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Everything posted by arramus

  1. I see, just the serversides is understandable. In that case, the settings with just the default rabbit model and changing the grenade icon/model to something else may circumvent the custom bits. Such a cool rabbit for sure; nibbles one toe off at a time, lol.
  2. The entitygroups.xml continues to undergo a few tweaks while in test phase to find the best balance. In summary: The base probability for most Snufkin Plus entities is 0.5. The base entities are easy to avoid for low level players. However, aggressive flyers like the Shark and Drones (Hell Flyer and Hell Scorcher) which actively target you have been reduced to 0.2. A few individual entities like the Wrestler and Wendigo have also been reduced to 0.2 outside of their own biomes. However, Wrestler probability goes up again in the Desert and Wendigo increases in the snow biome. This will give new players a fighting chance as avoidance will keep them alive while developed players can actively engage. I shall have nightmares tonight......... Doughs-RabbitOfCaerbannog-2.0.1 is probably a great Mod to customise the scale to dog size and also increase speed. I'm not sure about the scale morphing code capabilities but possible a buff action when being attacked. Cool Werewolf type concept for sure.
  3. Oh yes, that's correct! Your banshee/screamer tag team combination. I forgot about that and how you'll need to update that with each new build.
  4. @magejosh This had been removed from the Plus mod, hadn’t it? I just checked Github and couldn’t see it in the items.xml anymore if you were to replace what you have with that one.
  5. The initial release had the majority of Zombies in all group with a 0.8 probability and less for a few that are too demanding. This was far too much for a new player and dropped to 0.5 which is still challenging but OK if you play carefully. Even with this lower rate I still see many of them and have to play stealth by moving between buildings and avoiding. I also tried in SP Navezgane and it was busy with them.
  6. I’m currently running the Plus version of Snufkin’s Zombies which has exactly the same Pumpkin character and settings. I wasn’t able to replicate this issue in that build. This was a recent update and I wasn’t able to replicate it in this original version either and have seen the Pumpkin man many times since the Nov 3 release. I wonder what other mods are in your Mods folder. This will help us consider potential conflicts/duplication/overlap.
  7. Peace is restored to Snufkin Land. @Rafael81 could upload the PLUS version with all of the original favorites along with the 10 extra new ones by adding a newly zipped folder with only 1 layer instead of Github's double layer.
  8. Hi Rafael81, This is the 'Plus' version which has all of Snufkin's Zombies plus 10 new ones. Is that the version you wanted or do you prefer just the regular Snufkin versions? Github adds folders to its own 'Repository' folder which gives that double layer. Instead of unpacking which makes an additional folder, can you extract which will should allow you to take only the inner folder and place it inside your Mods folder? Does your server give your 'Desktop' access where you can perform the extract or is it just a server management control panel? If you get lost with this, send me a PM and we can get this task completed together.
  9. @magejosh Reference to pettest has been removed. It looks like it was to be a quest that never quiet made it. @PeNa1979 It is safe to download now and use F6 as the NRE entries have been removed. Here is a small update for the Party Plus mod. A small starter kit as this mod is certainly more of a challenge with the elevated group spawns. https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Party-Plus-Starter-Kit-A19 A bit of lore. And some simple goodies.
  10. Yes, thank you magejosh. This is an antiquated reference that hangs over from Snufkin's original mod and can be removed from the next update if there are no connections to it. In fact, reference to the old shark entry was also removed as that would also cause NRE if it was opened in F6. Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention. I hope you were playing in SP and it didn't cause too much damage.
  11. For the life of me, I don’t recall any references to pettest in this mod. I agree. I don’t know what pettest relates to and I hope mage josh can shed some light on it.
  12. Since Snufkin Custom Zombies PLUS cannot be updated to A21 beyond the default zombie types, the original collection are pretty much obsolete. However, the alternative above may offer something to give Server Admin a server side only feature to keep their communities entertained. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please select the correct build for your set up. A20 Stable (20.7 b1) - https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Custom-Zombies-Plus-A20-2023April29 And this is an archived build for any players still using A19. A19 - https://github.com/arramus/SnufkinCustomZombiesPLUS-A19-2021Oct31 And an optional A20 Party Pack Starter Kit to ease players back into the first few days of a new World. https://github.com/arramus/A20SnufkinPartyPackStarterKit INTRODUCTION Snufkin's Custom Server Side Zombies Plus is a combination of Snufkin's Server Side Custom Zombies and additional community made zombies as an integrated 'PLUS Add On'. There are currently 45 entities (15 Snufkin and 30 Snufkin PLUS) We attempted to run the PLUS zombies as a stand alone mod but spawning was unstable and it was better to combine them together. The Snufkin Custom Zombies Plus contains the following entities: 1. All of the well known Snufkin's Server Side Custom Zombies (In alphabetical order) - Archon - Banshee - Bomber - Cowhead - Geist - Juggernaut - Mantis - Parasite - Psycho - Scarecrow - Scorcher - Siren - Undertaker - Wendigo - Wrestler 2. PLUS Add On Server Side Custom Zombies (In alphabetical order) - Bogeyman (arramus) - Crispy (arramus) - Demolition Derby (arramus) - Geist Archer (Snufkin base with edits by arramus - based on Tipsy Squatch Gaming/Evil Spartan's concept and intensive testing) - Golden Juggernaut (Snufkin base with edits by arramus - based on Tipsy Squatch Gaming/Evil Spartan's concept and intensive testing) - Gunslinger Wight (arramus) - Hammer Spammer (arramus - based on ShoudenKalferas request for White River archetypes) - Hell Bear (oakraven) - Hell Boar (oakraven) - Hell Flyer (oakraven - Inspired by @Robeloto) - Hell Lion (oakraven) - Hell Shocker (oakraven) - Hell Wolf (oakraven) - Hisser (arramus - based on Tipsy Squatch Gaming/Evil Spartan's concept and intensive testing with Snufkin Banshee and Mantis elements) - Mittens (arramus - @Lonestarcanuck request) - Momma Tree Barker (arramus) - Mother Clucker (Inspired by Catman) - Motorhead (arramus) - Navezgane Slasher (arramus) - Oni (Blue and Red versions - arramus) - Paindeer (arramus - based on @kdthehun's Rudolph suggestion - Sorry about the nose and light color and lack of Santa hat. Advice needed on those) - Pogo (arramus) - Shark WFLB (arramus) - Snow Bear (arramus with support from oakraven to consider an appropriate texture) - Spider Pipe Bomber (arramus) - Spider Glider (arramus) - Tipsy Pink Squatch (arramus - Tipsy Squatch Gaming) - Tipsy Squatch (arramus - Tipsy Squatch Gaming) - Wight Radiation Shower (arramus - based on, and directly using code from bdubyah's 'Feral Ghoul' from 'The Wasteland' Mod) - Zombie Direwolf (oakraven and arramus) As with the spirit of Snufkin's original concept and suggestions to the community, there is no stopping other modders from expanding on the originals in their own direction just as we are doing here. CUSTOMISING GAMEPLAY The entitygroups.xml (default can be found with the Config folder along with alternative versions within the Server Admin Spawning Options folder) is the first place for Server Admin/Hosts/Players to check if you would like to customise the Snufkin Zombies PLUS experience. If you would like a challenge, the default version is for you. If you prefer a more relaxed environment, then there is a lite_version in the additional options folder which can be renamed and moved to replace the default. The lite_version has all the Snufkin Zombies PLUS characters, but at a lower probability to appear. The lighter version is appropriate for new Worlds which can create a very high density of custom zombies until more regions unlock and allow them to spread out. There is also a version for Horde Night only and no Horde Night for each type. If you run the Horde Night only version you will receive a spawning.xml error since that file will no longer see the entitygroups for regular non horde night game play. That will tell you it's working ^^. You can delete the spawning.xml file to remove these warnings if you only want to use the Horde Night only version. FAQ About Customising:- Q.1 How exactly do I remove a zombie, such as the flying shark? A.1 Go to the entitygroups.xml file and delete every entry which looks similar to this (note the number at the end is different in different areas and versions) <entity name="SharkWFLB" prob="0.075"/> In the default entitygroups.xml there are currently 8 entries for the flying shark in regular day time and night time groups and removing them is a fast process. However, there are 322 entries in the bottom section which regulates the spawning for a Blood Moon Horde Night event. It is a lot to remove, but they are split into 7 groups where each group has an identical value. Using a tool such as Notepad++ will allow you to delete them in large batches automatically. Q.2 I want more flying sharks to appear. How do I achieve this? A.1 Go to the entitygroups.xml file and look for all entries similar to this: <entity name="SharkWFLB" prob="0.075"/> Change the prob="0.075" value to a higher value such as prob="0.15". Finding a value which suits your gameplay is subjective and the best value is what feels most appropriate through trial and error. CREDITS Thank you, as always, to @Snufkin for the base, and @Slawa for a wealth of support in the beginning. In addition, @Dre , @BubbaJoe , @Catman and @Ti2xGr have been adding their very own unique modifications to create an environment that suits their players; some of which we have gratefully incorporated into this Plus version. Some of the new PLUS entities @oakravenis incredibly active in the background and specializes in both stabilising existing mods and creating new mods. Here are oakraven's land based 'Hell group' zombies with Archon standing among them. These new characters ustilise their wings for additional jump height and will add to the demands of defending your base. Hell Lion, Hell Boar, Hell Wolf, and Hell Bear make a formidable team and will certainly come out in force during a Blood Moon event. This is one which arramus always wanted to bring into game play as an entity ever since he spied the concept within Snufkin's base mod. The Shark WFLB is a play on a 'James Bond' type evil villain over dramatic weapon. It flies, homes in, and then unleashes its lasers. It is not an overly powerful threat while on foot but will pick up the pace while in a vehicle as it is based on the vulture game code. It is both loved and hated to equal degrees. ^^ oakraven's Hell Flyer and Hell Shocker swarming and inflicting damage. This pair shoot darts or shock bolts and have their own unique audible narration as they come into closer proximity. These will add to the airborne threats and give this PLUS version a wider balance of ground, mid level leaping, and airborne threats. Mittens guarding her territory. She spits acid and is something that @Lonestarcanuck requested. Paindeer taking care of its friends. The Paindeer has a flashlight attachment built into its nose which is covered by a snowball. Defintely easy to spot at night. One warning about the Paindeer; her axe also gives her protection from frontal melee attack. Motorhead, the mechanical marvel teaming up with his biker brethren. Don't let him come knocking at your door for too long as his block damage will make him an unwelcome guest. Snufkin was keen for other modders to take advantage of the game assets to create unique server side characters with their own special skill sets. By emulating Snufkin's approach and expanding with further features, we hope you will enjoy these additional zombies in addition to the Snufkin regulars.
  13. Testing Grace's big sister, Mittens. Set to 5K which was more than enough on my own. Mittens uses the radiated cop's settings for the most part for the acid projectile and hit features. After testing, this will be released as a stand alone mod that will be set up to be integrated into the Snufkin Mod. It currently contains 3 entities: Mittens, Paindeer Motorhead Lacking the depth and sophistication of a Snufkin entity as they are simply modified versions of existing zombies but will add to the variety.
  14. Oh you sweet little timid animal. What have people done to you? Take this tasty morsel. It has potential. The Paindeer.
  15. A small update with 2 more Hat/Clothing Mods from oakraven. Download: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A19-Stable-2020Nov23 This hat mod gives the user +2 harvest capability.
  16. Interesting and from other animal mods and attachment capability, very possible. The drop bag could always be switched with a simple sack which I have seen taking a color.
  17. I believe it would. The only issue is attaching multiple candy weapons to the same tree. For weapons there seems to be soooo many parts to attach to but other things are really limited.
  18. Here is an update for the Snufkin Weapons Xpansion Mod. Download: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A19-Stable-2020Nov22 The changes are as follows: 1. Additional Hat/Clothing/Friend Mods. Rabbit Friend - (Damage to entities, Strength, Damage resistance, and heat/cold resistance) Snake Friend - (Increase in strength and fall bracing) Vulture Friend - (Jump strength increase and jump stamina loss reduction weighted with walk and run speed reduction) With localization. 2. As these 7 Mods have been added to hardened chest loot boxes along with the weapons, the probability of finding an Xpansion item has been increased from 0.2 to 0.25 while the probability of the type of item found remains exactly the same. This will ensure a slightly increased chance of finding something since there are so many more items added from the original mod settings.
  19. Thanks PeNa. Seeing as it is your namesake, I can only agree I shall make sure it’s on the list of updates.
  20. Testing a 'pet project' by oakraven for addition in the next build.
  21. Here is an update for the Snufkin Weapons Xpansion Mod. Download: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Weapons-Xpansion-A19-Stable-2020Nov21 There are two changes as follows. 1. Mod Hats with Buffs. (oakraven) There are 4 new hats which can be added to the player in the color dye area and grant the user buffs. These are being tested at the moment but have worked well in dedicated servers up to now. They will eventually need localisation to explain their function and capabilities. Cow Helmet: - +1 damage resistance - Cold and Heat resistance - Elemental damage resistance for heat/shock - Fortitude +1 - Agility +1 Pumpkin Hat: - Reduces noise - +1 damage resistance - Strength +1 - Fortitude +1 - Agility +1 - Cold and Heat resistance Magnet Hat: - Impact bracing - Strength +2 Wagon Wheel 'Hat' - Bartering Buy/Sell 20% - Strength +2 - Stamina increase over time These mod hats will be tweaked for balance as we receive feedback through play testing. 2. The Junk Guns/Sledge/Auger have all received a night light. Thanks to @Slawa for bringing this mod to everyone's attention so it could receive a new life for A19.
  22. A small stability fix and audio amendment. Download: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-Community-Pack-Server-Side-Vehicles-A19-Stable-2020Nov21 The Battle Bus Drone vehicle used the Battle Bus prefab to provide collision. Unfortunately, this proves to be unstable due to syncing issues and may be caused by the complex animations of the drones. As such, the Battle Bus Prefab has been replaced by a couple of back seat engines. Anything given physics will shake, rattle, and roll until things are optimized but these engines look more in context and provide the necessary collision for the back of the bus to stop players walking through it. Cow Head approves.
  23. It usually indicates a conflict with another mod or overhaul where an item has already been assigned that id number. It has been reported on the thread for the Xpansion Weapons that the WhiteRiverToC_Spirit_of_Vengence mod has the same loot 950 951 951. @magejosh offered this solution in that instance and the same solution may well apply for your own possible conflict.
  24. Adding new features that use physics can cause this effect when people join with high ping and syncing gets odd. In this case though, oakraven added a very small metal attachment inside the new container. This will be like a stabiliser for landing and cause minimal issue. This has replaced the Blimp in the most recent update so only people who had the earlier version need to download it again or wait until a future build.
  25. I just added that request to the opening post as it's a large part of the experience.
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