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Posts posted by scallipus

  1. @KingSlayerGM  I generated a fresh 10K map based on the DEM models I work with and the terracing is a small artifact from that data set... overall it disappears pretty well when doing some smoothing in gimp at 20K and resampling down to 10K...   

    I have setup a test server running the map King Gen has generated at scallisgaming.com... In the games launcher search scalli and the servers I run will show up, they are free to join and I only mention it here so you can check out how the map shows up on a server...

    Things I have noted on this are, some roads ramp up nicely  and I have seen another that ramped up 1 block at basically 45 degrees, in the previous generation server test I did an hour ago, we had one road drop 3 - 4 blocks in height over 0 blocks in length resulting basically a 90 degree road drop on levels...

    The large straight lines that appear to be an artifact for your POI placement (cities is where I really notice it)  is that there ends up being large straight sections of raised terrain at 45 or so degree angles. by straight I mean the lines that are perpendicular along the bottom floor and top floor of the terrain where you have gone from a lower level to an upper level (with your city being on the upper level),  I also notices all cities are flat and do not adjust to the terrain at all at least that is how it seems and in one case the city itself lowered a block compared to the terrain at one spot resulting in a 1 block road drop / raise over a 1 block length.

    I understand that trying to smooth out terrain to place a poi is in and of itself a not so easy task and over all the way you have done things works pretty well...

    One thing that might (asthetically help) is if there was some noise introduced to the slopes I mentioned above to give a more natural look to the slopes compared to how they currently look

    Unfortunately tonight I did not get time to check out the linux GUI or CLI options or the windows CLI options as I got side tracked due to being excited when I saw the preview come up after adding the custom biome file and so spent more time testing the windows gui and the maps generated by setting up instances on the server.

  2. Ok in the windows gui - When using a custom BIOME map there was no preview generation error

    Here is the resulting 10K map image - this was based on my existing nitrogen import.hm and all I have done is done a 6 unit level adjustment and exported it as a 16 bit grayscale image - no smoothing so chances are there will be terracing in the in game map.  The preview generated quickly in just 49 seconds and the biomes are exactly where they should be as per the custom biomes file also taken from my live server and updated to 24 bit RGB from the 8 bit indexed png file I was using.


  3. 32 minutes ago, KingSlayerGM said:

    @scallipus and @Cpt Krunch, after your suggestion I have added 8-bit heightmap support. With the next version of KingGen you will be able to select your 8-bit heightmap and KingGen will smooth it out for you to fill the whole 16 bits. This smoothing does change the image a little, but it shouln't be a problem. You can always use a 16-bit heightmap if you want perfection.

    Awesome man truely awesome this makes life a lot easier and as you say still allows us to use 16 bit if we want absolute control over the contouring of the map thanks a heap...

    I will be testing out the custom biomes stuff in a few minutes and will follow up with some tests on linux as well as both cli for windows and for linux using the basically same config file with paths edited accordingly

    @stallionsden  I remember the old QLD tourism adverts on TV - Perfect One Day, Beautiful The Next....  Consider my take on it for my map as Irradiated One Day, Snowing The next :) (look at the tip of the cape to see the radiated zone :D )


  4. as mentioned it was a very quick and dirty test map level adjustment from my 10K map artwork.  Yes a bit of tweaking would need to occcur for a playable map, the original artwork was 20K x 20k and done it 8 bit grayscale and the land mass was level balanced for 32 or 34 to 180 or something (what works well for nitrogen as far as most maps go where you end up with your land mass low level set to 1 block above the water level).

    As your maps have a higher low point I just raised the levels overall and then scaled it to 4K purely for a test, the actual live map on scallisgaming.com plays very nicely by the way...

    I tend to work on real world terrain maps for games as it makes it a lot more interesting IMHO

    And yes the map looks bloody awesome in the preview above thanks for looking into it and fixing the bug, I will continue to test a few things during this week - including the cli config file option, how it goes on linux gui and cli, and will also test out the custom biomes option :)

    Keep up the great work you are doing its absolutely a breath of fresh air so far and for your efforts I honestly thank you :)

    The current live 10K map looks like this on the server




    the screen shot cuts off tasmania but you get the idea based on the sheer volume of POI's

    One thing I am wondering - from a programming design standpoint - why did you choose 16 bit grayscale as the basis for the height map image ??
    It is because that is what the raw file uses or was it for some other reason?  As the colour space the game plays in is essentially 8 bit I would have thought an 8 bit map basis would be easier to work with - as a minor thing I noted when I viewed the map in game, a result for changing the colour space from 8 bit to 16 bit for me was it essentially required me to double the levels of the artwork (no easy feat when using sliders lol) compared to clamping it between 0 and 255...  the initial map test was mostly under water until I just boosted the levels - I was not really tweaking levels as simply setting a white point at one of the brightest areas and relevelling  the colour space at that.

    If for program allowed for 8 bit grayscale levels it would make it a lot easier working in gimp doing level adjustments (at least from my point of view)



  5. @KingSlayerGM sure I just ran the world in game - and basically it generated the terrain - Of course this was a quick and dirty adjusted height map as a test and nothing like my final maps end up but the overall land mass shape and the various islands are about right as far as their placement went etc.. So yeah it seems to be the preview that is bugging out



    the test image is at the following url




    and config file...

      _  ___              _____
     | |/ (_)            / ____|
     | ' / _ _ __   __ _| |  __  ___ _ __
     |  < | | '_ \ / _` | | |_ |/ _ \ '_ \
     | . \| | | | | (_| | |__| |  __/ | | |
     |_|\_\_|_| |_|\__, |\_____|\___|_| |_|
                    __/ |
    7 Days to Die Random World Generator
    Find out more at https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/23988-kinggen-a-random-world-generator-for-7-days-to-die/


  6. Ok @KingSlayerGM I did a very quick test on windows 10 tonight with the new version

    Running KingGen in a directory in my home directory

    RWG - no seed entered - worked just fine

    RWG - seed entered - worked just fine


    Custom Height MAP - did not clear the seed...

    Map file is on D Drive and users folder is on E Drive

    Owner of file is my user account


    Generating heightmap.
    Generating biomes.
    Generating cities.
    Generating water.
    Generating roads.
    Generating villages.
    Generating random pois.
    Saving heightmap.
    Generating spawn points.
    Generating radiation.
    Generating map info.
    Generating ttw.
    Generating preview.
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "gui.py", line 925, in generate
      File "ntime.py", line 11, in ntime
      File "world.py", line 818, in run
      File "world.py", line 186, in generate
      File "world.py", line 213, in gen_preview
      File "drawing.py", line 15, in bump
    ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()


    It appears to have generated the dtm.raw file but I won't know till later if it actually paid attention to the height map it was given or not when I can check it out in game

    Tried the same with the file moved to the users home directory tree - same sub dir that king gen is running  in.  Same result as above.

    Will test it on linux desktop and get back to you as well as CLI tests


  7. An update for you regarding linux gui

    Ran the same test as I did previously only this time using the linux gui version.

    The setup - Linux Ubuntu 20.04.2  LTS  desktop environment
    Downloaded KingGen, then copied it from my users download folder to my users home folder and after making it executable ran it detached from the terminal using the command
    ./KingGen &

    Then in the GUI on the desktop ran a straight up RNG generation with the seed 1234567890
    Changed no other settings

    Worked fine - generated the world in 34 seconds

    Then went and changed the world name by adding a 2 to the end of it  and went into advanced settings, selected the 4ktest.png file as per the previous test on WNDOWS and told it to generate the world - no other settings were changed and I did notice the seed had been erased and left this blank.

    It got to the same point as per the windows gui version - just sitting there on Generating random pois


  8. Thanks for your response to the feedback, to answer your question on CLI / GUI. On windows I tested the gui only, on my linux server it was CLI only as I do not even have an X server installed on it, so no desktop, all my linux servers are configured to be headless units that I ssh into from my main windows machine, my other server - a windows 10 pro machine I did not test anything on, the main windows machine is a win 10 home edition machine


    I hope that helps

  9. here is the generated KingGenConfig.txt file contents from the 4K custom map test on the linux server

    Based on this command line


    KingGen  --custom_heightmap /home/myuser/4ktest.png --cities_size large user_custom_map_test_3 4


      _  ___              _____
     | |/ (_)            / ____|
     | ' / _ _ __   __ _| |  __  ___ _ __
     |  < | | '_ \ / _` | | |_ |/ _ \ '_ \
     | . \| | | | | (_| | |__| |  __/ | | |
     |_|\_\_|_| |_|\__, |\_____|\___|_| |_|
                    __/ |
    7 Days to Die Random World Generator
    Find out more at https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/23988-kinggen-a-random-world-generator-for-7-days-to-die/


  10. some feedback - based on my initial testing this morning

    THE TLDR version -




    Testing the permissions issues


    WINDOWS 10
    I created a directory (owned by my user account) on my dev drive (D:), put KingGen in there, ran it as my logged in user (which also has administrator privs)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'user_test_rwg'

    I then copied the KingGen directory to my users home directory and ran it again from there and it worked just fine - For some clarification my users home directory is NOT on the C drive where windows is stored so perhaps its better for users to copy it to their home directory and just put a shortcut on their desktop for it.

    Back on the D:\KingGen directory testing
    Once I ran it as Administrator it worked just fine and generated a 10K world within 3 minutes.  
    So for some people with permissions issues and do not want to run it from their home directory the simplest solution is to run as administrator but that will only work if their user account is part of the administrator group.

    I tested it on one of my linux servers and it worked just fine right out of the gate from the CLI after I put it into my users home directory.

    I then sudo copied it to /usr/local/bin.  It runs fine from there and is available to all users and is working exactly as it should by assigning the user ownership of the generated directory and files correctly to the user who runs it.

    This well may replace using built in RWG for generating totally random worlds on my servers given how fast it generates worlds and that it follows normal linux conventions.




    Initially I just used my Nitrogen prepared height map then I realised you require 16 bit grayscale so adjusted the image to 16 bit integer grayscale and exported it from GIMP using 16BPC GRAY as the pixel format in the PNG export settings.

    Not big issue but it would be nice if the program checked for a 16 bit depth on loading the png map file and perhaps reported to the user the height map was not correct bit depth and exited gracefully as the simplest solution - that way the user would realise what the problem was.  Consider this as I imagine other people would have prepared their custom nitrogen maps similarly which requires an 8 bit greyscale image.

    Testing KingGen running from user directory and using the custom 10K height map.

    When using a custom height map which is stored in another directory on my dev drive (D:\), and which my user account is the owner of the file, I seem to be getting issues with KingGen as it just sits on Generating random pois and after 15 - 20 minutes I stop the generation.  So far I have been completely unable to complete the generation using a custom height map in windows


    if I use the following command line

    KingGen --seed 1234567890 --custom_heightmap /home/myuser/kinggen_testmap.png --cities_size large user_custom_map_test 10

    it appears to ignore the custom map entirely.


    Same result when I use the following command line

     KingGen  --custom_heightmap /home/myuser/kinggen_testmap.png --cities_size large user_custom_map_test_2 10                 


    And yet again the same thing happens when I use this command line
     KingGen  --custom_heightmap=/home/myuser/kinggen_testmap.png --cities_size=large user_custom_map_test_3 10                    

    So I am at a TOTAL LOSS as to how to get it to use my custom height map at all.  It does complete and generate a map but it really does not seem to use the height map so is there something I am missing here as far as command line parsing goes???

    Also as an aside I have clamped my height map values in gimp prior to export as such that the water areas should be exactly that water areas according to the information given for generation.  I will happily DM you a link to the source height map on my webserver if you like, it's a 10K height map and is approx 5MB in size.

    I further tested this by re-scaling my custom map to 4k and it still refuses to complete making a map in WINDOWS and it seems to ignore it in LINUX...  Of course it could well be the png file itself that is the issue or perhaps something I have misunderstood regarding the linux command line...  And yes for the 4K map tests I did change the size parameter to 4

    I will happily be educated on how it's supposed to be used with importing custom maps

    What IMHO would be an added improvement for the CLI versions would be simply allowing us to specify a config file on the command line with all the options we want the generator to use

    It might also make it easier for debugging purposes...

    Right now as it stands, from my perspective it's nice and fast for generating totally random worlds but completely useless to me for generating worlds using custom height maps...

  11. Hiya, as a custom map maker who extensively uses custom height maps, and custom poi preferred placement maps to generate real world terrain and approximate position city maps for the game I would really love it if it was possible to include options for a poi placement map similar to the nitrogen city and town preference placement map which is used in the mask map which also allows me to limit the land volume where pois are actually placed - something quite important when making island based maps for example as I would not want poi's spawning out in the water areas.

    I have not tried your tool yet but do intend  to give it a thorough work out over the coming weekend as it appears to have a lot of potential and it's refreshing to see something new come along that might indeed surpass the results nitrogen gives. I will be able to also give feedback on the linux side of things as I run both a win 10 gaming / editing rig and 3 ubuntu based servers

    Keep up the great work

    PS are the source files available at all if you do not want to add these changes to it so I can add them myself?

  12. Is there a way to get the built in RWG to use a custom height map and biome map?   That to me is the main reason I still use nitrogen - it allows me to use a totally custom heightmap and mask to define the landscape and preferred POI (city and town) placements


  13. On 10/24/2020 at 10:05 PM, Tehnomaag said:

    what are the constraints on using your own heightmap?


    grayscale png? max 256 levels between full white and full black? compression or no compression?


    what I'm trying to achieve is rather rough terrain 8x8 km map with significant amount of water between mountain peaks, basically,  what I would like to do would be just taking the already generated heightmap and increasing water level by +25m or +50m and then re-running the map-gen for building placement. how would I go about achieving that? when I tried editing the heightmap the Nitrogen refused to import it. 

    the height maps I have done I tend to work in 24 bit grey scale, then before I output it for nitrogen I reduce it to 8 bit grey scale and clamp it between 24 and 180 or so, water is at 32 so everything typically below that is in water and everything above is land.

    Some tips if using DEM terrain data for your height maps, run a pixelate and then a couple of gaussian or median blur filters on the terrain - it will make it a lot more likely to be navigable.  I had issues with some weird spiking occurring prior to running the blur filters and I found doing a slight pixelattion filter first actually helps a lot towards getting a an even better result from the median blur filter


    as for adjusting the water level - I have not found a way to do that only that nitrogen sets water at the grayscale level of 32.  so if you want the effect of deeper water then you need to adjust the floor of your 'clamp' to suit the lowest level you want.

    In gimp this is done under colour management - adjust levels and in there you can set both input and output clamps for both floor and ceiling of the colour levels

  14. On 10/4/2020 at 2:41 PM, danielspoa said:

    not op but I tried that and didnt work. Im admin of the dedi server. Client players cant do it either


    gonna fire the game to see the exact message

    add permissions for people to use the pois command in your admins.xml

     <permission cmd="pois" permission_level="1000" />

  15. On 9/29/2020 at 6:30 AM, Wenzil said:

    So I'm trying to create an island map for my personal server.  It's based on an actual island in Lake Superior.  My plan is for it to be an all-snow biome.  It's Lake Superior.  I actually have the heightmap working and I can generate a nice map.  I've set the biome to "only snow" but it isn't working.  It creates a forest biome every time.  It creates a green biomes.png every time.  Anyone have any advice?


    Sure - just repaint the biomes.png file with white.  - hint open the test_alpine_biome.png and make sure you get your colour from the white in that image then do a flood fill (often a paint can image on the tool bar of most image editors) to replace the green for forest biome in the biomes.png file

  16. On 9/23/2020 at 5:48 AM, Dracathio said:

    So... the program won't read the heigtmap from an existing output folder, nor will it read the biomes.

    Why is this?  Is the program not made to reuse existing heightmaps that it itself made?
    I mean it doesn't mind going and using the same exact height map from resources, but once I want it to reuse the height map from a folder it just can't read it.  Why is this?

    I am using custom heighmaps, you have to rename the heighmap for the import to work (off the top of my head the rename is IMPORT_HM.PNG and you then tell nitrogen to use the import_hm.png file, you can also combine it with a mask file to kind of limit where poi's can be built as well...

    I would love it if there was an option to also use a custom biomes.png file as I have generated my own biomes file for a specific custom heightmap file and the preview always generates without the biomes file...  When I overwrite the generated biomes file with my custom one after nitrogen has generated the world, the game engine happily uses my cutsom biomes file.



    Does anyone know if there is a setting in the config file for nitrogen to vertically (north/south) invert the generated world when using a custom height map and mask?

    I am having this issue where when using my custom height map to generate a world, the generated world is inverted in the north south axis.  I know I can manually invert my heightmap in gimp and it should work fine as far as the world generation goes but it would be nice if there was an option inside of nitrogen that I am just missing / not seeing.

  17. 5 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:


    I also play on an own dedicated with a friend with a nitrogen 8K map. We both had those ghostblocks, but in different locations and in different times. For me everything looked fine where he saw ghostblocks. So this is definetely a client side problem.

    We had this problem more often when the game was fresh, so in the first few days. We're now on day 80 and haven't it seen for a long time.


    I never saw this in A19 experimental and also not in A18 but i didn't use nitrogen maps back then. I also watch some streamers, they also didn't have it in A19 experimental (with rwg map), but suddenly in A19 release on a nitrogen map. (Me and the streamers use nitrogen without compopack).

    I don't use compopack, in fact the 12K map only has the standard nitrogen POI's.  when he was seeing it, we both were in the same POI, he was seeing it, I wasn't that definitely has to be a client side issue.  He did take some screen shots... basically as we were on a mission he had to rely on my showing him where the doors were

  18. Playing on a dedicated server with a customised nitrogen 12K map, one of my friends sees this issue yet I don't see it at all.

    The server - IBM SystemX 3650 M3, Dual 3.46 Ghz hex core xeons, 80GB ram,  running off a 12Gb/s raid 6 array...
    his system - AMD Ryzen 5 2600 , 16GB ram, AMD RX580 8GB video card
    my system I7 9700k,  32GB ram, ASUS RTX 2070 Super 8GB video card.

    Now on the other maps on the server we play on he does not have these issues at all, those maps are smaller.

    I have seen the issue once in the past on a different map in A19 experimental (before A19 stable was launched) but only the once.

  19. On 9/5/2020 at 9:21 PM, prkchpsyring said:

    I'm really confused. I was looking for a good wasteland biome map and used the ZombieSnuggles one that was listed on this thread. Do the directions of the biomes sometimes get flipped around?? I went due east from the forest to get to the wasteland biome and...I hit the tundra...which was supposed to be in the north. 

    yeah the maps sometimes flip - at least from what I have seen with playing with nitrogen (at least in the map previews), not sure if it happens in the game from its own generated worlds tho.


  20. after having a few days playing with nitrogen I have a few questions / feedback

    When creating a custom map (using a user defined heightmap file, mask file and biome file) the preview map appears to render vertically flipped.   Initially when I saw this I thought I had to flip my HM and MASK files thinking that the in game map would be upside down otherwise... As it turned out no, the preview map only was being flipped.  Is this something others are encountering?

    Will nitrogen allow me to use my custom biome image and incorporate that into the preview map in the future?  Right now it generates its own random biomes.png file which I then overwrite with my custom one once the map is generated but I was unable to get the tools/previewmapgenerator to work with generating a new map preview with my 12K A19 map - I was getting a lot of prefab list errors and ended up copying over the prefab list from the root level resources directory and renaming it to match the prefablist filename in the tools/previewgenerator/resources/ directory.  None of this worked for me with regards to getting a new preview map to generate, it literally sat there for over half an hour running the preview map generator before I ended the console session.  Is this something that will be fixed going forward?


    Overall thankyou very much for this tool Damocles, it's a great tool, I just wish it would allow me to include my own custom biomes.png file without it needing to generate a new biomes.png if it already exists and if it included an overlay of sorts of the biomes file with the preview map.

  21. Can someone explain how the weapon upgrading works? I know that I have to put a fully repaired weapon (the one I want to upgrade?) into the workbench followed by a second weapon of the same type but...

    I have upgraded my weapon crafting skill (in my current situation it is for bow) to level 51 crafting, I have upgraded most of my key skills to level 5 (player level 101)  I can craft a level 51 bow that is no problem but when I go to upgrade my level 45 bow using a level 44 bow to perform the upgrade it informs me I can only craft to level 41?

    What am I doing wrong or what am I missing???




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