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Posts posted by SylenThunder

  1. Just make a web url shortcut. 


    Steam Connect protocol serves this purpose just fine. 




    You can also use domain name if you own the site.



    And if your server has a password....



    As for disabling protocols, that's all defined in the config file, and has instructions. I only recommend disabling SteamNetworking when you have the ports forwarded properly, and LiteNetLib only for testing purposes. You will tank server network performance with LiteNetLib disabled.



  2. 8 hours ago, warmer said:

    Considering you are the first person to complain about this being a problem in 10 yrs of development, I highly doubt any dev hours are going to be spent fixing it. 

    8 years, and in any case, this is the kind of issue you would spend time working on during Beta development. Not while still in Alpha.

  3. 1 hour ago, ilyabakhlin said:

    how much time it can run without restarting

    I answered this above. In order to give you more specific information I'd need more details on your server.


    1 hour ago, ilyabakhlin said:

    I think this could point to a potential bug the developers should fix.

    Then you should submit a proper bug report in the correct location. 

  4. 48 hours without shutting down?  That's not something you want to do.


    If you're running Windows, you should be restarting every 8-12 hours. Vanilla with supported player count will stay up longer without issues. Modded or unsupported player counts need to decrease that.

    If you're on Linux, you can go 24 hours. A heavy overhaul modded server can do about 12-16 hours.

  5. No fixes I'm aware of because in general there isn't an issue unless you're drop-mining massive chunks of material. When you do that, you're basically maxing out CPU and RAM with SI calculations, and just have to wait until it's done clearing swap.

  6. The only real issue I see is that the server was up for roughly 20 hours. Which is about double what you should have it up for running an overhaul mod on Windows.


    If we knew the time stamps for when you encountered the issue, that might make it a little easier. Most of the server FPS values I scanned were just fine.

  7. 2 hours ago, Tobs said:

    Is there any way I can attach the Log file to here? Seems like I can only upload pictures ?

    Yes. It was in the instructions. I fixed your post for you so it didn't take up 20 pages of forum.


    2 hours ago, Tobs said:

    I've edited the log file, replaced all steamID's and IP's with X

    Not private information, and is not helpful to do so.

  8. 4 hours ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Honestly. That is such bs.
    Like... I believe you and I believe that this is their view and maybe their idea of quality control.

    But I have seen mods that update biweekly have a steamworkshop and more.
    That is why versioncheckers are in place.

    Honestly. Releasing one Alpha every 8-15 Months is PLENTY of time for devs of mods to work it out.
    And people that want to mod will mod anyways. If you mod a game with no idea what it does, that is not on the devs.

    honestly! If you install more than one mod, it can break the game. So this is nothing more than an excuse.
    Workshop wont ever be "safe" or "easy to use", but it would make modding more accessible, without needing 4 different tools.

    So yea... if they just say "sorry other priorities right now! Want to finish the game ASAP" fine by me.
    But don't put it on quality control.

    Maybe I am just an a*shat as usual. But this makes ZERO sense to me.

    See here is the thing though. Version checking is only for updates to the mods. Steam has no built-in method to check that the mods are compatible with the current version of the client. Primarily because the Workshop is not designed to support EA.


    Again I will throw Eleon under the bus here. They introduced Workshop support early on. As a result of this there are a large number of mods out there for Empyrion that are absolutely not compatible with the current version of the game. They make a good example for how not to do EA in a lot of ways.

  9. You have to consider ease of repair as well. An AK-47 is much less likely to require servicing than an M16. It's also considerably easier to clean and maintain without considerable training. Given there are probably about the same number of both in the US, the AK is more accessible because the majority of them aren't owned by the military. 

  10. To be fair, the Kukuri is a form of machete. So is a lightly sharpened flat stick of metal with a rag for a handle. (Have seen this in Southern Mexico and Brazil)
    IMHO we could have a couple of flavors, just like we do for the knife. Bone shiv > Basic machete > hunting knife > Kukuri machete. 



  11. Well they announced that the dev streams are starting next Wednesday


    So I put together this timeline from last year's dates for A19...


    • April 19 Pre-experimental testing
    • May 27 Streamer release announced and public applications opened.
    • June 10 Developer Stream series starts
    • June 26 Streamer weekend
    • June 29 Experimental release
    • August 19 Stable release


    Now, I'm pretty sure we aren't going to have the "Pre-experimental testing" for a20. They have a fair number of testers already working on it, and many are the good ones from a19. 

    So since the Dev Stream series has been announced, I bet we see the Streamer signup thread pop up in the very near future.  You can math out the rest of it pretty easily. 


    Of course, that's just guesswork. Nothing is promised, and anything can happen that could cause a delay.

  12. You can try using the native input option.  I cannot imagine that there will be any support for a controller that released after a major build. It's kind of hard to support things that didn't exist when the core game was being developed.


    Maybe there will be support for it in a20 or a future release. However if it requires much extra in the code to support it, you will probably have to wait until someone makes 3rd party emulator software that converts it for the games. Like the DS4Windows software.

  13. A long long time ago, before gamestages ever existed, time on a server passed even when no one was online.

    As a result of the horde/game difficulty being based on what day it was, this could make servers become more difficult even when no one had logged on in a while.

    The solution was to stop time on the servers when no one was logged in. This helped some, but newbies still got wrecked if they joined a server with a high day count, because the horde was based on the day, and didn't care about the player.


    Some time later gamestages were introduced, and difficulty is based almost entirely on the individual/group's calculated gamestage. No longer do day counts matter for difficulty.


    Since day count only has a relative meaning for what day the horde is on, and often people will lock servers into being mere moments before bloodmoon because they can't stand a challenge, I think it would be neat to have an option for time to continue passing.

    Just a flag in the server config to have time pass with no one online like it used to be, or to have time stop when the server is empty like it currently does.


    Could make things interesting. :)

  14. Most server management tools have these kinds of options.

    Dedicated Server Management Tools

    On my group's servers we use CPM and CSMM to manage the servers. We are able to regularly reset regions without land claims in them, reset POI's globally on schedule, and perform regular cleanup of expired landclaims. 


    I know Botman is also very well at managing this in a similar fashion, and though I'm not as familiar with it, I believe ServerTools has the capability as well.

  15. You would want to give him admin level 0.


    *** Command: admin ***
    Set/get user permission levels. A level of 0 is maximum permission,
    users without an explicitly set permission have a permission level of 1000.
       admin add <name / entity id / steam id> <level> [displayname]
       admin remove <name / entity id / steam id>
       admin addgroup <steam id> <level regular> <level mods> [displayname]
       admin removegroup <steam id>
       admin list
    To use the add/remove sub commands with a name or entity id the player has
    to be online, the variant with steam id can be used for currently offline
    users too.
    Displayname can be used to put a descriptive name to the ban list in addition
    to the user's SteamID. If used on an online user the player name is used by default.
    When adding groups you set two permission levels: The 'regular' level applies to
    normal members of the group, the 'mods' level applies to moderators / officers of
    the group.


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