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Everything posted by Ragnar

  1. Then I'll release version with a possible choice of several respawn systems: at the border, near some POIs, instantly or on a set day. I hope it will be done this week In the meantime here's patch, that: - Brings more configuration. Now you can set persistense save interval in config. I use 2 minutes with no problmes. What does it affect? Say, you've made zombie massacre, got to the trader or safe spot and about to finish your game session. If you set PersistenceSaveInterval too big, for example, 10 minutes, that's gonna mean, that if you quit game faster than in 10 minutes after massive shoot out, all zombies would be restored on the next launch. - Persistense fix. Although I fixed simulation file save and turned off insta respawn, all zeds were restored on the next launch. Now finally fixed and tested. https://github.com/RagnarHbUa/7d2dWalkerSim/releases/tag/v2.0.0
  2. Another update: sniper scopes mostly. So, SMG with ACOGs is todo (not crtitical, SMGs are for close combat), one x2 Acog is todo (but there's another x2, working) and machineguns with x8 scopes is todo. Everything else is ready and playable for me, so I'm back to actually playing
  3. Once again the update: now x2, x4 acogs and sniper x8. Some models are still WIP, but I'll be busy a day or two, so better post now for you to enjoy in the meantime. If new version would break the scopes again, I would f***ing make direct software injection to view and edit this goddamned offsets in game! Editing XML and reloading save is tedious, but I'm tired of coding at job to do it extensively in a hobby. P.S. Also discovered memory leak: 7d2d won't free all taken RAM if you load save and quit to main menu about 15-20 times. I got +20 GB of RAM usage this way. One needs to exit the game completely to free all resources.
  4. Hello once again! I have an update for Burris and RMR sights. I've adapted them for everything except RagingBull And additions to Eotech and Aimpoint: Scar-L, Scar-H, M249 are now adapted; m14 adjusted more precisely. Installation: just replace the whole sections of sights in item_modifiers. This edits are based on Tristam's version from 01.04.2021 (the newest).
  5. One can, but it's rare. Been playing for 4 days with version pre 04.01.2022 and found couple of ammo packs alongside with guns in gun-related loot containers. While I have about 1200 vanilla 7.62 rounds, 800+ shotgun shells, 1000+ 9mm, I've found only one pack of 5.56, 300 rounds of LongColt and 1 pack of .45.
  6. Here you go, guys. Made A20 adaptation, without FieryRiderCore dependency and console command. Now the value is read from xml config once per game start. https://github.com/RagnarHbUa/7d2dWeaponFovChanger/releases/tag/v1.0.0 Well, one may create command to re-read value from file in the future. But I don't have time currently to mess with previous custom values storage from FieryRiderCore.
  7. I couldn't find any official info about how to make mods for A20, so I spent the whole day looking for fresh mods for A20 and experimenting myselft. You now just need some class in your dll to implement IModApi, then the whole dll in the root of your mod's directory (same level with ModInfo.xml) would be loaded. I've created new console command this way: public class ConsoleCmdCompleteTrackedQuest : ConsoleCmdAbstract { // Actual usefull code of new cmd. Due to inheritace of ConsoleCmdAbstract, this command would be loaded on startup (game uses reflection to find heirs of ConsoleCmdAbstract). } public class CompleteTrackedQuest : IModApi { void IModApi.InitMod(Mod _modInstance) { // Empty, just for the game to see the mod } }
  8. I've recently adapted WalkerSim for A20 and IModApi + Harmony is working fine in SP. https://github.com/RagnarHbUa/7d2dWalkerSim/blob/master/src/API.cs#L31 https://github.com/RagnarHbUa/7d2dWalkerSim/blob/master/src/Hooks.cs#L16 Another mod I've been using fine in SP, that is created in vanilla A20 dll mod way https://github.com/ZehMatt/7dtd-HeadshotTime/blob/master/HeadshotTime/Mod.cs#L76 IModAPi is for the game to see your dll mod at all. And still you can use Harmony to mutate the insides of original game. No problem.
  9. That's because actual spawning mechanism is vanilla. For example, WalkerSim zombies still spawn behind rocks or trees in the forest in 100 or 200 meters from you, etc. After they are spawned (player can see them), their behaviour is vanilla. They choose path, organize themselves, spot enemy "with their eyes", engage in combat in vanilla way. The cool feature is that WalkerSim populates the whole world, zombies move in this world even when they aren't spawned and you can't see them in game. WalkerSim controlls their moving direction and priorities (their next target in path, reaction to events like sound). Respawning is also made per zombie in WalkerSim (which I intend to develop further). Vanilla respawn is about biome chunk of area (like grids in WalkerSim). With that difference, that eveyrting happens in this world chunk only when player present in it, and all changes are tied to this chunk only. While WalkerSim grid system is more of a map and zombies act in the whole world, they may be spawned at any place (random POI, concrete grid (vanilla behavior), at the border instantly (vanilla WalkerSim behavior) with possible delays, etc. It's another level of flexibility. One just need to code a little bit of options and behaviour, but what ZehMatt put in the foundation is amazing. Other mods you mentioned (I suppose XML) can't simulate infected cities and prioritize zombies location and path on the map by POIs and other criteria. I've tried them too. If you are fine feeling existence in small chunk of the world around you (approximately vanilla city size), no matter the size of the world around you - this is fine. But it's too limited system in my view.
  10. Well, you should not disable enemy spawning in game menu. WalkerSim is fine with it turned on. Moreover, it completely ignores it Disabled "read" button is vanilla behaviour of quests and enemy spawning option. Nothing changed in this regard since A19. Definitely not WalkerSim! I develop C# Sleepers mod myself, double checked their work several times in A19 and in A20 as well. SleeperVolume code, that is responsible for spawning sleepers hasn't changed in major terms. And WalkerSim doesn't touch it at all. Sleepers are different realm from Biome spawning. That is indeed true. EnemyAnimals relate to Biome Spawns changed by WalkerSim. WalkerSim takes enemy biome spawning data from spawning.xml, but only uses "Day" or "Any" time entries, ignoring Night time spawns. I believe that was made due to the fact of existing persistence and horde unification, so that one wouldn't meet horde of 400 enemies with 46 wolves in it. Because 400 zomibes are okay near city, but 46 wolves are not. Enemy class is chosen on each enemy spawn, but numbers in WalkerSim usually are much greater than in vanilla. And currently each biome has 4 night spawn groups, one of which is "enemy animals" only (spawning.xml). That's 25% of all night spawns guaranted. And wolves are present among other 3 lists too. So that may be more than 25% in the long run. Nonetheless that's interesting feature, I'll try to balance enemy animals with humanoid zomibes in the future. Note taken. Currently, if you want enemy animals very much with WalkerSim, you can add them (to entitygroups.xml sections) with low chance to spawn to groups "ZombiesAll" and other sections of Day or Any time in spawning.xml of each biome. ZombiesAll is default for WalkerSim if fitting hasn't been found.
  11. So, many of us noticed silencers\suppressors sound problem since A19 with Tactical Action. You put suppressor on, but the sound is previous and loud, of bare barrel. Moreover, this affects zombie trigger by sound. Native loud sound travels about twice as much. Here is the fix. You should find sections of <item_modifier name="PistolSuppressorMod" and <item_modifier name="RifleSuppressorMod" in "item_modifiers.xml" of mod, and replace those whole blocks of XML with following: The essense of this fix is correct sound names containing "sil", not "sup". sup - is original, bare barrel loud sound. Yeah, I know, that IRL one can't get rid of sound of bullet snapping sonic barrier with any muzzle device on rifles. It's not 100% muting on standard rounds. You must use subsonic rounds + closed type muzzle device (silencer) to be trully silent. But any suppressor should hide the flash and mess with the sound at least to disperse and deform it, so other people would have hard time finding you by sound, at least harder than with stock barrel or open type muzzle devices (which are mostly used for recoil control and gas flow direction). If this won't be included in mod over time, I'll post it as XML mod, in order not to edit original mod files each time.
  12. So, I've tried ReQuests with my version of WalkerSim on recently released stable verison. I've failed it deliberately by leaving area, but I activated it (from bulletin, from spawn console (U key)), killcount was working (any zombie passes, not just prefab sleepers). Evereyting is just like A19. Below are the proofs. What I've also encountered, is that ReQuests strugles to find place for some quests. After reading paper and accepting a quest, you might get location "NO TRADER". That is mentioned by the author himself in ReQuests description. It's known issue and one shold drop such quest and try again. I've double-checked source code of this quest stage, finding fitting location for quest: it's standard, since ReQuests is XML mod only, and this stage has no mentions of spawns or enemies whatsoever. On the other hand, WalkerSim only disables vanilla wandering hordes and spawning in biomes, open world. Plus alters sound notification. It doesn't disable spawning completely like game option in world configuration menu. But I couldn't reproduce yellow quest marker disfunction as described. Have you installed other .dll mods? Especially that require direct game files modification (7DaysToDie_Data\Managed directory).
  13. I'll definetly look into ReQuests and WalkerSim compatibilty due to the fact, that I enjoyed both of this mods in A19, they worked fine. I've even upped kill counters in ReQuests to up difficulty and take note of massive sleepers spawning and hordes outsite (every kill was accounted for, not only sleepers back in A19). On the second matter, buried treasure, this issue makes quest very easy, right? Just dig, no threat if you are in wilderness. I'll try to come up with something, but that needs research. One idea is to generate sound programmatically, when player is dealing with the treasure, that would attach WalkerSim zeds (like original heat system). Because WalkerSim has awesome sound alarm system. That't not how it would look right IRL (nor the vanilla spawn around dig site), but for the sake of game challange it may be okay. Thanks for the input! Now I know I must sweat some more without actuall playing, but I know this beforehand. Forewarned is forearmed Can't make concrete date promises, guys, because end of the year is nightmare at my job, you know how it is But ReQuests would be my first priority. Still haven't got a time to play the game actually. Just adapting C# mods and sights in Tactical Action. And attemts to generate decent map in scarce free time
  14. Here you go, bro! I've killed half a day on just two damned red sights! Couldn't complete in a weekend Half of Eotech or Aimpoint mark is value of 2 of the 3rd number after dot. item_modifiers.xml HoloEOTech558Mod <item_property_overrides name="gunShotgunT3Saiga12K"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.013,0.24"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.015,0.24"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunHandgunT3MP5N"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0284,0.15"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0205,0.05"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunHandgunT3MP5SD"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0284,0.15"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0205,0.05"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunHandgunT2UMP"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0443,0.15"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0364,0.15"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT3M4A1"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0337,-0.05"/> +--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="-0.001,-0.0337,-0.05"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT2HK416"> <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/alt?hk416FSPrefab"/> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.03,-0.05"/> +--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="-0.001,-0.03,-0.05"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT2ACR"> <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/alt?acrFSPrefab"/> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.022,0.28"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.024,0.38"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT3AUG_A3"> <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/alt?AUGA3FSPrefab"/> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0357,0.37"/> +--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0375,0.37"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT3M16A4"> <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/alt?M16FSPrefab"/> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0347,-0.05"/> +--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="-0.001,-0.0347,-0.05"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT3SA58OSW"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0102,0.31"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0121,0.31"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT3M14EBR"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0223,0.12"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0253,0.12"/> </item_property_overrides> HoloAimpointCompM3Mod <item_property_overrides name="gunShotgunT3Saiga12K"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.013,0.24"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.015,0.24"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunHandgunT3MP5N"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0284,0.15"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0195,0.05"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunHandgunT3MP5SD"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0284,0.15"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0195,0.05"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunHandgunT2UMP"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0443,0.15"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0354,0.15"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT3M4A1"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0335,-0.05"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="-0.001,-0.0335,-0.05"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT2HK416"> <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/alt?hk416FSPrefab"/> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.03,-0.05"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="-0.001,-0.03,-0.05"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT2ACR"> <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/alt?acrFSPrefab"/> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.022,0.28"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.024,0.38"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT3AUG_A3"> <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/alt?AUGA3FSPrefab"/> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0356,0.37"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0376,0.37"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT3M16A4"> <property name="Meshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/alt?M16FSPrefab"/> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.0347,-0.05"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="-0.001,-0.0347,-0.05"/> </item_property_overrides> <item_property_overrides name="gunMGT3SA58OSW"> <!--<property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.01,0.31"/>--> <property name="ScopeCameraOffset" value="0,-0.012,0.31"/> </item_property_overrides>
  15. Here it is https://github.com/RagnarHbUa/7d2dWalkerSim ! Maybe this would help ZehMatt to update his version. Not perfect UX, sorry, you need to copy files yourselves as described, but I've spend all weekends on 3 C# mods, adapting them to A20, plus editing misaligned scopes in Tactical Action. And I have working week ahead. Milkshakes , no, WalkerSim, nor mine, not original, doesn't interfere with Sleepers and their spawning. They are left vanilla. And from A20 source code I see, that their respawn is tied with Loot Respawn option. So if you've set loot respawn to 60 days, sleepers would populate cleared buildings also on the 60th day. But I've made a mod on Sleepers too: extending their sleeper box, for them to spawn earlier when player comes (some spawns are too tight, like when you enter the room, they appear almost on your head, behind your back), spawn amount limiter (to save fps, some POIs have too much z's with mine prespawning enhancements, original sleepers are spawned in packs, in a cycle; I hate when I see sleepers in already cleared room), chanche for sleepers to spawn awake, etc. I would post it here soon.
  16. Hey everyone! I've finally managed to adapt this mod to Alpha 20! Plus I've changed respawn logic a bit: now killed zomibes enque to respawn to for a big amount of days. So you can feel, how you clean the world around you. No more non-stop zombies flow. I compensate ingame with high population, high value of max zombies and high chance to spawn at POIs. But I want to make this respawn options configurable. I also changed walking behaviour: zombies now target the closest 5 POIs, not random on the whole map. So if you use high POITravellerChance, this would lead to zombies staying near their original POIs. For example, a big number of them would walk in a city, but won't stray far from it! With default behavior, they get spayed equally all over the map past time disregard the actual location (even amounts in the woods and cities). Plus I fixed state saving to mod's bin file. I don't know, if you noticed, but zombies location and numbers was resetted at every game startup (like when you use "walkersim reset" cmd). It's 3am at my place now, so I gonna sleep, than polish release version (couple of hours) and post it here.
  17. ZehMatt, you are the best! I've been seeking to get back more dense population in cities with realistic hordes since A15. When you should be mindfull about triggering urban horde's attention. When those suckers don't appear in playing view behind closest stone or tree. And everything else is dead around you... The configuration available in your mod is what makes it truly versatile! Since A18 only biomes is what is left in spawning configuration, hell, I want zombies in cities, not in empty forests\deserts, it's logical! And those sleepers... I've dropped A16 and 17 because of them. Spawning right in front of you, spawning where you've already cleared - what the hell? Even got dnSpy software and tweaked the source code of SleeperVolume a bit to spawn sleepers beforehand in normal distance around player. I've got one issue, though. Zombies spawn and roam offline in water too. Not fatal, but kinda funny. I'm playing map of UK (https://7daystodiemods.com/uk-map-pack/), checked with your viewer to be sure. Can be adjusted with "POI interest" option, but maybe you could make blacklist of terrain for roaming.
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