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  1. I only play in SP mode, never in MP, I have largely given on many games in MP with Leroys Jenkins and other stupid mentalities. I never found the atmosphere, the fun, the role-playing game, the respect for the first network games and its players of the time that I knew. I'm an old jerk. So for me the non-player characters are important even if the AI of 7DTD for them (how to put it) is, for the moment, very limited. The game is above all made for MP. So wait for the A20 to decide, KHz, if technically first and then from a gameplay point of view, if it's really worth investing in lore and the NPCs that go with it. I'm currently doing my own overhaul, my own stories based on Romero's mind, no zombie bears, other vultures or other zombies that come from I don't know where, no drop backpacks when I kill a zombie, no bodies which disappear within 60 seconds. Maybe I'll broadcast it one of these four mornings, if there's an audience for those interested.
  2. Just create a file called Localization.txt inside the config folder ๐Ÿ˜€ Key,File,Type,english zombieBurntKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Burnt zombieBusinessmanKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Business man zombieBusinesswomanKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Business woman zombieCowgirlKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Cow Girl zombieFemaleKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Femme zombieFemaleLumberjackKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Fat woman zombieFemaleOfficeKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Office worker zombieFemaleStripperKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Stripper zombieFirefighterKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Fire Fighter zombieMaleKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Man zombiePolicewomanKhz,entityclasses,Entity,Police officer
  3. Hi khzmusik It miss a localization file for your creature pack ๐Ÿ˜œfor a lore lover like you, this is really strange Not nice to have zombieBusinesswomanKhz is not it ? Thanks for this pack anyway.
  4. Ok for tires. I found this one https://7daystodiemods.com/pick-up-grass-and-more/ Thanks for your answer.
  5. @KhaineGB Really a great overhaul mod ! I know you're a busy man but can you add canpickup for bushes and tire like you did for plant in your next release ? <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='decoCarTireSmallFlat']" > <property name="CanPickup" value="true" param1="Tire"/> </append>
  6. Mikado

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I will update with NPCHuman mod, 19.6.1 Thanks.
  7. Mikado

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Same issue. @xyth "You set the patrol route by using invisible patrol blocks. Likely that will need a video to explain." Indeed, you're a busy man, three lines to explain will be great. i saw a pathingcode and pathingcode2 in creative mode, i have to use them ?
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