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Everything posted by arramus

  1. Hi supercioni. I checked a few of the Snufkin zombies from the original and some from the new Plus version to see what traps are triggering and what are not for a few of the entities. I am not going to go through every single zombie because it will be a long task. I hope this is something that the players you feel 'voice their concerns' are willing to do. Here are the limited findings. Wendigo and Undertaker are certainly impervious to electric shock. Scorcher is not and gets shocked. Cowhead and Siren do not get shocked. However they get ripped apart by blades. As does Parasite. Scarecrow is impervious to flat blades and electric. But not vertical blades or spikes. Scarecrow is also hurt by darts. As is Psycho. There are a lot of Snufkin Zombies and quite a lot of combinations of traps. I'm afraid I cannot test all zombies and all combinations in detail. The Snufkin Zombies mod was restored to functional for A19 and I am unfamiliar with how the traps impacted the Zombies in A18. However, I don't recall any major changes in traps or the zombies beyond some updates and changes for compatibility and this may not have changed so much. There is the Snufkin Zombies Plus mod which is an expansion of this original which can receive further updates where possible to provide greater trap impact on those that are impervious. However, to do that I hope you can ask the players who voice their concerns to: - Comprehensively test each trap in every format from horizontal, vertical, and at foot, leg, waist, head height for every single Snufkin Zombie and report back their findings. If that is a task they do not feel they are willing to undertake, I suggest: - Creating more variety of traps which cover as many variations as possible. - Getting a level 6 Auto Shotgun or M60 with mod attachments and some throwable incendiary or explosive devices as backup. All the best with discussing this with them.
  2. I see. Tweaking other vehicle settings such as using 'gears' for the gyrocopter may offer a better solution. Another technique to hide the motorcycle when it is larger so you can ride and grab it is to replace the texture to an invisible one. This is something oakraven did for the Snufkin Plus zombies for the drones in the entityclasses.xml file and I could copy it for the Shark zombie. It was a very useful and stable way to hide the vultures but still use them. This technique is simple but extremely effective. e.g. adding to the entityclasses.xml area for your motorcyle bath. <property name="ReplaceMaterial0" value="particleeffects/materials/waterfallslope"/>
  3. Greetings. A good place to discuss these questions. In the vehicles.xml file, try changing the BathBlimp entry from: <property name="velocityMax" value="10, 18"/> to the vehicleGyrocoptergyroscope value of: <property name="velocityMax" value="9, 15"/> As for motorcycle bath, do you mean it will run on the ground just like a motorcycle except the player sits in the bath?
  4. Hi oxmo. Occasionally the skins don’t always appear properly for some characters, such as with the Cowhead character losing his helmet, but I haven’t seen it get any worse than that. As you get closer to the characters, their skins and attachments typically reappear as well. It sounds like you are getting it noticeably worse than that. Can you confirm that you can see any of the Snufkin characters at all? You would certainly see the flying characters who would stand out from the regular default characters. This is an odd one because I have never experienced it any of the previous builds and updates and this is the first feedback of this kind. I also went through a Blood Moon event for the latest (b6) update a few hours ago with these Zombies and everything was running as normal. I wonder if the servers have seen any other mods added into the mix which may not get along well with the Snufkin mod.
  5. Fortunately, these types of mods are independent of whether the world has been made RWG or Nitro World Maker and/or contain customised buildings such as the Compo Pack 46 which is certainly something else to look into for the future. I would also recommend Stallionsden's invisible animal mod fixer as the animals tend to disappear over time either as they spread out over the World or take invisible form but get counted and reduce spawning opportunities for new ones. And of course, the Snufkin Community Pack vehicles and Xpansion Weapons and something to bump up backpack size and stacking of items. The list could be endless but these are good starters.
  6. It is possible the mod folder is within an additional 'shell' folder that is made by Github. The solution is to bring the main mod folder out of the Github shell folder so there is only one main folder layer. Here is a copy without the Github shell layer for your convenience. Snufkin_CustomZombies_Plus_A19_2020Nov26Test.zip Here is also another small mod which has a starter kit for new players as they join your World. Just a few things to get them started in a more challenging environment. SnufkinPartyPlusStarterKit_A19.zip
  7. As a further follow up; 1. The main pictures were downloaded and put in a resources folder with replacement links such as: texture="@modfolder:Resources/fDGBB5k.png" This was to check if the external website pulls were the issue. They were certainly being connected to instead of the web link using that format but not to any noticeable degree. This website is well used and been around long enough to get things working well. This pull format was used in Bdub's vehicles for the prefabs and unity packs and could be applied here as well as it appears a general call command. This really didn't help though. 2. Images which may be causing the overlay/underlay not to appear were blanked out until something appeared and that brought a result. The exact image which was commented out was a black overlay: windows.xml at the top. <!--window name="ResearchBackground" depth="50" anchor="CenterCenter"> <texture on_drag="true" on_press="true" pivot="center" pos="0,0" height="1037" width="1843" texture="@modfolder:Resources/YqeGKUQ.png"/> </window--> This brought a better result and allowed the first BEGIN screen to have function. Hovering on the central hot spot allowed it to be selected and brings you to the research details. I spawned many Parasite characters and took many pictures. Eventually, a loud audio sound was played, just the same as when you complete a collection of books. This continues to play regardless of how many more pictures I took of Parasite after that. Nothing showed up in the research table though as I collected pictures. There is certainly reference to it as a research feature though in the code and through CM. There are multiple features not applying and it appears the update caused changes for coding and needs reworking. I can see some of the issues but this is really as far as I can go with it. If any other modders would like the challenge, hats off to you.
  8. When you take pictures of about 25 of the same character you will hear a sound to recognise your achievement. This sound will continue to play for that character for any further photos taken. I believe this was to be traded in for a buff. Maybe the issue is where the images are uploaded to for some part, but not all. It will take time to download them all and possibly add them to the mod manually in a resource folder and relink to them from within the XUi files.
  9. I have only played around with it a little and here is what I found. - Each zombie can only have their photo taken once. It has a shutter sound and after that a small impact sound. - The research table shows nothing but occasionally this appears momentarily. If you tap around at the screen on the left side it seems to trigger the begin action and then the list of Snufkin Zombies appear. However, it doesn't matter how many Scarecrow characters I take pictures of or eliminate because the research bar isn't changing. It seems that some images and features are partially functional and responsive.
  10. Definitely all credit to doughphunghus on this as the base mod is so very well implemented. Catman is running it on their server and I dare not even throw a snowball from Hell for the damage it can do. However, he does have a safe house area which allows the zombies to get at you in BM but does no damage to any blocks because it is protected like a trader using the ‘tprotect add’ command. Now that is fair game for a Snowball fight.
  11. Here is another cosmetic update and this completes hand placement for the bus type vehicles. Download: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CommunityPack-ServerSideVehicles-A19-2020Dec08 As it is purely cosmetic, updating has been shown to be trouble free. From escapologist: To... School Bus Driver This improvement also applies to the Battle Bus and Battle Bus Drone.
  12. Here is a small update. Download: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CommunityPack-ServerSideVehicles-A19-2020Dec07 Hand placement for the cars was a little on the high side as this reflected the default values for the model that it replaced. Lowering the hand placement settings and shifting the player forwards very slightly created a better visual effect. This update is simply a small cosmetic change for all of the cars. From. To.
  13. @RomanjiThat’s correct. If you installed the Snufkin Zombies, vehicles, and weapons, they are all server side only.
  14. @Romanji That should have done the job. If not, there is another single shell version linked to from the first post to the restored A19 version. The default spawning setup is a nice introduction to the Snufkin zombies and is based on careful consideration to character and biome. Should you want to increase the challenge at a latter stage as game stage and level increase, the same post also contains an alternative ‘Snufkin Party’ file for greater spawning and BM challenge.
  15. @Romanji Before looking at your setup, can you confirm that you also removed the mod from an extra ‘shell’ folder that Github adds on top of the mod folder before you placed it inside your server Mod folder?
  16. Here is an update with some important changes: Download: https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CommunityPack-ServerSideVehicles-A19-2020Dec05 1. Removal of custom containers. Containers 950, 951, and 952 have been removed. The primary issue with this mod has been ID conflict for these containers which gave certain vehicles a custom storage size. All vehicles have now reverted back to default values as follows: Parachute and Jet have bicycle storage. Sled, Bath, and Shark have mini bike storage. Bikes and Whirligig have motorcycle storage. Buses, Cars, Big Floaters, and 4x4s share the jeep storage. We hope this will allow this mod to have better cross compatibility with overhauls and other mods that use custom containers. The parachute. 2. Removal of items.xml tags. All but 5 vehicles have no tag references and they could take vehicle modifiers. The tags were from Snufkin vehicles and it appeared to be part of the attempt to ensure the attachments retained their placement on vehicles. It appears that the tags for items.xml are mod focussed as with the weapons and their entries may well be redundant as Snufkin found a more reliable method. All vehicles now take the vehicle mods. We tested Toad_VehicleMods and War3zuk Vehicle Addons. Some features apply beneficially or detrimentally such as lighting buffs. We couldn't see any speed impact and didn't test long enough to check for fuel efficiency. The object was simply to ensure all vehicles could accept the mod and this has been achieved. 3. Localisation All vehicles have received basic localisation with their names separated and reference to seating capacity. For example, 'PsyrenRide' to 'Psyren Ride (4 seater)'. The description uses the default value as shown in the image. The seating addition will allow players to see exactly how many the vehicle can hold during quests and looting adventures.
  17. Here is an update for the Snufkin Community Pack Server Side Vehicles. Download - https://github.com/arramus/Snufkin-CommunityPack-ServerSideVehicles-A19-2020Dec04 Three new vehicles join the pack from oakraven, and this was a good opportunity to remove 3 experimental vehicles from the code (Airship, Hover Bike, and Hover Car) which may cause issue if brought into play through 'cm'. From left to right: Green Max, Psyren Ride, and Red Max
  18. @TomGun42 There is a lot of fun going on with the Demon Flaming Head and Demon Vampire. There is an update to the opening post as follows for submissions just in the same way as with the vehicles. Future Additions Please consider a few pointers if you have your own offerings to add to the community pack to ensure a smooth transition and ease of compilation before posting to this thread: 1. Has the entity been successfully tested in the background within the existing pack? 2. Is your entity for all areas or only in specific biomes for day/night. The Plus pack offers a real challenge but needs to give new players a fighting chance as well. 3. Does the entity have all the relevant attachments as perfectly applied as possible, such as a weapons and additional body parts? 4. Are you sure your entity is release ready to your full satisfaction and not an impulsive decision? 5. Can you accept that other modders may implement this pack into other mods or overhauls, albeit with permission requests and appropriate credits? As with the spirit of Snufkin's original concept and suggestions to the community, there is no stopping other modders from expanding on the originals in their own direction just as we are doing here. --------------------
  19. Interesting, send your creation via PM or post about it here to show how it complements the collective. This Plus version is still in test mode and certainly needs a few tweaks for HP and biome probability but it's getting there. These new 10 took some time to consider as follows: Snufkins base 15 all have their own unique traits with 2 airborne, a leaping class, and many foot bosses with a mix of speed and buffs. The additional 10 offered more airborne and leeping class to the mix to attempt to ensure a BM and regular game play had a balance from all angles.
  20. Excellent. You could find an initial common denominator. Stage II: 1. Launch only Snufkin Weapons and Snufkin Vehicles on a new World to see if the issue persists.. 2. If they launch well together without issue, start to add in an extra mod beginning with your Server Management mods as they will always be fundamental and see if and when a break appears. The reason for testing this way is two fold: a) The mods launch in alphabetical order and something coming before these two mods may take ID slots. b) In the recent update post there is an entry stating - 'Replaced static NetPackage list with runtime dynamically assigned IDs for more flexibility'. I am wondering how this feature works and if it's related to this issue. @Dre is certainly our expert on such issues as Dre's environment is not only multiple mods which are then futher customised, but also overhaul mods which effectively rewrite much of the data. As such, suggestions relating to IDs will probably hold true something in there and this is where Stage II suggestions are heading. As for my own environment, I am currently running a pretty simple mod arrangement without any noticeable conflict including all the Snufkin mods:
  21. Here are the steps I would take in your position. 1. Remove all mods except this vehicle mod. Check that it functions on its own in a new World without any NRE warnings. 2. Add in your server management mods and test again. 3. Continue this process one by one until you hit the NRE and report back with the details.
  22. I hear ya, and some actions are governed by different processes like the crafting. I'd go with adding one by one in a new World until you hit issues.
  23. @AndrewDeMethill Looks like a Linux setup which is something I cannot emulate to match the exact conditions. I could however join you in a server on a separate map and go through a process of addition and elimination until we spot any conflicting pairings. If we get to that stage, it may be possible to manually change any IDs/attributes which are not working well together. The vehicles use a container ID 950, 951, 952 I believe and that has caused conflict issues in the past.
  24. @AndrewDeMethill Hello, and this is unfortunate because getting to the source of these issues can require a little detective work. Could you share know more about which version of 7D2D you are running and any mods that are installed on your server? This will help consider if there are any mismatches or conflicts.
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