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Everything posted by Doomofman

  1. I'll hold my hands up and admit I'm wrong if 1.0 delivers visuals (at usable framerates) and zombie counts as shown in the 1.0 trailer But I'd genuinely be shocked if that much progress has been made from A21 to 1.0
  2. To be fair, all I did is what Laz Man said... Turned on Feral Sense and went to the wasteland. For laughs I put all graphics to the max to try match the trailer, even on a 12700k/3080 system, performance was so bad the zombies at times would resort to slow motion which was funny to see
  3. I really don't think you could Again, it's fine that things are jazzed up for a 1.0 gameplay trailer, companies do it all the time, but to try and say that's how the game actually looks/plays to people who are already familiar with the how the game looks/runs... C'mon
  4. I think the zombie count at times is the most obvious for me, that and the lighting, can't quite but my finger on what it is. Some shots almost look raytraced. It's like the shots they use on the loading screen. The game can't really look like that in a playable state But as I said, these things are pretty normal for gameplay trailers
  5. Really good trailer, much better than other videos TFP have recently put out... But it's pretty misleading in terms of what the game actually looks/plays like (though I suppose that's par for the course for game trailers these days)
  6. That's not the point I was making. I'm trying to say that because it's a 1.0 release, that streamer weekend might not look like what we're used to. What Rick started saying before getting cut off by Lathan in that discussion backs that up. So I was speculating that maybe they'd have a 'launch' weekend for Stable rather than a weekend for experimental OR another idea I put out was that they might call it a Closed Beta instead and when Experimental releases it would be an Open Beta I'm speculating because TFP haven't confirmed anything about a streamer weekend so far other than Rick saying "we'd also like to do a streamer weekend but it may be navigated through..." before Lathan stepped in
  7. There's never been a 1.0 before so things could be different. I'm just spit balling due to lack of clear information from TFP They could end up treating Streamer Weekend/Experimental more as Closed Beta / Open Beta or something like that
  8. IMO absolutely. But this is TFP we're talking about. PR isn't exactly their specialty 😄
  9. No, what I mean is that maybe instead of having the Streamer Weekend on the Experiment release, they instead have it for the Stable 1.0 release. I really hope they don't do that, but I thought the bit about it in the chat with Rick and Lathan was a bit odd
  10. Still not sharing info about the streamer weekend. I hope it's not too different than we're used to. One thought I had, and I really hope they don't do this, is having it for Stable rather than Experimental due to 1.0. But I hope that's too silly an idea for them to do
  11. Still talking about experimental in late May or possibly early June, nice to see the date range hasn't shifted TOO far since the 1.0 video just yet 🤣
  12. Any of the animals aside from the mountain lion get new animations?
  13. Hoping we get a bit more news about what's happening with 1.0 exp soon. Sale is over now so would be nice to get an idea of what's coming and how, seeing as it appears it wont be the usual build up we've had for the last few alphas
  14. There used to be a bigger junk yard POI a few alphas back with a bunch of big containers out front with trash on top and a red brick multistory building. I kinda miss that Though does that count as 'new'?
  15. Will we get dev streams and/or streamer weekend for this release?
  16. "additional zombie stages" So like Feral and Radiated. Maybe mutated? Enraged? I dunno
  17. So do we have to change the name of the thread to V1.0 Dev Diary?
  18. Wild news, though kinda feels more like a "rebranding" of the term Alpha than anything At least not long to wait for A22 1.0
  19. @faatal You mentioned trader biome restrictions in a previous post and it maybe being tied to story progression in the future. But what exactly is happening in A22? Are specific traders only going to appear in specific biomes for every map? (Example: Jen always in wasteland) or is it more random like for each map you generate it decides which traders go in which biomes. I hope that makes some sort of sense (Example: One map Jen might only be in wasteland but another map Jen will only be in the desert etc)
  20. I think it was even mentioned at the time that it needed more feathers. Hard to tell from the glimpse we can see in the recent images
  21. Looks like the model is an improved version of the below one which was shown off way back before A20 I think
  22. Am I right in saying there's a new vulture model hiding in those pics as well? I remember we were shown a model way back possibly before A20
  23. https://x.com/7DaystoDie/status/1780630922431275290 I spy a zombie bear model in the back
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