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  1. Thanks for the explanation. Patches were posted on Nexus this morning by Nocloud4u
  2. This is some of the coolest stuff. Thank you. I made Rock Drills for each ore type so I could place them on nodes and they would primarily harvest whatever the node represented. I can not get the Ammo Press to craft. I'm sure I've met all requirements. I think it's a conflict with SMX because the Ammo Press interface seems incomplete. There's no input for fuel (if reqd) and no output for ammo. Had no issues with any of the other mods.
  3. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    Went to Unity Asset store. There's a lot of bird sets out there. There's a free animated small bird set with good reviews. If I take the project on, I'll go to a modding forum after this. But allow me a couple of questions I'm sure y'all know the answer. Which is preferred, low or high resolution? What should use/license permit? Are Mechanim (sp?) animations compatible?
  4. scm1893

    Guppy Mods - A21

    Question about Fire Mod - On Nexus, we were talking about the Can and Flashbang grenades starting fires indoors. You said, "There is an xml property in the fire mod itself that basically says "if it's an explosion, start a fire", ..." and you suggested the solution was to disable explosions always starting fires and enable items individually. I wanted to look at, possibly, doing that for the Flashbang but when looking through the xml docs, nothing (to me) is obviously a connection btwn explosions and fire. Which doc should I be looking at?
  5. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    A voice in my head said, "Hey! I can do that. I'll find some models and animate them." And then a picture of me holding a Tasmanian Devil in a shoe box came to mind. I had both hands clamped on the box to keep it closed. I was looking at you guys, asking "What do I do now?"😁 Nonetheless, I'll poke around.
  6. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    On a separate note, the Birds Pack is working superbly, with the new numbers. Is more variety possible? And, if so, what can I do to help add a few more for the next version? Do we just need more models? Are they individually animated? Can those currently in the pack be recolored? (IE the current eagle in snow biome and recolored eagle in forest)
  7. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    Mods, don't mean to take this off topic but I feel I must respond. @LittleBoBleatMe too. And here's the rub. The more your AOI mod relies on other mods, the more frustrated you'll become. Since A18, I've had an idea for a mod such as yours. (not so similar and nowhere near as complex) I wanted to incorporate appropriate mods so as to not have to create/plagiarize them. Joel had speculated, once, A18 would be close to Beta, so I began working on it. A19 came. Mods had to be rewritten. A20 came. Same thing. Each time I had to wait to see if the mod author was going to update their mod before I could proceed. At A21 I decided to wait until Beta. I saw a little of this in xyth's reply to you. What I envisioned was a mod. What you've envisioned is a game. I love 7DTD and wouldn't say anything against TFP. But, the reality is you could learn Unity or go with software like GameGuru and create this game, using free models, before you'll be able to finish it as a mod. It's an absolutely fantastic idea (as was mine) but for "a bit of a perfectionist" it's gonna be as fun as drinking vinegar to create as a mod.
  8. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    It does. It won't change an existing in-game character but any I spawn with F6 have the correct name. When I tried it previously, I was only checking the one I hired. Gonna edit entities and give them all specific names. Starting a new game should clear all "King Moneybags" and spawn the new ones. Thanks xyth
  9. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    Darks Raider Gurlz Friendly used be named Betty, Gina or Jayne. Now they are all called King Moneybags. I see this line in entityclasses on every version of the characters. <property name="Names" value="King Moneybags" /> But changing it to their correct name does nothing. Don't see any other references to King Moneybags in the other docs. Any thoughts on how to rename them?
  10. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    @arramus I plugged in the entitygroups.xml with the increased numbers and explored the forest. I saw Crows and Robins for the first time. Those numbers produced a nice mix for me. The 4 bird mix spawned enough sightings to give me the feeling the area was populated. (match the audio) Thank you, again.
  11. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    @arramus TY for the detailed reply. I had no intention of putting you through this much work. I wanted this for ambiance; just some birdies flitting around to go with the default sound effects. All I can get it to do is spawn some birds that fly away. I seem to be alone in the issue. So, I don't want us to spend any more time on it, knowing it'll get borked in the next alpha anyway. I'd rather get back to playing. I'll take what you've given me and try working through it some other time. For real, thanks.
  12. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    @arramus Sorry for slow reply. 1. Copy/pasted as requested and inserted into existing game. No birds. Dark's Friendly Gurlz - Hired Gina – then hired Betty and Gina was auto discharged. 2. Started new game with only Score, NPCore and bird pack (changed as instructed). I have new sounds. I have eagles and Alcatraz. Never saw robin or crow. LOTS of NPCore characters running around. Are Harley Quinns supposed to be hostile? The Baker and Nurse were not. (realized DFGurlz had overridden NPCore characters) 3. Uninstalled/reinstalled 7DTD. Reacquired/installed current posted versions of Score, NPCore and Bird Pack. Started new game, spawned in forest. A few eagles spawn. Two Alcatraz spawn. All fly around until out of view. Waited til noon. No more birds. Did not see robin. Moved to desert. Spotted an eagle. Did not see crow. NPCore characters not as plentiful as before. 4. Added Darks Friendly Gurlz to see if names are corrected. Started new game. Birds as before but no NPCore characters to be found. DFGurlz are all still called King Moneybags. 5. Verified file integrity. 13376 files failed to validate. LOL. 6. Verified file integrity. 13740 validated. 7. Removed DFGurlz from Mods. Started new game. Spawned in forest. Eagle right away. Alcatraz next. As before, birds spawned and left the area, much like using the F6 function key. No new spawns. 14:00 still no robin. Teleport to desert at 17:00 – no birds – no crow sounds. Teleport back to forest – no bird sounds - crickets - No NPCore characters present. No bats by midnight. Exit. 8. Make fresh copy of 7DTD* – install current Score, NPCore and Bird pack – Start new game – Recap: Spent nearly a full day exploring the map, in search of birds and NPCore characters. Birds seem to spawn when I enter area. Saw a few eagles, saw fewer Alcatraz, saw no crows or robins. Saw bats. Saw very few characters. Don't know what the mix should be but this was very very sparse. I tried to test it in the cleanest environment I could. No criticism. Just trying to be helpful. I know how hard mod authors work and info is key to fixing issues. *I play SP separately from the main files so I don't get mod crossover to my server games.
  13. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    I'm gonna turn in info as if it's a bug. log file Summary: (NPCMod: Bird Pack - no birds spawn) Game Version: (A21.2) Platform: (PC) Video Settings: (High) Game mode: (SP) Did you start a new game? (Yes) (re-installed game as well) Did you validate your files? (Yes) Are you using any other mods? (Yes) (required files SCore and XNPCore) EAC off? (Yes) Bug Description: No birds spawning Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: ensure mod is correctly loaded and start game Actual result: (no birds (beyond vulture) spawn) Expected result: (avian activity)
  14. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    TY khzmusik - I updated both and restarted game. Betty working fine. No immediate issues apparent. Then I started a new game. And by luck, 2 Bettys spawn right away. (I wanted to have twin Bettys like the ones in the TV show Quark.) So I hired them both. LOL!!! Their names changed to King Moneybags!! Just my luck. Both work properly, though. Gave em both assault rifles, spawned Boe and he was dead before he could stand up straight. Still don't have birds so I'll start the elimination process. Gonna try a game with birds alone and one with birds, spiders and fish, just to see how it goes. Edit: started game with no mods except current SCore, NPCore and Bird Pack - let run til 22:00 - no birds. Added Spider Pack and "fish". Found spiders and "fish" but no birds. I understand DLLs can take residence in the game and continue to influence play, even without the mod loaded. Is this so? and, if so, I assume I need to remove/reinstall game to cleanse?
  15. scm1893

    NPCMod and Addons

    Have similar issue with darksraidergurlzfriendly, Betty. Started new game, hired Betty, gave her assault rifle. She engages/retreats enemies as if she is attacking but does not fire. (checked weapon was loaded) Noted it said V.16 may fix this. Have not tried updating CORE 'cause I read somewhere that changing this in mid-game could cause issues. Do I need to restart or can I swap out old CORE for new? 2nd ques. I have fish. I have spiders but I have no birds. It seems fish and spiders spawn after I've been in area a short while but not birds. I thought I glimpsed an eagle but it just dissolved before I could get a good look. Def not game breaking for me. Just curious if any known conflicts or suggestions as to where to look. If it needs a bug report, I'll get you what I can. Edit: 3rd ques. Can weapons given to NPCs be modded in any way?
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