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LandClaimOfflineDuribilityModifier NOT WORKING


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Can/is the LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier (be) Fixed? We had our settings set on 0 for infinate no damage made but seems to me its still not working. Tried Googling and searching the forums and said it was a bug (i think) but is there a way to properly fix it?


According to this settings, the damage you do on lets say a wooden block is like little. BUT NEEDS TO BE COMPLETELY "NO DAMAGE"


We want the offline landclaim block working similar to the Trader Joel claim block (taking no damage) when player is offline

So the server can be set according to offline raiding - not possible

and online raiding - possible


Current settings:


<property name="LandClaimSize" value="41"/>

<property name="LandClaimDeadZone" value="30"/>

<property name="LandClaimExpiryTime" value="30"/>

<property name="LandClaimDecayMode" value="2"/>

<property name="LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier" value="4"/>

<property name="LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier" value="0"/>


Is there a way to fix it? I don't know where to Post this type of error but im hoping to get feedback. This is important as we have a PVP server and we have created the server so that the survivors are able to raid when the person is online. People who are streaming are getting stream sniped by this as soon as the streamer goes offline in the game, they start attacking the streamer base. This is somehow unfair as this have happened least 3times a row.


Any help would be greatly appreciated


Thank you

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Can/is the LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier (be) Fixed? We had our settings set on 0 for infinate no damage made but seems to me its still not working. Tried Googling and searching the forums and said it was a bug (i think) but is there a way to properly fix it?


According to this settings, the damage you do on lets say a wooden block is like little. BUT NEEDS TO BE COMPLETELY "NO DAMAGE"


We want the offline landclaim block working similar to the Trader Joel claim block (taking no damage) when player is offline

So the server can be set according to offline raiding - not possible

and online raiding - possible


Current settings:


<property name="LandClaimSize" value="41"/>

<property name="LandClaimDeadZone" value="30"/>

<property name="LandClaimExpiryTime" value="30"/>

<property name="LandClaimDecayMode" value="2"/>

<property name="LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier" value="4"/>

<property name="LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier" value="0"/>


Is there a way to fix it? I don't know where to Post this type of error but im hoping to get feedback. This is important as we have a PVP server and we have created the server so that the survivors are able to raid when the person is online. People who are streaming are getting stream sniped by this as soon as the streamer goes offline in the game, they start attacking the streamer base. This is somehow unfair as this have happened least 3times a row.


Any help would be greatly appreciated


Thank you


How long has the claim been there? There has been a bug that goes around that if you log out for so long that they decay, they won't return to active even if you log on. I don't know if that's been fixed but its hit me a few times on MP.

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Not only are the LCB not working properly, but there's a new way to force open a locked door, again. I'm not sure how it's being done this time, but logging on to the pub I've been playing on and seeing all my doors open and undamaged is just... annoying. All on a "no base raiding" server nonetheless.


At this point, the only way to play and have people not mess with your crap is to use those server Bots/Plugins that allow you to claim land using their custom system. That way people get ejected from your plot the moment they step on it.

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Not only are the LCB not working properly, but there's a new way to force open a locked door, again. I'm not sure how it's being done this time, but logging on to the pub I've been playing on and seeing all my doors open and undamaged is just... annoying. All on a "no base raiding" server nonetheless.


I think in alpha 15 explosive weapons would forcibly unlock doors and chests. Or at least doors I know for fact my friend was spamming rockets on my front door and he was like "Oh the door is unlocked" and opened it and I was like o.0 UHM WTF NO IT ISN'T im not that careless! so we tested it.

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How long has the claim been there? There has been a bug that goes around that if you log out for so long that they decay, they won't return to active even if you log on. I don't know if that's been fixed but its hit me a few times on MP.


The landclaim block we place instantly by another player. We tested this out on ALPHA 17 stable. Allow one player to place the block. No allies with eachother. that player logs off and then straight on you try to break a single wood block. Still damage being made on it eventhough the server OFFLINE landclaim block is set on 0.



IT HAS BEEN TESTED EXTENSIVELY. I hope this is a bug that can be fixed.

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even though the server OFFLINE landclaim block is set on 0.



IT HAS BEEN TESTED EXTENSIVELY. I hope this is a bug that can be fixed.


Wouldn't 0 equate to 0 protection rating? That may be why its not doing anything.


Its working fine on our server, which is x4 online and x12 offline protection.

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Wouldn't 0 equate to 0 protection rating? That may be why its not doing anything.


Its working fine on our server, which is x4 online and x12 offline protection.


No , according to server settings. the LandClaimOfflineDuribilityModifier is set to 0 (zero) which means infinite No damage. Supose to be like Trader Joe Traders


<property name="LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier" value="0"/> <!-- How much protected claim area block hardness is increased when a player is offline. 0 means infinite (no damage will ever be taken). Default is 4x -->

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change the online one to 0 as well and see if it does the same thing. It may just be making it have no protection instead of infinite. Worst case you can always make it the highest number it supports. Three or four digit numbers that make it almost infinite

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change the online one to 0 as well and see if it does the same thing. It may just be making it have no protection instead of infinite. Worst case you can always make it the highest number it supports. Three or four digit numbers that make it almost infinite



We tried that aswell. No luck man :( We have done every possibility making it work but i guess its upto the devs to say whether this is broken or not

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You need to use a server mod. CPM has advanced claims for PVE that teleport players out of the claim to prevent any type of griefing.


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I don’t know why you would ever run a server without a server mod..


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If you want pvp claims to be fixed then just restore a16 claims with CPM.....

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You need to use a server mod. CPM has advanced claims for PVE that teleport players out of the claim to prevent any type of griefing.


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I don’t know why you would ever run a server without a server mod..


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If you want pvp claims to be fixed then just restore a16 claims with CPM.....


Its a PVP Server so we trying to make the the server run so that it is possible to raid a person when it is online. Just seems fair towards players who builds a base up nicely and ends up raided after he/she logs back on. Hence the offline landclaim block not working so well.


Also we want to try keep the server as vanilla as possibe with a little custom UI on it:)

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