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Posts posted by JoeDaFrogman

  1. 1 hour ago, bosslyp said:

    Hello! I run a dedicated server for a small group of friends. When I use any of the seed information from posts like these in the .xml file, the map is always a little different. Is there any way to exactly replicate what these generators create in the .xml file?


    Thanks for any help.

    Generate the file on the CLIENT using the settings specified, and then upload from your host computer to the server.    Also note that EVERY seed created prior to 2 days ago were on an old version and are no longer the same "seed"(meaning they will be completely different than posted.


  2. On 12/13/2021 at 1:51 PM, Kemloor said:

    Salutations Survivors!

    I've lurked on the forums anonymously for a while but decided it was time to create an account and add my thoughts in on the new Alpha 20 RWG.


    I have seen for a long time that most people prefer to simply list how many traders there are on a map but with the new Tile Generation RWG System, that seems a bit redundant now as Traders are practically guaranteed to spawn in nearly every city and town and at a specific location, no more need to hunt them down IOW.

    In that regard, I believe it may be time to change what we are listing for our map seeds when posted. I've been testing out many new RWG seeds and since I still have yet to find what I'm looking for, I wanted to reach out to the community and respectfully request that anyone who finds a map matching or closely resembling my criteria, please reply to this post with said seed and settings so that I can try it out and share it with my friends.


    So, I think I answered this question in a different post by accident.    Bottom line, your assessment of what constitutes a good seed in this post seems to be entirely subject Ely instead of objective in an entirely valid complaint.  I and another guy are using a series of programs to generate seeds and rate them according to a specific criteria that: 


    Finds high value POI's with X radius of traders by unique count(1 km) .   Said High Value pois that add to the rating will be in screen shot below.   Red = missing, Green = at least one(possibly more than one, but currently that's not part of the rating criteria.   The Rating system is being tweaked and won't be final until A20 is fully out and no new changes to the Mixer is expected.




    Here is a list of what I am looking for: 


    A minimum of one(1) of each tier 5 POI

    Majority of tier 5 POI's located in one city or two nearby cities, which should be situated in either the Snow or Wasteland Biomes

    Cities in Every Biome, so that players may choose to play anywhere and progress around the map as they choose

    Map size either 8k OR 10k, in order to accommodate multiple players in PVE or PVP games

    Bottom line, you are going to be waiting a VERY, long time with that strict a criteria(possibly forever).  If you want something that specific, you either need to make it yourself or have someone build a world for you.   

    For reference, I have used scripts to generate around 3k worlds since A19 started and your ask is like asking to be hit by lightning.   Of that 3k+ seeds of the same size(8k) I had found exactly thirteen with SIX tier 5 POI's somewhere on the world...   Now you ask for not only them to be in the world but close AND in snow or wasteland biome and the significantly reduces your odds a great deal.  


    I will repeat, if you want a world with specific characteristics, you will need to try KingGen and hope or more likely build it yourself.   Granted, it's too early to tell about how A20 will shack out but things look much better, but not THAT good.


    However, if you can bend, then you get much more flexibility.  Here is one option:


    Seed: SolomonicColorimeters

    Version: A20 b231

    Towns: Many
    Wilderness POIs: Default
    Rivers: Default
    Craters: Default
    Cracks: Default
    Lakes: Default
    Plains: 8
    Hills: 3
    Mountains: 1
    Random: 0


    Of the tier 5's apartment_brick_6_flr, factory_lg_01, and hospital_01 are missing, while Dishong Tower is outside the base radius but somewhere on the map(2 IIRC)


    Best Base location: Snow biome as marked(green circle inside radius





    The white line at hte very bottom is the overall rating followed by the best base location x/y and finally the radius of the base rating criteria (1000 meters)


  3. 1 minute ago, jetZeds said:

    agreed.  One of the things they added was a new POI and fixed other POI issues to cities which would change how things are generated 

    Yea, so to give some context, that POI with a rating of 78k I posted above, NOW is 2.5 k so completely crap in comparison.   Again that's why I am not too keen on generating hundreds of seeds while the mixer is still in flux.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Himitsu said:

    Can't generate in b231. I really want to play this map, but i tryed 4 times to generate it and all i got is this: spacer.png


    Maybe there is some space in World Seed or i don't know what... It just completely different.

    Changes by the Fun Pimps to the mixer invalidates all seeds.   This post is now useless until people create some new seeds.    Honestly, don't get super invested in any seeds until experimental is over since it's possible(and perhaps likely) the mixer will change 1,2 perhaps more times before stable.




  5. 8 hours ago, Generris said:

    @JoeDaFrogman Okay so what you're saying is just generate a mostly normal world and hope it has one of everything? Got it, thanks. :3

    Well, no.   I mean, the first part of your post was pretty damned accurate.    Your complaint that many of the posts are completely subjective is spot on.   A seed having "6 'big' cities" is completely useless if they don't really have a broad list of high value quest-able POI's.    "Hey, this looks like a 'good seed'" is completely subjective and that part of your original complaint is totally accurate at least from my viewpoint.


    I am working with another guy on the forums and we are slowly making an objective way to rank and rate seeds programmatically to remove the judgement call of "I feel like this looks like a good seed".    Now, it will STILL be somewhat subjective as it will only ever be as good as the criteria Dan programs into the rating system, but at least it's not subject to the whims of how someone feels since all the criteria(what that is going to be is currently being discussed with the programmer and myself) will be used to all seeds generated.   

    Currently, that ranking is done (in a very round about way of describing it since I don't know the exact formula):


    • Find the best location within X radius(currently that is set to 1km) with the most traders, unique tier 3, tier 4, tier 5, stores, industrial, and top 15(this is a list of 15 high value POI's which tends to overlap the other lists as well and is likely to change as TFP nerfs POI's) and assign a rating for the POI's within that radius. 

    Currently, there is some discussion about making each POI have a different weighting as more Traders would be great(for multiple quests more quickly) being closer, while tier 5's being lower weight when further out since by the time you are doing tier 5 quests, you likely have transport so they can be a bit further.





    It's really the second part of your post that is a bit hard to handle since everyone has a different definition of what makes a great seed and at least from experience in A19, I generated over 3000 8k seeds and only got 1-2 seeds with all tier 5's and they were geographically all over the map.    As I said, we are slowly working on the rating but don't want to spend too much time until we get a more stable looking world mixer as the ratings are only valid until the mixer changes.   But we also want to actually play the game as well, plus other normal life stuff so give us some time.   


    If you want to get an idea of what was done for A19 and where we are headed, check out this google sheet: 



    Once this is done for A20, it will include the rating(some of this data will also be removed/replaced most likely), the optimal base location per said rating, etc, and possibly some other data again, all done programmatically so it's not based on anyone's feelings, but a qualified set of criteria to compare every seed to each other.


    To give you an idea the last column in the below screenshot shows the rank (descending order), the rating, and the seedname for the past 125 seeds I generated over the past two days.   Note that while I generated 125 seeds, the list only shows 83 since I delete all seeds with ratings below 5000.  




    As you can tell, there are a lot of REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bad seeds(or more specifically very average) being created 70% of them don't crack 10k and only 11 crack 20k.   Now, the rating system does not and likely ever will report ALL of your criteria, but my plan is to generate a supplemental document with an html break down of not only all "specials" within the range missing or existing, but likewise for the entire map as well.    This will let you look at a very small set of seeds that look interesting to you, open the "more details" manually and the pick and choose from some fairly high quality seeds that would meet many of your requirements(for the generic "your").    As I mentioned earlier, it's highly unlikely to get a golden seed that matches every single person's exact specification for "someone spend time giving me all these 14 different things" 7) since everyone has different requirements!  and I don't think anyone is magnanimous to got digging and find the perfect seed for someone else definition of perfect.  My objective in the long term is to give people a starting point so they can objectively compare a dozen or two possible seeds and find the one that most closely matches their personal definition of a "great seed".   


    FYI, two of the seeds I generated and rated last year have been spotted in a few "best seeds" videos.  Hell, I was playing with an acquaintance and she was setting up a new server a few months ago and told me the seed she found on a video and im like "damn, thats one of my seeds!" 


    If you want to take a look at any of the above seeds yourself, they were all generated with the following settings under A20b213(which means they MIGHT not work in the new build released today!!!!!)


    Size: 8192

    Towns: Many

    Wilderness: Default ( I have been told that reducing this will speed up world gen but can't verify that)

    Rivers: Default

    Craters: Default

    Lakes: Default

    Plains: 8

    Hills: 3

    Mountains: 1

    Random: 0


    Now, these settings are completely arbitrary to me, but they are going to be the only settings I generate seeds from since changing any of them greatly changes the quality of the map generated up or down.  I don't like loads of Mountains on a map and in general, the more mountains and hills, the smaller the cities can be as those are placed first(along with all the other things such as rivers and lakes.)













  6. On 12/14/2021 at 11:10 PM, Noisy Pants said:

    The log says that the "loot.xml" did not apply.... why?

    Isn't this the correct format? If so, why isn't this applying?


    As others have said, you are doing it wrong.   


    Use Append to add a thing to an existing OTHER thing


        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupApparelFaceCover']">
            <item name="apparelBandana" mods="dye" mod_chance="0"/>
            <item name="apparelShades" prob=".7"/>
            <item name="apparelToughGuySunglasses" prob=".7"/>
            <item name="apparelNerdGlasses" prob=".7"/>
            <item name="apparelSkiGoggles" prob=".7"/>
            <item name="apparelAviatorGoggles" prob=".7"/>
            <item name="Superior_Goggles" prob=".4"/>        

    In this case, you are added to the existing lootgroup named groupApparelFaceCover things which already exist in that lootgroup.    Your code for that one should be 


        <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootgroup[@name='groupApparelFaceCover']">
            <item name="Superior_Goggles" prob=".4"/>        


    And as the other two commenters mentioned, there is no sportingGoods lootgroup to append to so you either need to find the xpath of the correct group OR append your own lootgroup and add the items you want to it.







  7. 2 hours ago, Astralweaver said:

    Going through A20 xml code and trying to get stuff to work in A20 I have noticed some missing zombies. The Cheerleader, Football Zombie, and Farmer so far. They also took out a lot of the paper quests that say kill x zombies at x location.  I wasn't a big fan of those quests only because I thought it was more fun to try and find them in the world. So going to be working on getting that back. Anyone know if they will bring these zombies back at some point. The football and cheerleader zombies were my favorite, I hope they are just out for a graphic update.



    Not missing, removed on purpose.   They mentioned this a few times over the past 8 months on the dev streams and I assume in the dev diary on the forums as well.   IIRC, the dev stream last Nov(ish) they mentioned removing Football player/cheerleader.  They wanted to get away from location specific spawns.   Frankly, I think the farmer actually fits in MORE now with the huge increase of farms in A20 but whatever.

  8. 11 hours ago, hotpoon said:

    @madmole please would you ask Lathan if he gets a chance if he could make it so that the Twitch integrations could be dragged to a different part of the screen. Some streamers have their webcams on the right, so that obscures the integrations. If not draggable, then perhaps be able to choose between left and right of the screen.


    Apologies if I'm asking in the wrong place. 

    You already have a few options:

    1) mod to move it where you want it

    2) move your webcam

    3) make your screens/overlays such that the the gameplay is in an inset window(this is my fav option honestly for reasons that some might agree with and some might be @%$#ed off by.  Ask me if you you really want to know)





  9. On 12/13/2021 at 1:51 PM, Kemloor said:

    Salutations Survivors!

    I've lurked on the forums anonymously for a while but decided it was time to create an account and add my thoughts in on the new Alpha 20 RWG.


    I have seen for a long time that most people prefer to simply list how many traders there are on a map but with the new Tile Generation RWG System, that seems a bit redundant now as Traders are practically guaranteed to spawn in nearly every city and town and at a specific location, no more need to hunt them down IOW.

    In that regard, I believe it may be time to change what we are listing for our map seeds when posted. I've been testing out many new RWG seeds and since I still have yet to find what I'm looking for, I wanted to reach out to the community and respectfully request that anyone who finds a map matching or closely resembling my criteria, please reply to this post with said seed and settings so that I can try it out and share it with my friends.


    Here is a list of what I am looking for:

    A minimum of one(1) of each tier 5 POI

    Majority of tier 5 POI's located in one city or two nearby cities, which should be situated in either the Snow or Wasteland Biomes

    Cities in Every Biome, so that players may choose to play anywhere and progress around the map as they choose

    Map size either 8k OR 10k, in order to accommodate multiple players in PVE or PVP games


    I hope that someone finds the seed combination necessary to bring this map to life. I've generated probably 60+ maps in the last few days, with no success yet. If anyone has been able to generate a map similar to what I'm looking for, please let me know so I can duplicate it on my game, I would greatly appreciate your effort and response.

    Thank You



    And what settings are you using?  if you are leaving the defaults for hills, mountains and towns, you are very unlikely to get that golden seed.  

    For example: 



    This is all within 1km of a single central point around 4 traders bordering Forest/Snow(central point is in Snow)


    I will say from my playing around, yea, there's gonna be a whole LOT of really crappy seeds, a lot of mediocre ones, and a fairly small number of amazing ones based on anyone's subjective definition of amazing.   If you are leaving the default settings you are hamstringing yourself since town/city placement is the very last thing done after hills, mountains, cracks, lakes, rivers, etc so city placement has to fit essentially within whatever's left over that's flat.    And of course, leaving default town size makes this much worse.  


    SeedName: FluffierConjecture

    Size: 8192
    Towns: Many
    Plains: 8
    Hills: 3
    Mountains: 1
    Random: 1

    Best base location just inside the snow biome border from Forest.

    3 Large cities with a medium city and Small town between in a tight cluster split between Forest and Snow biome.

    4 Traders within 1 km of the suggested base location with a 5th ~2.3 km to the North.

    Loads of high value Quest-able POI's within 1km from suggested base location


    It is however missing the Shotgun Messiah Factory anywhere on the map, however most of the other tier 5s existing multiple times and most of them are within 1km of the suggested base location




    One more thing to NOTE, jacking up the plains and removing all the hills and mountains is not going to guarantee a great seed or even a halfway decent one for that matter

  10. 17 hours ago, Generris said:

    What are the chances that every POI (I heard there's like 570) spawns on a single map? And if the chance is low, do people make custom maps with every POI? I'm one of those Bethesda/Ubisoft 100% completionist weirdos so I think it would be fun to do something like a permadeath run in 7D2D where I have to clear every POI the intended way (not just using a helicopter to get to the top of a tower or something).



    Ok, so there are 665 xml files in the /Data/Prefabs/POIs/ folder.   Some of those are like non building POI's such as Water_tower_01, 02, and 03, various Street parts, various sign's ,etc.    


    With that said, I have generated a few dozen 8k worlds and of the ones I have not deleted, the lowest has 573 and the highest had 593 which counts all of those things considered a POI as far as I know(I use a set of scripts created by @dcsobral to generate multiple worlds of the same size using random seeds and the same specific settings.  In my case, I used 

    Towns: Many
    Plains: 8
    Hills: 3
    Mountains: 1

    Random: 1


    Changing ANY of these values DRASTICALLY changes what spawns and where.   Dan(dcsobral) created a rating script using python to determine the best location for a base given proximity to traders and various specific POI's.   The exact same seed with different settings makes the rating go from 58k to 15k to 11k to 950ish.  


    One would THINK that making less mountains/hills and more plains leaving everything else the same would make a seed with bigger, more sprawling cities and thus more densely populated but that was one of the lower ratings by far(like sub 5k), so one would be completely wrong on how the world gets generated.   I assume more plains simply means more smaller towns since I guess perhaps more space means to the code to make a NEW town instead of making an existing town larger.   




  11. While I assume this is not really a question for @Alloc(at least it does not appear to be directly), but perhaps someone in TFP can add it to the list of enhancements on the backlog.
    With the new Lootstage per Biome/POI and possibly nighttime and/or quest bonuses, the lootstage is more important that even. It was important enough to add to the Player Stats Screen(well, I am assuming it was not there before, I don't recall):
    However, the variable used in the {playerlootstage} does not work. I tried this in two locations the first is an edit of a non core game mod to replace an existing variable with this one and it is blank.
    Secondly, I overrode the core game's windows.xml at the path(not via a mod, direclty editing the file) : /windows/window/panel/panel[@name="mapView"]/rect/label[@name="elevLabel"]/@text
    In both cases, the expected value was not displayed. My assumption is that the playerlootstage field is in a player stats class which is not exposed to any of the other hud elements due to not being in scope outside of the Player Stats section of the popup menu.
    Could this information be made available for modders to use?
  12. 8 hours ago, zootal said:

    Apologies if this has been brought before - but I notice that for both client and server, the minimal world size is now 6K.


    If I try to generate a 4K world on the server, it throws an error and crashes. If I edit the menu xml file to allow the client to generate 4K worlds, it throws console errors and crashes. In neither case can I generate a 4k world. 6K and 8K works.


    So the question - why can we no longer generate 4K worlds, and has anyone successfully done this?

    They explicitly removed 4k worlds.    This was stated many, many, many months ago in the dev stream(and I assume the dev diary) when talking about the new RWG in the early days of A20 development.    The options now are 6/8/10.




  13. On 12/7/2021 at 8:43 AM, AuroraGiggleFairy said:

    I do!


    I unfortunately struggle with updating it on the forums so it isn't here at the moment. But it is updated on Nexusmods. Sorry if you don't like using that site. But I will work on getting things updated on the forums and 7daystodiemods soon.



    Thanks!   question: is there any way to add the Lootstage to your UI since it now changes based on biome and POI?   


    second question, how hard would it be the update/change back to the previous layout in 1.07?  I really prefered the non stacked food/water/experience bars as I got used to it?  If it's fairly easy with some pointers, I can likely do it myself, but if not would there be any way to convince you to have two versions?

  14. For example, specifically, i spawned into Navesgane and teleported from Spawnpoint to spawn point.   


    • A few are semi close to the snow biome
      • 2 are close(ish) to the house on the hill and ONE of those is perhaps 5 steps into the snow biome

    As for lootstage, I spawned near the 

    • Burnt Forest: 1->11
    • Snow: 1 ->22
    • Flew to house on the hill: 1 -> 34!!!!!!!!
    • Flew to the wasteland: 1->32 
    • Flew to the wasteland Shotgun Messiah factory: 1->47


    SO YEAH... I agree with Roland's long term approach but in the short term, if you are the type that does NOT want a boost up in the early game, stay in the forest and loot nothing but "normal" houses and you won't get really good gear earlier than you want.   This is new, but hardly new news as the devs have discussed this mechanic for months.




    My initial thought was that the spawnpoints in Nav. were not changed, but there is not a single spawnpoint outside of the forest biome anymore so you choose to head into a higher lootstage location.   As stated above, stay away from higher Lootstage locations if you want a more flat progression as can be seen in the above 10 minutes testing!


  15. 2 hours ago, saoron666 said:


    oh! now you talking.. i like the idea of not being able to spawn or just walk in the snow area on day 1 

    i tell you what happened and where it happened, the mansion on top of the hill in the snow area, all the way on top of the mountain there is a mansion..

    thats where i went and built my cabin.

    Ok, this is important to give context to Roland's answer.  

    WHERE did you spawn?  DId you spawn in the forest and wander into the snow biome to where you looted the higher level gear?   

    Also, not sure if you know this, but the LOOTSTAGE is now on the player stats screen at the bottom.   You can check both moving to/from a biome as well as some POI's have a lootstage bonus as well as location (IIRC the downtown districts in cities ALSO have a lootstage bonus.   


    Your day 1 lootstage may go from 1 to 25 simply by moving into Biome X(not actual numbers! just an example)






  16. 8 hours ago, Nik96 said:

    I think you are right. I guess I'll just drop this idea. Extension works fine as it is, I just wanted to make it even better.

    Don't get me wrong, it would be nice especially since I know more a few people with custom integration commands(myself included), but frankly, I just don't see TFP putting in the infrastructure to handle this as it's a fairly heavy lift in multiple locations.  That does not even count how a dedicated server(which is the only endpoint known) would be able to dispatch back to each connected user to see if they have twitch integration turned on.

  17. 11 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

    Yeah. Would you spend 1 acid to craft 5 can of sham? I suppose late game it might be a possibility, if you don't intend crafting learn elixir, moonshine or recog. But where it is really biting me right now is Chemistry Station. It's almost an either/or with the motorcycle!

    Yea, I never really made sham but a few times.  Mostly my acid mid-late game was reserved for awesome sauce(IIRC), but that was also limited by dog food as well and now will be limited by both


  18. On 12/8/2021 at 11:56 AM, Khalagar said:

    Even if I rushed to try to craft it, I can't because you can't make steel without a crucible

    I am of the opinion, not backed up by facts but viewing, that unless you are extremely unlucky or in a tiny town, you can easily get the 37 steel need for a moto exceedingly quickly now.   I have seen a half dozen vending machines, all broken, and well over a dozen street lights in the small part of the town we have explored on day 1-3.  Granted, I have yet to verify in the xml files, but on average I expect to get about 1.5 steel(based on A19 expectations) from each of those using a wrench, so more than enough for a moto. 


    Acid and/or wheels are the hold up now(I saw your lower comment about the perk book for more harvest acid.. good RNG!)     Frankly, I have told people I know EXPLICITLY to not craft bike or minibike as that completely wastes those precious wheels you need later for a moto

  19. 12 hours ago, Nik96 said:

    I made chrome extension that allows you to send twitch integration commands by clicking on buttons. And I thought it would be cool if I added there current user's points and maybe streamer's gamestage. And update them in real time. But I don't know how can I get this data. As if a user would send #cp in chat himself.

    Honestly, I highly doubt what you are asking is possible.   Even if there was an API for calling INTO a server, how would your extension know that JoeDaFrogman's 7d2d server is hosted an IP on port 27364 so you could then call the API with the correct commands?  I guess a feature request MIGHT be to allow access to the in game server registry(I have not idea where or how that is hosted, but it has to be centralized or no one could use join others games without an IP and port provided to them).   

    Could that server register be modified to know the twitch integration is active on that server?   Sure, if the devs feel like that's important.   Do I personally think it will happen?  probably not.  


    In any event, @Prime is the developer of the integration.  I have no idea if he watches forums, but if there is no answer here in a few days, I will ping him in his Guilded.

  20. 6 hours ago, Nik96 said:

    I'm looking for some get request to pull data about points or gamestage. Is it possible? I need it for my chrome extension. Wanna add cool real time points update and commands sorting depending on gamestage, but I need some help. Maybe I should have created Twitch extension instead and use its API and that would help somehow, but it's too late now. So, how can I get this data?

    what exactly are you looking for?


  21. On 5/3/2021 at 6:22 PM, AuroraGiggleFairy said:

    Hello all! Final Beta version of my HUD1.08 is here. Hopefully will officially publish both soon. The focus of this update is the Chatbox. 

    1. It is BEHIND all the other windows.

    2. It is now on the RIGHT side

    3. The background of the text now fades away WITH the text


    Two Options. A and B.


    Option A puts the chatbox ABOVE the quest tracker (and moves the quest tracker down a bit.)

    Option B puts the chatbox BELOW the quest tracker.


    HUDPlus1.08a Download


    HUDPlus1.08b Download



    ....perhaps I should also make an Option C... for leaving the chatbox where it is but with the added features? Thoughts?


    Love this!  Do you have plans to update for A20?

  22. 16 minutes ago, Gazz said:


    No. What I said is that you will make a profit from farming as long as you have 1 level of LOTL.


    The system COULD have been simplified to leaving the seeds planted as in A19 and adjusting harvest to the same amount that we get now but no one asked me. =P

    For me, the biggest kick in the balls here is the "I now have to spend time replanting these".   Now, honestly, it is with a bit of mixed feelings on this since in the very early game I tend to have random crap everywhere and having to replant is semi useful to group like things together(but that's an OCD thing), but in the late game it's just another thing I have to spend time doing.   I played on console(so A15??) and man, the time it took to replant crops was quite annoying, so when I got the PC version last year(A18 at the time) I was so pumped to be able to spend more time crafting/mining and less time futzing around with plants.


    I can certainly appreciate the feeling of wanting it a bit harder for an unspeced person to grow food, but my gut says this is not the right way to nerf farming



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