is disabled.
2022-08-19T19:47:09 520.642 INF Fire Manager is disabled.
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.728 ERR LootContainer 'cars' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.730 INF [DECO] written 81691, in 22ms
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.737 INF [DECO] write thread 5ms
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.802 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.806 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.841 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.878 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.886 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.904 ERR LootContainer 'birdNest' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.917 WRN No chunk for position 784, 46, -1603, can not add childs to pos 783, 45, -1604! Block rockResource02
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.943 ERR LootContainer 'laundry' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.949 ERR LootContainer 'medicalPileSmall' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.952 ERR LootContainer 'ammoPileSmall' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.952 ERR LootContainer 'reinforcedChestT2' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.960 ERR LootContainer 'medicalPileSmall' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.960 ERR LootContainer 'toolBox' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'shoes' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'medicalPileSmall' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'closet' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'closet' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'toilet' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'sinks' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'junk' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'foodPileSmall' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'cupboard' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.961 ERR LootContainer 'sinks' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.962 ERR LootContainer 'collapsedWorkbench' unknown
2022-08-19T19:47:10 520.962 WRN No chunk for position 665, 43, -1584, can not add childs to pos 665, 43, -1585! Block pipeSmallWall1x3

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Hmm..perhaps I found a bug. I startet the game with normal 21 DIFSAL Points for the attributes. I skilled completly the strong part with 10 Points. Than I give me the SPIFSAL Books (creative) and try to give me more points for the attributes. This works, but it overwrites the strong part, so after I read the SPIFSAL String Book I have only 2 Points in strong. And the 11 freepoints that I wand to spare are gone away. After this there are 0 Points over.

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I think the problem in the loot.html I found. It is the group556small medium and large. 

Now I have only the problem with the Blocks.html I think 20 reds.

2022-08-20T09:48:00 131.327 ERR Block MetalBox2 is found multiple times, overriding with latest definition!
2022-08-20T09:48:18 148.585 ERR Block cntCar1 is found multiple times, overriding with latest definition!
2022-08-20T09:48:18 148.590 ERR Block cntCar2 is found multiple times, overriding with latest definition!
2022-08-20T09:48:18 148.591 ERR Block cntCar3 is found multiple times, overriding with latest definition!
2022-08-20T09:48:18 148.592 ERR Block cntCar4 is found multiple times, overriding with latest definition!
2022-08-20T09:48:18 148.618 ERR Block cntCar5 is found multiple times, overriding with latest definition!
2022-08-20T09:48:18 148.626 ERR Block cntCar6 is found multiple times, overriding with latest definition!




is here a chance to change something?


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I'll look into the SPIFSAL bug. I have a good idea of what it might be.


As to your conflicts...I don't have the time to troubleshoot that many mods. There are so many errors and I didn't even get all the way through the log. The Firearms mod will cause issues, and one of them changed the backpack size before my mod. In that log it showed that blocks.xml loaded without issue so not sure what's going on there.

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Alright, pushing v2.991 with a few fixes:

-Changed: Swapped the 10mm pistol model for a better one (Thanks Alter for finding/setting it up)
-Fixed: SPIFSAL books still using old buff system that would break attribute levels
-Fixed: Hostile NPCs should now set mines off properly
-Fixed: Hunters and Mosqs had crazy scales set that would make particles huge on them
-Fixed: Several small loc fixes


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@bdubyah: Thank you for your help. I fixed all modproblems. I have a further question: I think to start with 21 Starting Skillpoints for attributes. The SPIFSAL Books can only give 1 Point for each Attribute. Is there a possibility that I can change this so that we can read as example the strength SPIFSAL Book more than one time?

Best regards

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On 8/21/2022 at 2:41 PM, KronGaming said:

Having a server crash:  mod is working fine playing locally, but the Dedicated Server crashes shortly after players join.




Very odd. Not a lot of info there. Looks like all the mods and everything loaded fine. Maybe verify the server files and test it out with vanilla and see if that works? I just fired a dedi up on my second PC and joined without issue. But it isn't Linux so not an exact test.


On 8/21/2022 at 6:20 AM, Ru Melin said:

@bdubyah: Thank you for your help. I fixed all modproblems. I have a further question: I think to start with 21 Starting Skillpoints for attributes. The SPIFSAL Books can only give 1 Point for each Attribute. Is there a possibility that I can change this so that we can read as example the strength SPIFSAL Book more than one time?

Best regards

There isn't a super simple way to accomplish this. You can edit the cvars on the book items to allow them to be read again, but they will just apply the same buff you already have, which won't raise the attribute. You might could try adding <stack_type value="effect"/> to the attribute buffs the books add. It might not work how I'm thinking though.

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