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Diragor last won the day on May 10 2023

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  1. This game needs them so badly. It would add so much to the look and feel of the game. It's always too bright, too colorful, too happy childish. We need: -heavy raining days -Storms with lightning and thunder -damn foggy days -cloudy days so it's not always sunny as hell You remember the Pre A17 days when it was always kinda foggy and depressing. This added so much to the horror feeling. We need this back.
  2. This is so true... I first experienced A15 on console before playing the PC version. And to be honest. It was a really fun time. The horde nights were better back then, because they didn't follow a path with least resistance (doors) so no death tunnel in sight. You had to keep your base safe all around. Cities were full of zombies and shooting brought in even more. the game wasn't as bright and colorful as A17 and after which made it feel more horror like. Also food was more scars, farmign ores was harder, LBD was still a thing which many liked overall the console players will like all the new content (Traps, new POIs, new vehicles, etc) but will be dissapointed by the happy, colorful look of the game as well as the one sided horde nights (death tunnel/loop bases)
  3. Nope was daytime and 3 days until next BM
  4. I swear this game has the wridest encounters ever... Just logged in, lastly logged out in the nowhere,not a single zombie around. Now when I logged in, I was surrounded by zombies instantly and got killed. How is that a thing it's a single player game there's no one triggering zombie hordes xD how am I instantly surrounded by them and get killed in the loading screen xD
  5. Easy Fix. Quest Rewards shouldn't include full weapons/tools/armor. Only parts, ressources, food, medicine etc.
  6. Well I checked and it seems placing a hell lot of torches in my big base is the problem. Damn I hope lamps won't have this problem
  7. I Will check that... Whenever I try doing quests I get screamers after a short while...and I fight meele all time. So there might be a bug. I will try it again after work
  8. Hey I've been trying to play A21 for a while and At some point it started that I permanently get screamer spawn. Like TRULY permanent. I kill her, kill the zombies not even a minute later the next one spawns. And that is all day and night. I can't play anymore. I am not even doing anythign heatmap related. No cooking, no forging, no mining...I just place blocks and kill with meele only. HOW are there so many screamer spawning? is that wanted? because I am on Day 58 (60 min days) and I don't even have electricity and still only cobblestone walls because I can't find time to do anything because of those screamers. seriously @%$# this game currently -.- I constantly die to those fcking screamer hordes. Mostly because of this stupid zombie crawl animation -.- it is constantly switching between standing and crawling and that sucks hardcore because there is no inbetween anymaation just an instant pop to the other positioning -.-
  9. Can we have 1/2 and Full Ramps with railing? we currently only got 1/4 ramps with railing
  10. That counts too. I only build in my base or ladder when mining. Nowhere else
  11. Tried that once...I am someone who tries to play "realistic". So no cheesy bases and no nerdpole. And that makes it near impossible...
  12. Cool it worked. Thank you ALso why are the Blocks I want to place redish like it wouldn't be stable ?
  13. Summary: I was mining some clay and this specific "POI" seems to have some terrain bugs with floating, indestructable dirt blocks. Game Version: (A21.1 b16) OS/Version: (Windows) CPU Model: (AMD Ryzen 7 3700x) System Memory: (16 GB) GPU Model and VRAM: (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060) Screen Resolution: (1920x1080) Video Settings: (Custom) Game mode: (SP / RWG) Did you wipe old saves? (No) Did you start a new game? (Yes) Did you validate your files? (No) Are you using any mods? (No) EAC off Status: NEW Bug Description: Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Go to the POI "Lazy Timbers" which appears to just be a field without Building. 2) Dig away The Ground at the same Place seen on the screenshot. 3) They are the upper layer, I can dig the blocks below (some of them are 1hit and make a grass sound which is weird too) Actual result: Some Dirt Blocks appear that have a Hitbox, but can't be digged or destroyed Expected result: Normally they shouldn't appear Link to Pastebin Output Log: https://pastebin.com/9yvXUNeM
  14. No, ust change it....it's way too broken the way it is now. When you die with very low hunger or thirst, fill it up to 25%, not full. DOn't heal broken bones or infection. Reset infection to a maximum of 10% This wouldn't lead to a death loop and would fix the death cheat
  15. That was an example...when you die in a high game stage and lose every good item you have and in your Base you only got garbage left.
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