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Posts posted by Scyris

  1. 13 hours ago, LackLustaFilaBusta said:

    I personally like the new mag system for the most part, apart from sometimes looting a better version of something I can make. I think the skill system needs a rework though as far as things go. Having to dump so many points into various attributes to get access to certain perks that you more or less need feels bad or trying to play with 2 weapons that aren't the same attribute. A lot of perks can also be combined to make the player experience more enjoyable.


    This got even worse in A21 as you do not have sex t-rex in str to lower stam use for all melee and tools anymore, you have to get 10 in the stat and 5/5 in the weapons perk to match what sex t-red used to do for half the perk points and it applied globally. Though same applies for ranged weapons with them all over the place stat wise. The stat system needs a complete redo, or a entire removal and back to a lbd/mag learning/level gate system. Just something better than now.

  2. 4 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Well the noise should wake them up and not any damage. It makes the invisible barrier even more obvious that way. Wich is a big immersion killer. It feels so aracady.


    True. the noise should wake them up.

  3. 1 minute ago, LackLustaFilaBusta said:

    I mean I think both stealth perks need to be combined having them split is an insult to stealth players especially if they ended up in 2 different branches


    Considering how much the game hates stealth playstyle as it is? it'd kinda fit with how anti-stealth tfp is going.

  4. Just now, LackLustaFilaBusta said:

    Exactly there are so many skills that can be compacted to improve qol for the player. They should also move them to a attributeless tree if they stick with the whole attribute system that way we have more access to them without having to dump so many skill points into attributes we dont want.


    Or just lower the stats. I was thinking 2-3 groups could work, Offense, Survival, and Utility. something like miner 69'er would be a utility skill. Stealth could be survival, sneak attack damage would be offense, as would all weapons melee and guns. The problem is less the stat system and more how everything is too spread out. If all weapons were in 1 stat i'd not mind the stat system as much as I do.

  5. 19 hours ago, Gideon said:

    People still do treasure maps, buried treasure, and treasure hunter?


    It seems like a terrible waste of time and skill points. Oh well, if it makes people happy.


    treasure maps are usually always worth doing, and you don't need any skills to do the, the skills just make it faster. As for buried supply quests, No one touches those anymore really due to the fact almost everytime the ring shrinks it spawns a pack of 5 zombies, it just became a total pain in the butt to do them. I mean the time it took to dig and find it was bad enough and they were also only low tier trader quests.

    15 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Yes, the quests are the ones that spawn zombies.  Are those called Buried Treasure?  Or is it Buried Supplies?  I forget.  In any case, yes those are the ones I'm talking about, not the treasure maps.  I don't really count the treasure maps as quests even if they are placed in the quest list.  But that's just me.  ;)


    Buried supplies are the ones that spawn zombies almost everytime the ring shrinks, and one set of spawns when the chest is open is guarnteed.

  6. 33 minutes ago, LackLustaFilaBusta said:

    Honestly it feels like so many skills need a full rework at this point. A large majority of these "General stat skills" could be combined to make life easier and so it doesn't feel like a huge investment of your skill points to go for something like Lotl when you need points for so many other things as well. For example Hidden Strike and From the Shadows should just be one skill considering if you are going for stealth you are gonna want both. Or even Animal Tracker and The Huntsmen should be one skill since they work together thematically.


    Miner 69'er and motherload are another 2 that could use being fused into a single skill.

  7. 18 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Yeah, the place where the zombies spawn are really weird. It has "We desperatly need to challenge the player and can´t come up with anything else" written all over it and feels artificial af. Zombies in cupboards were already weird, but A21 put this to a new level of weirdness. 


    And it also feels so wrong that i can do whatever i want, even use grenades, right under a drop ceiling with zombies above me without them waking up. But if i quietly move a bit further on the intended path of the POI, using stealth, they all wake up and drop in my back. That´s just bad. It was already bad before when you could do whatever you want in the room next to the sleepers, but the waking up once you passed them even after using explosives right under them, is even worse and only topped by zombies spawning in once you walked by their spawn point. That´s simply cheap and seems like a desperate measure.


    Seeing how they have to make zombies more of a threat in POI´s (wich isn´t a bad thing, just do it right and not weird) i have low hopes for bandits tbh.


    Part of the explosives thing is the fact TFP finally fixed explosions going thru blocks. Molotovs still do but thats due to how they work, but grenades? you can chuck one at a door you know a zombie is behind and it'll literally leave the zombie on the other side untouched. Though I sort of prefer it this way, as it makes building your base to deal with cops/demolishers and cop puke easier. Cover the walkway with plates and it'll basically never collapse as they have to get thru the plate first to hit the block under it. I also notice since a20 cop puke doesn't aoe explosion when it hits like it used to, you notice this the most on normal cops, it just hits the one block it hit directly, compared to before where it was a 3x3 explosion. Ferals still suck thou as they have a puke shotgun.

  8. This was a map I literally just generated, I spawned in, in the forest as usual, did the intro quest only to be told my trader is 4.3km away, I wasn't walking that so I basically debug mode and ctrl+clicked the map to warp to it.. well it got worse. Not only was it 4.3km away my first trader the game sent me to at level 1 was in the middle of the wasteland. Needless to say I exited to menu and generated a new world. Did run around a bit and found t6 stone axe/shovel thou, outdoor spawns weren't too bad other than the zombie bears. But yeah, could you imagine a new player getting told to run 4.3km away only to end up in the worse biome possible to start in for a new player?

  9. 24 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    I really hope so too. Unity really limits the amount of zombies you can have at once. It sucks so much to have a zombie game, but the world is empty af. I rather can´t destroy literally everything than having nearly no zombies.


    It´s not going to be their next game though. They are working on a game with Unreal Engine 5 for some time now, but we only know it´s not going to be 7 days to die 2.


    I also know I mostly likely will not touch it after 7dtd's fiasco, i'll give everything a chance but i'm going to be real hesitant to buy anything else from TFP in the future. If the new game has early access I almost won't touch it for sure after seeing how poorly 7dtd's EA has been with the devs never seeming to decide on anything. Plus I am not sure how modable UE5 is, I like my games to be highly modable as that lets the game have a much longer life. 7dtd only has lasted as long as it has imo because its modable.


    Doesn't the new game have a seperate dev team though? Which means the current team may start on 7dtd2 after 7dtd1 goes gold. I hope 7dtd2 at release at least has the same features the first game has even in early access.

  10. 27 minutes ago, LackLustaFilaBusta said:

    And I'm sure that they could have found a way to make it work by now if they didn't sideline it to continually rework systems that they have no idea on how they want to work. I mean its alpha after alpha they delay stuff that was supposed to be added in it just so they can rework the same couple of things.


    True, they redo too many of the systems far too often, no arguement there, like I said in this thread or another i've been in several early access games, and 7dtd is the only one that seems so.. wishy washy like this. Its caused the game to stagnate and basically not go anywhere really since a16. I mean a21 is pretty much mostly a art update alpha, not gonna lie it looks good though, but I wish they'd stop focusing on making the game prettier and focus more on the gameplay and performance side as thats where vanilla suffers the most atm.


    When people ask me if I reccomend 7dtd I usually tell them this: if your willing to get into mods its a great framework for mods, but the vanilla game is lacking in many aspects, if you were gonna buy it just for vanilla i'd not reccomend it to be honest, but if your willing to mod it, the game will last you a long time, as many mods completly change the game.


  11. On 6/22/2023 at 9:34 AM, meganoth said:

    Nice idea, but somewhat time-consuming and expensive for TFP to do as they would have to optimize and balance the LBD system as well and if the "player base" would then want perks back they would have to scrap all other work they have done in the meantime and integrate that with the perk system again. Also they could not add bandits at the same time as that would influence the vote as well.


    Maybe a better way would be to actually provide two versions, one with perks and one with LBD. So everybody can have what he wants. Drawback is that TFP would have to support both versions.


    (Actually we have two versions available, one with perks and one with LBD (DF). But for some the availability of a mod doesn't count)


    Oh don't give me that, if a single modder can do it in a short time (less than a week working an hour or 2 a day or so), tfp has no excuse. Darkness Falls completly tosses vanilla's stat system in the garbage (where it should be imo) each alpha, and I believe its very easy for him it implement it everytime the game updates. This proves the coding to support it still exists from when it was in a16.4, if it wasn't it'd be much harder to be put in, still doable, just be more work, going from a16.4's system to the a18 stat system was probally way more work than if they just fixed the 2-3 issues with the a16.4 system, yet instead of fixing the few small issues it had they decided to redo it from scratch.


    As for balancing it.

    skill levels 1, 20, 40, 60, 80 are level 1,2,3,4,5 of a perk like pummel pete, miner 69'er, motherload etc. To balance headshot damage. look at what the bonus is at 10 in the stat, and set it as a range from 1 skill to 100 skill. with 0 skill being equil to 1 stat, and 100 skill being whatever the stat at 10 would have (this can be done, many aspects of the game already use this system). You could also make the action skill give a bit of damage, and a bit faster reload that stacks on top of the perks, but that could come later.


    The point is just because mods exist aren't an excuse for the devs to bascially ignore what the playerbase. I'm tired of 7dtd devs using mods as a excuse as to why they don't have X feature, give us a real reason. Your not making a game just for yourselves devs, your making it to try to appeal to players to buy it, need to learn to cave on some things for the sake of players.


    Good example is the whole needing farm plots, Devs say its because you can't hoe the ground due to some technical reason with the way the game handles biomes or something (I forget exactly what it was but it was along these lines), yet multiple mods have shown it can easly be done and it works fine. Whats the excuse now? As your technical reason was just debunked since modders were able to do it without a problem, calling it a "hacky" way doesn't matter, what matters is it was easly done, by some modder in his home on his own. TFP in this case made a choice, thats the only reason it "needed" to be changed. BTW DF also has the farm plots, you can use either way to grow crops, either hoeing the ground or using farm plots.. See players like choices? Some like the farm plots in DF, me? I just hoe the ground.


    One of my biggest gripes is TFP keeps removing choice from the player, A21 with the sex t-rex thing is a prime example, why not add it to the weapon lines as they did, but also leave sex t-rex in? so players could choose to invest in sex t-rex to get all around stam reduction, or could choose to ignore it and focus on their chosen stat/weapon. I know what i'd choose, I'd choose to get sex t-rex in str, as its more efficent, as even maxing the stam reduction in ONE weapon or tool line now costs over double the perk points maxing sex t-rex used to cost that effected every weapon or tool. Its just gone from being efficent to super inefficent as hell from a20 to a21.

  12. 29 minutes ago, LackLustaFilaBusta said:

    Honestly feels like the devs get in their own heads too much and feel the need to keep changing the same things over and over and that usually ends up being the bulk of each alpha.


    TFP is basically making the game they want to play, not the game the players want to play and thats a big part of the problem. The players want something much different than the devs seem to want, the devs used to align with players up to a16, but a17 and up they kinda stoped listening to the playerbase and just do what they want.

  13. 2 minutes ago, LackLustaFilaBusta said:

    They have to actually get around to adding them first lol, I'm sure alpha 22 will be yet another skill system rework instead


    Some mods back in alpha 16 had bandits with guns. Darkness Falls to name one, its not like the raycasting system guns use has changed much from a16 to a21/22. Its actually part of the reason why bandits are delayed, TFP is having issues making the bandits just not be laser aimbots, due to the fact they don't/may not want to change the whole gun system to support them properly.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Markus Reese said:

    True, but water can often naturally filter. In real live the survival aspect for water is usually just finding a source. Once can boil, usually are good. Moving bodies naturally filter more. It does mean more prone to pathogens, but animals have lived hundreds of millions of years without dying. Stagnant water is where risk comes in. Is why beer was so common because alcohol wont stagnate like barrels of water which got so many sick.


    But to still play off concept, I figure it can work in that is fallout/toxins that need filtering.


    You would be surprised how hard it can be to gather enough daily calories to sustain yourself enough to keel functioning unless well versed in survival.


    Basic science, just a steam condensing and all water issues resolved with a bit of ingenuity.  It just overall seems silly that getting even murky water is so difficult in the future.


    Animals also have bodies and systems designed to filter/negate that sort of stuff out of the water naturally, Humans however, do not. I mean in some places people will fare better for example if your in a 3rd world country with poor water systems, the apoc will prob hurt you less, as your body is already used to the dirtier water. But take someone from a big city in the USA or Canada or any other 1st world country, and stick them into a 3rd world setting and make them drink the water, they going to get sick as hell as their body has no way to deal with the stuff in the water, while locals to the area will be fine as they are used to it.

  15. You think this is bad? wait till we got bandits with guns, you think melee zombies are bad? wait till 10 bandits with laser-guided assault rifles just spawn and charge you from 3 sides at once. Its part of the reason I hope when bandits are in you can disable their spawn entirely in the game options. I got no interst in aimbot npcs with guns in 7dtd, they just don't fit. The gameplay does not support that sort of playstyle it'd need major changes across the board to be able to support it properly that it'd turn into a completly diff game. Bandits are going to be a crapshow i'm calling it now.

  16. On 6/15/2023 at 8:01 PM, Vaeliorin said:

    Honestly, the biggest thing that's bugged me about this so far is locked doors that magically unlock and open when you cross an invisible line.  Honestly, much as I hate it, zombies smashing through a wall made much more sense than magically unlocking doors.


    I've always been on the fence with this, like, what were the people doing in that wall before they died? it makes no sense why they are there, even moreso for the ones that are in the cieling. Zombies were previously humans, and alot of the places they spawn from just make NO SENSE what soever for them to be coming from there. Lets not get into how artifical sleeper placement is in the first place, why is every sleeper almost always perfectly positioned behind a object so you cannot get a line on it to shoot it on the devs planned path? It just feels super artificial to the player. I mean the odd one getting lucky to go dormant in a spot like that makes sense, but the fact its almost every single sleeper is the problem. The fact almost every poi is bascially a dungeon on rails also feels fake as hell, its like.. what the hell were the people there trying to do before they died? I mean some people like this like say, a government facility would make sense, but some random house? makes no sense at all.

  17. 10 minutes ago, LackLustaFilaBusta said:

    Kinda sad to think this game will have spent 10 years in Early Access come december.



    It kinda is, most other games are usually gold within a year or 2 of early access, or least all the others I bought into. The problem is tfp keeps redoing systems that do not need to be redone, and they waste entire updates on it. The skill system has been redone at least 4 or 5 (or more) times since I started in a9-10. None of the other early access games have done stuff like this, skill adjustments sure, but they've never completly scrapped a system and redone it for the next update, I've only seen 7dtd do this. Its why the community in general feels that not even the devs know where the game is going anymore, as they seem pretty wishy-washy on so many aspects of it each update.

  18. 3 hours ago, Old Crow said:

    This was a really well-written and thought-out post. A shame TFP won't care, sadly. :(




    I'll be real thou in a apoc situation I think water would be more of an issue than food, there are tons of food sources out there, but once the bottled water we can loot runs out, where do you get it? Yeah you can boil river water but that does not make it 100% safe. For all you know there could be a bunch of dead bodies in the water upstream you can't see, and even after boiling that water it is most likely still not going to be safe to drink. Food is everywhere if you know what to look for, might not be the most appetizing looking thing as you may have to eat bugs or something, but it WILL keep you alive. Overall I'd worry more about getting drinkable liquids than food. Even more so as you'll die of thirst a hell of alot faster than you do of hunger.

  19. 1 minute ago, CapnCookie said:


    I think I'm the one that broke it somehow. I edited part of the cropsgrowingmaster group in the xml earlier today when I had done some toying around with the growth timer. I thought I changed the values back their originals, but maybe not.  Not even sure how that managed to interact with the destroy event under each crop block, but I loaded the backed up xml file I had for it and it seems to be working fine again. I'm getting seeds back now. 


    I haven't touched anything in my install. I generally don't get hardly any seeds back. I view seeds in loot as basically disposable crops now, I can grow that seed to get 4-6, but I don't expect one back anymore.

  20. 3 hours ago, Maxwar said:

    You have no specific goals beside survival. That is why I call it a Sandbox survival, rather than Sandbox crafting or whatever. 

    The sandbox aspect is not limited to the default gameplay, the variety of settings and the modability is a huge part of it. 


    Yeah but just because the game is modable doesn't give the devs the right to half-ass it as much as they are. ESPECIALLY when the majority of the new stuff in A21 feature wise are literally stolen from mods. Literal only actual unique things are the stabbing/shooting thru partially busted doors, and the fire pipe thing, pretty much everything else like the bird nests/garbage bags poofing on loot? yeah thats been in some mods for years. When I played A21 the first time, I just was like "Wow these guys played darkness falls for all the stuff it feels like they "borrowed" from it" Wish they'd copy something really nice thou like the DF skill system or something. Even the learn by reading system they have was semi-borrowed from undead legacys research system, you'd scrap schematics you don't need for research notes, which you can then turn into books you wanted/need. Its not the exact same but simmlar in a way.


    My biggest issue with 7dtd is the lack of content, since Alpha 10, we've had the same top tier material of steel, and since radiated zombies were put in we've not really gotten any new tiers. It feels like content wise the game is going no where. Sorry but prettier graphics, and more maze like poi's is not my idea of content, I want actual content, like a tier above steel (titanium seems a popular one) and some zombies above radiated. its why mods like Darkness Falls and Apoc now are so popular, they have multiple tiers for both items AND enemies above vanilla, and if a single person, can put this stuff in the game, TFP has no excuse when they have a entire team. For some reason TFP seems adamant not to add more to the game, they'd rather keep redoing game systems and making them worse each reiteration.IMO 7dtd could have gone gold back in a16.4 if they just fixed the issues with its skill system. Main issue was to make a better stone axe, you had to craft hundreds of them to raise a skill, all it needed was for that to go away. Most people who played thru A16 feels its the best the game has ever been and its been going downhill each alpha since gameplay wise. Though I do like the mod system A17+ had. I don't dislike everything after a16, I just really dislike the skill system and feel it needs a complete redo and to break away from the gated to hell stat system.


    Also if people keep asking this question the OP does it kinda shows there IS an actual problem, as I've seen it all over since a17 and up hit. Players are confused what 7dtd is supposed to be anymore, as it still seems to have no actual direction, and the devs don't seem to wanna tell us what the plan is, so we are kinda left here confused and wondering.


    Yes, if you bought the game tfp got your money so they don't really care about you anymore (or at least thats how it feels as they pretty much ignore what the games community wants), but 7dtd is not their only game, people will remember this, and be more hesitate to touch anything from them in the future, I know i'll be much more hesitant to touch a TFP game again, even 7dtd 2, 7dtd2 has to at least have everything the first game does as a minimum or else i'll prob not bother.

  21. 6 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    We are in the 21st alpha of this game and still no real idea of what late game content means or really what mid game content is, no clear story, out of whack skill tree even after 2 reworks for it, a progression system that's ridiculously out of whack and a shop system aka traders that almost always end up breaking the game due to what they make available for purchase which ends up destroying any kind of progression.


    It seems as if each alpha after alpha 16 the game has made no progress into where the hell its going or what they even wants this game to be. Are we a survival crafting game or are we a looters shooter now? Do we have rpg elements with class builds or don't we?


    I don't think TFP even knows what it is at this point. All I notice is more and more sandbox/player choice elements are being taken away each alpha, Big one in A21 was removal of sex t-rex, yes they added it to the weapon/tool lines themselves, but i'd have liked the orignal perk to have remained so you had a choice, you could focus on your main weapon, or get sex t-rex for lower stat costs on everything. But instead of that, they just took away the choice. Could have both ways in and just whichever has the higher value is what takes effect for that specific weapon/tool, and yes the game can do this, as it already does this with the tag system.


    How I see the game going is basically a forced on rails fps game with building elements. As each alpha seems to shoehorn players into a certain playstyle more and more. in A21, you are forced to loot, and do trader quests more than ever before. I mean I don't mind it personally as I did that anyway, but this pretty much screws anyone who liked to just mine, or just build, their playstyles are basically destroyed in A21. Well not destroyed you can make it work, what some groups do in a21e is decide who is going to learn what and they funnel all mags they find for that, to that one person. Since there is no point to having say 4 people with pistols at lv 10, 11, 7, then say 15. Much better to funnel them all to ONE player to have pistols at 40-43 that can then make better pistols for everyone else. Basically in a MP setting you have to micromanage who learns what now. Its a change players have to adapt too sadly.

    3 hours ago, Old Crow said:


    "You can play in our sandbox, but you're not allowed to use the castle-shaped bucket.


    Or the moon shaped one, or the triagle shaped one, oh and your not allowed to use the circle one either, here have this zigzag bucket to use its all you get deal with it. -Tfps view on the game these days.

  22. 3 minutes ago, CapnCookie said:

    I'm not sure if it's changed, but I haven't gotten a single seed back for any of the crops I've planted in A21e. 


    in A21 b317 I had 10 corn stalks, and I got 1 seed back after harvesting all 10. So the games 50/50 chance seems incorrect unless I was just THAT unlucky. I'm not a real fan of the replanting chance. like I'd not mind if after harvesting I am guarnteed a seed I have to replant manually, I'm ok with that, but this 50/50 (or less) chance thing of a seed is kinda BS. I never build a big farm in vanilla a20 or 21, I usually have 15-20 plots and just plant whatever I happen to find with LoTL 1, as I know your basically not going to be able to be self sustaining. There are new animal feed palletes thou u can shovel for corn seeds on farms usually.

  23. 8 minutes ago, LackLustaFilaBusta said:

    I think a mix of learn by doing and mag system could resolve a lot of the problems. Learn by reading can control the crafting aspect while learn by doing can control effectiveness of weapon/harvesting skills. Then just have a single skill page to spend points on perks that don't fall in line with either system like iron gut or advanced engineering.


    Yeah thats what the game badly needs. Just have a general perk's stat for all the non-weapon stuff, and learn by doing for weapons/tools perks like pummel pete and the headshot damage. I've hated the stat system since it was first announced, tfp's reason was to remove "level gates" but instead of removing the single level gate most perks had, they now made it 5 gates, so they made the problem worse, not better. I do like the magazine system though, it makes the game have a unique playthru each time even if you use the same build, since having high in the perks doesn't guarntee your going to find the mag, it just skews it in your favor a bit. Some of them though have to many levels, Vehicles and Workstations to name 2 that are especially bad. More so vehicles, I've seen people on day 40 that still only have a bicycle as they still haven't gotten enough mags to make a minibike. Mind you in a20 I never went intel so I usually had to buy my minibike/motorcycle parts, but with how traders were gutted so bad, its damn near impossible to buy the main parts (handle bars and chassis). It would be nice if the minibike bundle ALWAYS gave the handlebars and chassis, and you just had to find 2 wheels a engine and a battery. I usually have all that long before I'd get the parts.

  24. 23 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    I would uniroincally rather fight a radiated wight than a dog or 2 vultures. I'd rather fight a normal wight than 1 vulture


    Even just today, I literally almost died to a single vulture that hit me 98 times and gave me every status ailment known to man, then after I FINALLY killed the beast, I casually cleared the entire rest of the Poi without effort including killing the ferals and radiated.


    Dogs are scarier at level 40 than a cop, at level 1 it's an instant shrieking panic for everyone I've played with. You just hear screams of "DOG DOG DOG DOG HELP" before seeing that they died on the side of the screen


    Tips for doggo's. Always keep wood frames aka building blocks on your bar, you got one chasing you? find the nearest wall and nerd pole up the side of it asap, then take it out in whatever manner you see fit. If your in the open, nerd pole 3 high, and then make your own little wall quickly, then kill the dog. I play on warrior myself and yeah the zombie dogs are BS on day 1-3, I avoid them at all costs. I I do have to kill one I just hope I get it while its sleeping as even on warrior with no perks a sneak attack primitive bow stone arrow to the head will usually 80% kill it if it doesn't one shot, and then a 2nd hit with almost anything else finishes it.

    2 hours ago, Mister Forgash said:

    I'm inclined to agree Dogspawns in T1 either shouldn't be there, or should be in a position that gives the player ample time to recognize the threat and figure out what to do- just since these are what newer players will likely be exposed to, and turning a corner to find a dog eye level with the tender bits is a miserable way to learn to be afraid.


    Well I mean if your running thru any poi poping off guns like a nutjob then you kinda deserve everything you pull as you made the noise to aggro it. Most dogs in poi's are sleepers who are always in a inactive state on spawn. I say most as there are some poi's where they spawn mid sleeper volume and just come out of no where. That tier 1 Joe's Usa poi is a prime example of this. I still don't even know where that dog spawns from in there is. It seems to not be a guarnteed spawn as there are times i've done a clear quest for it, and the dog was not there. When it is there its usually when your in the outside part and 2 zombies bust out of a shed, as you fight them, the dog just kinda comes out of no where assuming it spawns.

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