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Everything posted by MechanicalLens

  1. I haven't been doing too many quests this alpha. Have any people received quests for the non-remnant versions of the new stores, other than the T4 shotgun messiah? (Ex. Crack-A-Books, Pop-N-Pills, etc.?) I'm just curious if TFP allowed these POI's to be potential quest locations.
  2. What do you mean? Edit: Unless I'm misunderstanding things, most of the clothing/armor we have now will be removed and replaced with a more unified design and that being player outfits. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about that though. With the Savage Country POI's, especially the big ones, currently you can find any type of shirt, pants, shoes, etc. in them by the dozens. With player outfits, this would translate into a similar situation unless the majority of these lootable containers like shoe and pants racks were changed to be non-interactable deco items only, for example.
  3. Thanks for getting this thread up @Roland, was waiting for this. With the new outfit system replacing conventional armor/clothing, I wonder how they're going to work this around the Savage Country POI's? Will they be removed possibly? Far too early to be speculating of course, just a fleeting thought I had.
  4. Imagine setting the zombies to nightmare speed and you living in the wasteland biome. It'll practically be horde every night there. Something tells me I'm going to absolutely adore this feature. I was a bit gutted when they removed nighttime feral mode back in A16, now it has a second chance of sorts. I'm guessing these changes won't come into effect during horde night and the zombies will always have their GPS mode active? I wonder if any predictability/roleplay will be added to this system? How about having Edgar sleep walk to the kitchen every morning to prepare his morning coffee?
  5. In that case, using a chainsaw would be a far more efficient solution of potentially extracting more honey anyway. If it takes longer to down a tree, and if the XML is designed in that favor, then you'd theoretically get more honey via time spent chopping or per hit vs a steel axe which only requires a couple hits / a few seconds to down said tree. If it's 5% per tree at random selection (i.e. this tree will give you honey, this one will not), then it literally would not matter if you used a fully modded level 6 steel axe or your bare fists. Of course though with it being such a low percentage chance you'd have to chop down thousands of trees to get accurate test results back. One experiment would be how much honey did you get on average by hitting 300 HP trees vs 1200 HP trees with the same tool, although such an experiment would obviously still raise a lot of questions.
  6. It's either 5% per tree or it's 5% per swing. Wish I could type more but my cat insists on sleeping on my laptop's keyboard. Now she's meowing up a fit.
  7. @Laynie According to other forum members here, the XMl's state that every time you hit a tree it's a 5% chance that you'll get one honey, although I'm unsure if it's limited to one honey per tree or not, although I find this to be the more likely scenario. So if you want to extract the maximum amount per harvest, use a chainsaw vs a steel axe.
  8. The average Joe / Jane probably won't know that. When they think of a magnum, they probably picture an Old West style type of revolver.
  9. There's a book that allows the player for a chance of harvesting honey from trees. Does anyone know if this percentage is based on per hit to the tree, or if the game decides that x tree will give you honey and x tree will not in advance? If it's the former, I'll be using the chainsaw from now on.
  10. Nope. Perhaps a bird's nest was clashing with the tree (spawn wise) and this was the result. *Shrug*
  11. Sounds better than the horrible mess I got myself into with her. Lol. I jumped down to Grace's cave and hastily placed a few landmines. Even after dumping a full clip of my AK into her, she still murdered me. I returned with my spare pistol and a molotov and proceeded to break down through the loot room to find her, as she had moved from her original position. While on the ladder and with Grace directly beneath me, I threw the only molotov I had, which of course caught itself on the ladder's hitbox, setting me on fire and killing me. Third time's a charm, right? Nope, I fell down the ladder and got stuck in a corner. Finally I made my way back down, grabbed my original backpack, loaded my AK, and... came out with 10 health and a deep laceration, an infection, and a concussion. Happy days lads! ๐Ÿ˜„
  12. Sometimes to win an argument, you have to look like a blithering idiot in the process. ๐Ÿ˜œ
  13. Oops, my bad. Chickens can lay eggs after all. I was mistaking them for the majestic buffalo chicken.
  14. Sort of true. But from now on, let it be known that chickens give birth to live young. Let me win this argument. Let me have that much. ๐Ÿ˜› It's honestly pretty simple. Chickens don't lay eggs, but vultures do. Snakes lay eggs, but elephants don't. Most humans don't lay eggs, but Roland does. Capiche?
  15. No doubt about it, especially in 7 Days. Our characters can't run for more than 30 meters before puffing and wheezing like they need an oxygen tank attached to their back.
  16. True, but who needs a mega fort by day 7 or even day 14 anyway? You could simply make a staircase that connects to a walkway with iron bars separating you from the zombies, and you'll do fine perhaps up until day 21 at best. Besides, don't get too comfortable where you are at @Kalen TFP have said on multiple occasions that we'll certainly be getting a pretty heavy stamina loss penalty for using motor tools in the future.
  17. I personally think melee stamina costs are fine the way they are. Besides, we have the clubs which by end-game provide infinite stamina recovery through power attacks. As for sprinting, I don't see this being an issue once you get past the bicycle phase. (And even then, tap W while sprinting on your bike and you'll only lose stamina while turning.) A subjective problem (or lack thereof) with varying solutions, balanced like all things should be.
  18. Chickens don't lay eggs. Back to elementary school with you.
  19. On the other hand, waiting for your meals to cook, items to scrap, stamina to regen while running or swinging a melee weapon, they're all in the same boat here. Is waiting around fun? No, but balance takes priority over such things.
  20. Very true. Again, was just playing Devil's Advocate, even though the counterargument itself is ridiculous.
  21. Not that I agree with this side of the argument, but you could say that for every moment you're waiting for stamina to return, you're not exactly playing the game. Or at least that's the flip argument I hear with every waking moment.
  22. Game-changing question here. Do zombie vultures in 7D2D lay eggs? ๐Ÿค” Are those eggs found in the birds nests on the ground? ๐Ÿคจ Are we cooking up their children? ๐Ÿ˜ Poaching, scrambling, boiling, and spreading them on toast perhaps? ๐Ÿ˜Š Are we eating rotten zombified eggs? ๐Ÿ˜ถ Bluh! ๐Ÿคฎ
  23. Is this a bug or a new feature in the game?
  24. That's fair, not everyone is a hardcore miner from the get-go. I always go deep into the mining perks as soon as possible, if not maxing them outright, almost treating them like a Band-Aid by ripping it off and getting it over and done with, i.e. spending my points on nothing but Sex Rex, Miner 69er, and Mother Lode until they are nearly maxed out. After that I cherry pick my points elsewhere. That's true, but I've rarely encountered the problem where I run out of coffee. Drinking 3 or 4 of them is more than enough for a night's session of mining stone or iron. Anywho, when I finally get around to convincing myself to play beyond day 2 or day 4, I plan on my next long-term world to have the following restrictions: Survivalist difficulty from the start, no crafting ammo (or at least until I need to, if that time ever comes), no buying ammo or ammo components from traders or receiving ammo quest rewards, and trying not to spend 99% of my free time looting. The only thing holding me back is 9 times out of 10 I am in the mood for roleplaying as a Terminator-esque action hero, and 1 times out of 10 I can settle down, get immersed, and enjoy the game more. Perhaps I should work on getting more into the latter habit. The only reason I mine iron is because I prefer having several thousand crafted at any given time, and I use the rest for steel upgrades. That and I don't like having my forges being idle.
  25. If you can't find the basic coffee recipe early on, invest a point into Master Chef, maybe a point or two into Living off the Land, and grow your own coffee. Much better than sitting around for weeks hoping that elusive recipe will show up. Also, check vending machines daily; mark them on your map as well. I've restarted about two dozen times since A19 stable (a me problem, not a game problem), but in my next "stable" world I plan on buying zero ammo components from the traders. Perhaps you could try the same? With that being said however, I rarely craft ammo in A19. I find the vast majority of it in loot. The correct term is Gen Z (or iGen) actually; they're anything but alphas. The way the world is going, it'll collapse from within due to their lack of skill and ambition. The older generations (even some early to mid Millenials) are the last decent generations, prove me wrong. But anyway, when @madmole ran out of 7.62 ammo during some of his A18 horde night videos and had to resort to using a shotgun, I don't know how he did it. I'm not calling him a poor player or anything, but I've tried 90 minute days horde every 4-5 days (BM range is a factor), so it's close enough to 60 minute days, and I always have thousands of ammunition in reserve at the end of every horde night, even when I'm not even crafting or buying any from the traders. Maybe I'm missing something? I've never felt the pressure of running out of ammunition. Perhaps the man of the hour himself could provide some answers?
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