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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. The concept of 1 quest per day at the trader would be a fantastic change in my opinion and it should have honestly been done when quests were first introduced in A17, but better late than never. :) It makes absolutely no sense that a trader would offer you multiple quests to complete on a daily basis. Realism aside, this would also be great for balancing, especially early game when there is limited items to sell. If there's a coveted item that you really want, either give up hope, or explore to find a new town and take a quest from another trader to earn those dukes. This would also greatly encourage players to go deep into Better Barter & Daring Adventurer.


    I know the goal of this isn't to crush "evil spam questing" lol. But honestly, I'm not a fan of spam questers - I've only been doing 1, max 2 quests from a trader per day for a couple playthroughs now, and I find it to be a better experience overall.


    Also, acquiring a bicycle is far too easy right now. I'm hearing people getting that reward from the trader on the morning of day 2, which is ridiculous. This cancels out the gameplay path of crafting one yourself because, why would you?

    @Roland For people who are against this change, I propose a compromise of sorts. Perhaps an additional bonus to the Daring Adventurer perk would be the ability to take two jobs from the same trader per day? It could be locked behind rank 2 or even rank 3 out of 4.

    Alternatively, perhaps the player could accept multiple quests per day from a trader, but just one per tier.

  2. 11 minutes ago, bdubyah said:

    Add a slowness debuff from the extra weight. Lol.


    *Your character collapses from extreme drowsiness. You sleep for 5 days* :heh: :sleep:


    *Your character has a fever. You must remain on your bedroll for 3 days otherwise the effects will worsen* :sick:

  3. 54 minutes ago, Tmodloader said:

    Wow this was one of my most fond memories yet of the game. Injured and hiding while surrounded. Ended up dying in the end cause I'm impatient. Playing permadeath. Enemies on nightmare speed. It's tough even when doing traders apparently.



  4. 3 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    To be perfectly clear, I've tested more than 10 generated maps, and you ALWAYS spawn in the forest. The problem is that you can spawn just 1 block away from wasteland, snow or desert, making the player face the unfair perils of those biomes right at the start, specially the wasteland. 


    Player should spawn way into the forest, not close to the end game biome borders, lol.



    I can confirm. One of my spawn points in A20 has been 3 meters away from the wasteland, and I got mauled by two zombie dogs within a few moments of spawning in. Haha

  5. 4 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    According to xml it is exactly as rare as the vulture and both weapons drop alternatively as the AGI tier3 gun. So the chance is halved compared to tier3 guns of other attribute trees.




    Ahh, I see. So it's a double edged sword then.

  6. My honest tip to anyone generating worlds is to go for 6k maps and not 8k, and certainly not 10k. In the larger biome sizes there are far more sections of open space and unused terrain, and the added size bloats the generation time in comparison to 6k maps. I was generating 8k maps (5 minutes each) for almost 5 hours and I found nothing that decent, especially in the pine forest. 10 minutes of generating 6k maps netted me almost a clean sweep of positive results.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

    We can all agree that the rarest item in the game is actually the SMG. I've never seen a single one yet despite having almost every other weapon in the game, and haven't found the book either. Every streamer I saw said the same thing as well


    SMG has to have some kind of super low RNG spawn chance. I guess that could be one alternative to the 44 mag issue. Have a pipe SMG that uses 9mm and have the pipe revolver use 44 mag rounds


    This was the case in A19 as well.

    10 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    I think I found out why:

    <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT3_Gunslinger01" count="all" loot_quality_template=
            <item name="gunHandgunT3SMG5"/>
    <lootgroup name="groupWeaponsT3_Gunslinger02" count="all" loot_quality_template="QLTemplateT3">
            <item name="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture"/>


    SMG got a promotion to tier3. (Or am I wrong in thinking it was still tier2 in previous alphas??)


    Nope, it's been T3 since A19 (possibly A18?). But yes, SMG's seem to be the rarest of the T3 weapons by far.

  8. 2 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    I have to disagree with that. It's part of the game. Anyone who has any time in this game knows that. It lacks depth because that depth has been removed over the years. As stated, it made much more sense when you mined raw iron and other raw resources instead of the same resource you get from scrapping something. I just don't see that being an improvement. The only reason the forge seems to be an outlier is because it was made that way with all the other bits around it being stripped out. There's nothing wrong with it.


    If a new player cannot figure it out without flashing signs and excessive hand-holding, then that should be on them to put the effort in to learn it. It's not on the game to dumb itself down until the slowest player can do it with ease. Some hover tooltips wouldn't be the worst thing, and I would much rather see that than have the forge basically removed from the game. But constantly changing things because 'iz 2 hrd" isn't good because it just makes people that aren't new to the game confused as well because @%$# keeps changing. This game really just needs to be pushed to gold before it's a completely different game. Take all these ideas and use them for the sequel.


    What you want and what needs to be done are two totally separate things. We, the 1000+ hour players who want and love depth, are simply not the target audience, and that isn't an outcry, that's just life. That's just business. What's bad for business is a new player attempting to figure out what to do with the forge, getting frustrated, rage quitting the game, and leaving it a bad review. A good mainstream game should have every mechanic be easily accessible and easy to understand at the snap of a finger. It's a major problem, if you follow the subreddit - new players being puzzled with the mechanics of the forge (or "smelter") happens a lot more than you'd might think.


    Regardless of what we want, the best possible system imho is for the forge, campfire, chem station, and cement mixer to be deleted and for the workbench to be the end-all-be-all, and for it to be simplified as well - no schematic, and only crafted with wood, glue, and short iron pipes. Additional pointers and hover over text would be beneficial as well.


    Or at the very least, forgetting all that is above, a tutorial map that the game defaults to when creating a world.

  9. 40 minutes ago, Gazz said:


    Yeah, we had talked about that 1-2 years ago. Our "forge" is a smelter, not a forge. It doesn't even make sense to craft anything that isn't directly cast like the ingots themselves and even in that case it's pointlessly complicated and silly. You don't keep 5 different materials in a smelter and magically keep them separate. 😃


    Not to mention that it would be a massive quality of life improvement. Instead of babysitting the forge for items to be smelted into it *coughs* brass *coughs* you could just click "Craft" and go about your merry way, it's fantastic. I seriously hope this change gets implemented in the vanilla game one day. :)

  10. 12 minutes ago, FranticDan said:

    I'm seeing a lot of new players having issues with the forge, because they are trying to craft without first smelting. May I suggest renaming all of the 6 resources to 'Smelted' *resource* - EG: Smelted Iron


    It would also probably be good to take the smelting process out of the game entirely, to eliminate confusion for new players. In Darkness Falls you craft forge-related recipes straight out like recipes from a workbench, and I honestly believe vanilla should implement a similar feature. Instead of putting the items in, you simply select what you want to craft and, if you have the appropriate materials, you punch in the number and click "craft".

  11. 56 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    I don't think there are tier1 restore power quests. If you don't see an acceptable quest on your level just select one from the 5 tier1 quests offered.




    Not speaking for TFP, but restore-power quests actually have buffed loot in them because it is night and often in the town center. I actually got stuff out that looked better than the stuff out of normal POIs. TFP could reason that it is a choice like going to the wasteland for the higher loot gamestage.


    I think an easy fix to the trader loot would be to have tier3 restore-power quests use tier2 POIs, tier4 use tier3 POIs, and so on. This would make the quest overall easier at a specific tier while keeping the higher trader reward of that tier




    Or they could just buff the amount of dukes and XP you receive from the trader for completing a Restore Power, at the very least. :) Just a spitball.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Aldranon said:


    I hear that!  For me, the wasteland will be for when I'm getting bored and no longer mind dying "In a blaze of glory" (gory?)  :)


    But its out there and I am sure that many people who are much more skilled in FPS (or don't mind dying and continue playing) will greatly enjoy that. 

    I don't see anyone (of the people I normally watch) doing a playthrough in the wasteland on YouTube, I bet Games4Kicks has done or will do a playthrough on just that!


    A wasteland series would be very short though. :) Either you will die constantly, and/or you'll have endgame gear by like day 21 so... 😛

  13. 47 minutes ago, Aldranon said:


    For this game, it would make good sense.  Ammo management is a thing in A20.  Its hard to find radiators sometimes, so ammo production can be lower than A19 rates.

    A 7.62 NATO round has more kinetic energy and has better long range "Results".  But up closer (7D2D ranges), they are both very lethal, so I'm for it!


    That's very true.  For me, it would not make a lot of difference as the "waste" of gas bothers me and I like the feel of using a pickaxe for some reason. 


    Speaking of which, I think I'll be exploring the alternate biomes VERY sparingly in future worlds. I have no criticism against the different biome gamestages (in fact I can't praise it enough) but when you have just crafted a T5 iron pickaxe, then you go to dig a treasure chest, loot a car on the edge of the wasteland, and pull out a T5 auger... I like having "oh my gosh moments", but I would rather not have end-game gear by like hour 30. Just my own personal taste. Haha

  14. 4 minutes ago, Aldranon said:


    Maybe the sound should be less sharp.  If you hit real iron ore, it would not have a metallic sound unless it was from a meteorite anyway.


    Counterargument: IRL augers are only used for loose or wet material, like loose dirt and sand, clay or mud. 😛

  15. 3 hours ago, Firecat said:



    Despite the fact I don't like the change, imo TFP should remain consistent with it for realism purposes, if that is one of their goals. Plates should only have 10% HP of a cube, poles should only have 5% of a cube, etc. Long story short, cubes should be the only block that has "default health".

  16. Even with the nerf, I feel the pipe machine gun is still far too powerful compared to the other pipe weapons. I think another nerf is needed. From my feedback, but I propose these changes:


    - A level 6 pipe machine gun currently has a damage value of 45.6 with regular bullets. I would reduce the maximum damage to 35, and go down from there as quality level decreases.
    - Currently, pipe machine guns have a magazine size of 15. I would reduce this to 10.
    - Their current rounds/minute is 335. I would reduce this by half, so around 160-165.
    - I would double the reload time.
    - Accuracy would be terrible if you hold it down fully auto. This would be alright in close combat situations but from afar or fights that require precision, it would encourage the player to single tap the weapon, or fire in small bursts.


    In general, I also don't think pipe weapons should be able to use more advanced ammo types. :)

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