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Everything posted by Viktoriusiii

  1. 😨they WHAT? beeing "pushed back" usually means "hey sorry guys, we tried, but they are not quite finished, so we push their release back a bit" They had the models done ages ago and some basic melee with the trader as well... But why would they say every alpha "THIS alpha, they come out" only to say they moved it back after like... half a year? Don't they know better? o_o Now I actually feel kinda lied to. It sounded more like a feature that was so complex that it just NEEDED more time... now you tell me they haven't been working on it whatsoever? *breathe* 1...2...3... Okay... thank you for enlightening me. That just... came as a shock to me. Buuut... I'm sure they will do ok... eventually Like they recovered from A17... still a lootershooter, but a good one. So they will probably eventually do things the right way guess only thing I can do is wait and see.
  2. see... now I do not get that WHATSOEVER. Why can't bandits evolve WITH you? Gamestage x => x + y = stone Gamestage x + y => x + z = scrap Gamestage x + z => x + yz = tier 1 I would like to see bandits with sledgehammers. I would like to see them use the blunderbuss. Why can't they start their camp with like a basic tent and ring of spikes day 0-7 (I'd love them to spawn in later at random "empty" poi spots so you don't see them immediately and it feels like they work WITH the world) then you see a basestructure that has quite a few unfinished towers and stuff, then the wall is complete but only one side is fortified... like... I think 6 stages is more than enough then add like 3 different varieties and it should be fine. But what I absolutely hate about 7d2d (again: love the game. bought it on release on steam and have been quite active... wouldn't be if I disliked the game on the whole) is that it feels so god damn static. Nothing in it changes. And bandits and NPCs NEED to change that. A basebuilding system is one way, but another FAR more important in my opinion is behaviour. Let them wander to cities... let them clear out easy, noncomplex pois (just going in, trigger zombies walk out, empty 50% of lootcrates inside) I don't need harder enemies (coming from me, the guy who always asked for harder difficulty, that means something ;D) that can shoot. I mean I won't complain, but there is no need for them. What this game needs is a heart. A breathing, changing world. Not every poi. Not every minute of every day. Just... SOMETHING. Moving traders, bandits, random NPCs that build their own hordebase... OBVIOUSLY the more complex the better, but I understand that there are limits. But SOMETHING is not too much to ask... If a feature, that brings nothing new to the table, is beeing developed for nearly half the devtime and is STILL beeing pushed out... it is time to scratch it. That is what I wanted to say. Zombies with guns are nothing we need. We need, as said, interesting new behaviour. And if what MM advertised comes to pass, that is a good step in the right direction... but I have been burned before by his words, so I won't get my hopes up
  3. You know Back then your reply would have made me mad Now, I just wanna say: Individual opinion is not egotistical. If I say "I will flip the $%&§" that is not a threat "do it or else" just... I won't like it whatsoever. I have a strong opinion about that, nothing more. I am not egotistical or smallminded for beeing on the extreme end of the spectrum. Just because 90% won't care, 5% will love them and 5% will hate them (numbers pulled out of the arse of the "normal distribution"-bell curve of extremes), does not mean that the 5% have no right to their opinion. And it does not mean that one should only take into account the other 95%. But honestly... I just wanted to vent a bit. And I was so very bored, that I actually came back, trying to voice an opinion on here 😂 Well... have fun again Roland! Good to see, some things never change!
  4. Well I'm back with some negativity: If bandits don't have at least SOME amount of base usage and daily routine, I will just flip the sh*t again at TFPs. Bandits were first teased in A12 I think? Since then, modders have integrated them weeks after the models have been released. I haven't played those mods... but if we have to wait like 5-6 years for a feature that is taking modders weeks... it better be worth it. I am not hating (yet) I get that official integration is harder than just modding... BUT if they are just zombies with guns, aimlessly wandering around the place with no ryhme or reason... OHHHH you better not integrate them at all! If that is the best you can do, do the behemoth ziplines and scratch it! I am still waiting for the "RPG" features that were teased 3-6 alphas ago (honestly, the alphas just blend into oneanother for me)... but to this day it still is not... not even hinted at. And no, just because you can act like you are a cowboy does not make it an rpg. I can act like I'm pyro from TF2 in TF2, but it is still just a shooter. This game is a survival shooter. RPG elements are interactions with the world. NPCs, story, narrative. So yeah... if bandits actually give a story, I will be all for them. If they are just moving loops with guns... or are just at a single premade poi that respawns them like they were zombies... if they can not interact with the world (repairing stuff, maybe even building stuff), honestly... just scrap them and work on passive npcs.
  5. Steep slopes caused pathing issues. Should they need to destroy blocks to make a stairway? Quiteop if you ask me. But sure, they could have. swimming Z's: I always found it weird that they couldn't float a little. Yes they probably should just be as fast as the player... but I have no idea what that even influences. A base under water is fun... but not possible to defend. A stiltbase was an exploit with or without water. Digging Z's: they didn't remove hordenight as an option, what are you talking about? Just set the frequency to Disabled and all is well if you don't like bloodmoons. true ppl will always find exploits. But Devs should always seek to make them as hard as possible to find. Exploits should be found, reported and never used again. Some little tricks are absolutely fine. Like... how to get a pick day 1. But as soon as you completely break the flow and the challenges of the game, it needs to be fixed, no matter how much you personally like it. THAT is (and I do not use this reasoning lightly since I hate it myself when used incorrecty) what mods are for. YOU want there to be exploits and that is fine. But devs shouldn't try to accompany everyone who wants an exploit to stay in the game.
  6. Well... how would YOU have solved those issues? Sure there might have been better ways, and I am surely nobody to be a TFPs lackey, but these issues had to be adressed someway or another. The most important thing is for the challenge to stay viable. And as I said you can't have a viable challenge if there are exploits. AFTER that you should be allowed to play however you like. But that doesn't mean every way should be just as valid. There is just no way to have everything be exactly the same. Things have benefits and weaknesses. Sneakbuild is awesome at clearing pois but bad at hordenight. Melee is ammo conserving but dangerous, M16 is a hordenight-zombie-shredder but uses more bullets than you could count. But if the options are: give up 10 seconds of your time to get the most awesome loot and be able to do that like 10 times per city or take 20 minutes clearing the poi to get the same there is just no comparison. And with the stone age these exploity behaviours are reduced, ESPECIALLY in the earlygame where you can cheese this the most, having Q5 shotty and ak in Week 1.
  7. You got it the wrong way around. A challenge is only a challenge, if there is no easy way out. If there is, it makes the whole challenge meaningless. This is the same discussion as safe bunkers, hordenight-exploits and all the other exploits people used to do that got fixed. Sure you can get joy out of a challengless game. But I have a pro tip: activate cheat-mode and press 'U' and you can have all the easy loot you desire. As long as this game is a survival game, I expect survival beeing a challenge. And beeing rewarded with weapons for doing the "frame up"->"frame down" move is not something anyone can call a challenge.
  8. Why not simply disable bloodmoon if you wanna be safe tho o_O
  9. didnt see a bear... but he might have been slower! I instantly closed the game and restarted in cheatmode (because F*** that $%&§! )
  10. I just hope this isnt a bug and actually intended so they don't "fix" this great feature (like ressources in A17): I absolutely love that you can crawl in 1 block high spaces. Have only tried it with dirt yet, but it feels so great and claustrophobic... make the char even slower when in this position and it is awesome!
  11. not so crazy about the saturation and the new light reflection off small things like bags, trash and the like (especially outdoors) I like that progression was slowed and the blunderbuss was buffed! Overall there are quite a few QoL improvements that I like. But it seems that doghordes can spawn on day 2. Closing and reopening the save gets rid of them tho (they don't get saved lol) At least I can fight one evil with another evil I really dislike that there are so many cities around. I like to use a remote poi for my first base... now I had to build it from scratch... which is kinda nice, but I still want to be further away from cities!
  12. Easy fix: Decrease the radius of the chest beeing hit and make it so that IF you can snipe that thing, he can't explode. He can still deal massive amounts of damage with his fist, but no more exploding. That is litereally the only way to balance this without reworking the entire design. Either he is tanky or he deals damage or he can explode and take half your base with it. He can't do all 3. And if he does, at least give us a countermeasure (like shooting his chestpiece).
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