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  1. That's a excellent point ! Learning by doing was and would be perfect to return in this game. Everyone would progress at what they want to progress at naturally by doing stuff. It feels more rewarding if I build alot then my building stats would be high, if sneak often then my sneak goes up, if i use pistols then that goes up... very fulfilling for the player. The magazines could be used for crafting tiers or recipe unlocks so you wont spam craft things as what happened in the past which is why it was taken a away. I think the system Darkness Falls have is a great breakthrough and should be brought to vanilla, the action skills compliment the game very well. Then you could throw in the magazines for crafting idea with that and make it work somehow.
  2. I agree, I dont think people don't craft guns because of anything skill related. It's just guns and bullets are so common to find why waste any time making it ? Make them super rare then people will be forced to make them or be stuck with a bow. That's the only way to fix I see for that situation.
  3. I'm not sure how we feel about the learn by looting. That would just be weird in a game like this where there's so many things you'd want to be good at instead of just for example be one thing like bows and have to find magazines. 75% of the player base loves the learn by doing, many people are playing darkness falls mod just for this feature alone. It's realistic and immersive. I think you guys should bring it back and also throw magazines in the mix as well. But just learning strictly from magazines I don't think will be well liked, too much RNG where there doesn't need to be. And I could see many issues with multiplayer.
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