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Everything posted by Falaffel

  1. Installed, and as I had no skillpoints in Wasteland Treasures, the updated worked flawlesly. The better food gives correct numbers, and the dirt bike is no longer insane fast. And wow, the Hordes are really hard! In short: Well done, Khaine! Currently I translate the english texts into german (wow, tht's much!). Khaine, do you see a way to handle changes in existing texts? I would like to get informed about changes, as I only found 2 additional lines and no changes to wasteland treasures. Don't want to make mistakes ...
  2. Doh! Okay, it can help to read -.-
  3. This is an internal IP. Try enabling port forwarding in the router and give your external IP to the people that should join. Decrease time by 100 percent means no crafting time at all?
  4. perkQuickerCraftingRank10Desc Decrease crafting time by 100% Hard to believe Is it 40 or 50%?
  5. Your game does not even show up in the serverlist - sorry! And one for english native speakers, as obviously I'm not one ... perkASWeapons4Desc Increase damage by 20% for this weapon class. Increase reload speed by 20%. Increases at skill level 81. Increases run speed by 20% while holding an automatic weapon. 4% chance per shot to make an enemy ragdoll. +1% damage per successful hit until you miss. What does "to make an enemy ragdoll" means?
  6. Khaine, quick questions to translations: The (single) file "localization.txt" is in "7 Days To Die\Data\Config\", but there are several of these files in the mod folder. Do you have to maintain all? And is there a special order of languages, or may I append German in a column I like? And, most important: Are translations working at all with this last update?
  7. I had maxed this perk, so I hesitated to install 4.01. Instead, I finished the mechanic class and spent the points on "mechanic". _Then_ I installed A20.3 and DF4.01 - and it worked, my progress was not wiped. While I cannot guarantee that it will work for you also, I suggest completing the mechanic class before updating.
  8. This was more funny than you might have expected
  9. Make sure you are logged in in steam.
  10. TY, it's "Umgebungsverdeckung".
  11. Does anybody knows the German translation of occlusion? Can't find such a thing under options.
  12. See it the other way: you hit zombies always hard, but five times harder when hit at the head 换个角度看:你打僵尸总是很用力,但打头部时要用力五倍。
  13. Don't do that! Copy the game folder to a separate directory, install DF there and start 7DaysToDie.exe of of this folder. Otherwise, Steam will update 7d2d sooner or later, which could break DF.
  14. Does not happen any more today (read: after reloading the save game).
  15. I just started b36 the first time. First Bug: I crafted the book for the farming quest and got two. When I craft a stone axe, i get two, if I repair a stone axe later in the belt, I get another stone axe in the inventory. Happened also with the stone hammer and maybe other crafted stuff.
  16. Honey does not seem to cure infection (on B30).
  17. Start 7DaysToDie.exe, not 7DaysToDie_EAC.exe. Or configure it with 7dLauncher.exe.
  18. Any idea to avoid / repair that?
  19. I planted some apple trees, and after some days they cannot be harvested anymore. They have 0/40 HP and cannot be destroyed. In DF 19 this never happened.
  20. Had it again, My guess: 7d2d now can start without a running Steam client, but will fail when starting a game. After starting Steam my save could load.
  21. Me bad. I am not sure which day - it was quite early, though.
  22. When you get overrun by 40 zombies, they may feel like hundreds I tried to count, and most probably they are not more than 40. On the other hand: such big hordes arrive even at day one (Game Stage: wooden club), so maybe there is something wrong with the adjustment of the game stages.
  23. I don't believe it's random, as I regularly get small hordes while digging. Smaller hordes than normal hordes, at least at my low level, probably of the same size we get after opening the treasure.
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