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  1. I just hope that with the new 4x4 comes a new sounds for it. I'm an pickup-guy but the horrendous engine sounds has made it unplayable... this far. Hopefully it changes in 1.0.
  2. Different playstyles, i'm much too of a scouting/adventuring-type to do this. I like wandering around and exploring Generally, i loot everything from the boxes i can carry but don't disassemble anything. Quick-loot and onto the next house. If the loot-run happens in a far away town/village, i put a stash box in visible place and dump everyhing in it. That way when i'm heading home, i can just grab the best stuff i found from the location and easier to grab what's left the next time i'm close-by. Sometimes i do strip some buildings bare if i need large number of cloth, pipes and such but it's quite rare. Later when i find wrenches and need more electrical parts and such, i start making runs for the one thing. Again to go and drive around the beautiful post-apocalyptic landscape....
  3. Talking only about our group: we generally find some nice POI and build our base there. But as time goes by, the less there is left of the original as we upgrade, remove, decorate and add features and defenses to it. Usually in the ends there is nothing left but the overall shape. The POI only gives a nice starting point. Not uncommon that we build a brand new home base while it's being built. Another thing is we never, and i mean that literally, take the hordes in our "home base" and instead build a dedicated "horde base" for the horde nights. Losing the "horde base" means not losing all the resources, workbenches and equipment. That means building even more! Sometimes into POI and sometimes into brand new one, just to try new stuff. It's completely feasible to build both brand new bases and bases into a POI in a single game.
  4. But, there is already mist and wind puffs of dust in the game. If the colour was changed into brown/yellow and restricted to desert-biome (like other biome specific weathers), wouldn't that be quite close to a sandstorm? The lack of visibility is always a big threat so doesn't need any debuffs with it. Not saying it's a priority or easy, but it shouldn't be that hard.
  5. Meanwhile cannibalism is still in the game in the form of "rotting flesh" from humans and "hobo stew". Lucky that no ne has pointed that to the rating boards. Doesn't bother me, this just reminded me about how some rating boards can be very strict.
  6. ChatGPT: "This appears to be a sentence written in Pig Latin, which is a form of word play where the first consonant or consonant cluster of each word is moved to the end of the word, followed by the letters "ay". The sentence translates to: "means they might show some sneaky peaks of stuff they didn't quite finish or went on yet"."
  7. Yeah unfortunately it really isn't as easy. There are no guides for that and the video tutorial conviniently skips the whole water level heighmap creation all together. Sure biomes and cities and zoning are there but water levels... Nah. So, having fought over and over with this by myself with no help, it simply will not work. I create heightmap (anykind, any method), paint black areas (anywhere, nowhere), save correct formats and sizes and... The whole water levels gets screwed, putting water where it wasn't supposed to be. Or just not putting water at all. It most definately is not a simple 10min thing to add to my hobbies. It's clear that some of you are simply that much better and things are very easy for you. Good for you, just don't expect everyone to be on that same level. I'm giving up and it's not for the lack of effort. Sorry for being salty but i really could have used this time for other things. Excluding the water editing, this tool is still very good and kudos for that.
  8. Oh man, this is awesome tool! We are just starting a new map with this. Really like the clear UI and the extra info on each setting. 👍 One question/improvement: Would it be possible to add option to exclude water in desert biome? Would make the biome more feel like a dry desert. I know that this could be done with custom height/waterinfo but i'm really not fluent in making those :(
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